Friday, December 27, 2013

Spoiled Brat

Please click the link and read the following article before proceeding rant.

Oh what a sad, sad society we live in when our so-called children rebel in such a manner when they don't get what they want!

My late old school West Indian Mother and Father taught me to appreciate EVERYTHING I got. Why? Because they were a blessing from God. And even though we considered ourselves to be poor we had a lot more than some.

I found that to be especially true when I took my first mission trip to Haiti. We landed in Porta Prince which is the capital and you saw a mixture of the very wealthy and abject poverty side by side. However when we took a trip up into the mountains (by riding donkeys) we visited families who had NOTHING!

One family in particular only had the dirt hut they lived in and the clothes on their back. They didn't even possess furniture to sit or lay down on. Everything was done on the dirt floor!

Now, imagine giving this family an I-phone. It would be utterly useless to them! They would much rather have food, a few goude (Haitian currency), clothing, cookware, and some furniture. These are simple needs in comparison to our what greedy and overindulgent society wants.

As for the young man in the article, there was a time when if a kid or young adult wanted something really badly they EARNED money for it. They either had a paper route,  shoveled snow, washed dishes, raked leaves, baby sat, etc. When they had earned enough they went out and bought the item.

I've even heard a talk show host mention his first car was a beat up hulk he restored to usefulness.

Sadly today kids have no such compunction. They expect parents to pay for EVERYTHING not realizing that their parents already bought and paid for every crumb they ever ate and every stitch they ever wore, the home they live in, doctor's bills..... I guess that doesn't count when it comes to the latest electronic gizmo.

I have a friend who is a probation officer, and you know what he says about young adults like this? Once he or she had disrespected their parents to that point, they need to be put out of the home. Why? Because they will do it again and again until some gets hurt or killed. He said that because he's witnessed it many times.

I totally agree. If you are big enough to pull a knife on me you are big enough to get out on your own and find your own way. The school of hardknocks has a way of shaping up no-loads like this.

It's too bad courts don't (or can't) do what they used to back in the day. They used to put miscreants like this in the military. When and if they came back they flew straight as an arrow. Perhaps we need to return to that method.

In His Service

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Jessie Who?

Please click and read the following link.

I should've known the racist rats were going to take the cheese. It was just a matter of when they would slink out. I'm particularly focused Black racist rats.

Oh, are you're surprised I'm calling Jessie Jackson a racist? You shouldn't be. In my eyes he does not, and never did champion the cause for racial equality. Ever since Dr. Martin Luther King died ("in his arms" according to Jesse's demented mind - which has been proven to be a blatant lie) Jackson has been diametrically opposed to Dr. Kings cause.

Why? Simply because racism has helped to make a name for Jessie Jackson. It's much more lucrative for him to come to the aid of brain washed Blacks who whine about being profiled and not getting enough freebies from the government. How? By extortion and shakedown.

Simply, it is more profitable to be a professional shakedown artist than to teach people about God,  and to actually be responsible for their own lives.

God, you ask? What does God have to do with this? May I remind you that Jessie Jackson officially calls himself a "Reverend". That's not a title one can take off and lay aside like a cloak. It is a lifetime calling. And since when is it considered standard operating procedure for a Reverend to preach hate?

My example is Jesus Christ himself as he lived on the earth. His ministry was only three years long, but it rocked and impacted multitudanous generations.

Jesus said in Matthew 5:44-48 (New International Version)

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."

This is the message Reverend Jessie Jackson should be preaching. There are enough haters out there, Black people don't need it spewed from a so-called representative of God and from the pulpit.

Not being a judge. But, it appears someone has left his first love and is leading many dumb sheep down the path of destruction. Wake up, people! Wake up!

In His Service

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Duck Dynasty Debacle

Please click and read the following link before reading the following rant.

In my scathing opinion these stupid liberal networks never know when to quit. Clearly Duck Dynasty is a hit on the A&E network but like a mechanic they have continue to tinker with it.

I've read several articals in the past and heard Phil Robertson express at the Christian Music Awards (yes they do have one...) that the executives at asked the Robertson family to not pray so much, not talk about God so much. But if you are documenting a show about these wonderful people who love God, how can you leave  this major ingredient out of their lives?

Phil told them NO he will NOT stop praying and talking about God. So what did the A&E producers do? They cut out some of the prayers and mentions of God...... Understandable The Patriarch and Commander of the Robertson family was angry.

This latest dust up was about the interview Phil had with GQ magazine. Yes this interview was not on the A&E network,  but for a tabloid magazine. Which begs some very important questions. Isn't Phil Robertson an American citizen? Doesn't he have a right to express his Christian belief which is a protected right under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution? 

How is it that the Gay Mafia, the Muslim Hordes,  and the Atheist Brigades can so freely express themselves, but the Christians must either pipe down or shut up? Does the First Amendment apply only to them and not us Christians? May God have mercy on this country if this is so.

Remember the analogy I used at the beginning?  Forever tinking with something until it is broken beyond repair? Well, A&E may have just shot themselves in the foot. If they remove Duck Dynasty from their line up, people will no longer tune in to watch their bedratted network, and ratings will plummet. Where ever Duck Dynasty moves followers will go.

This is what happened with Glenn Beck when he left FOX, and it will happen again with Duck Dynasty.  

In His Service

Monday, December 2, 2013

Obama Turns His Back on Israel

Please refer to the following link before reading my rant.....

Forgive me for not chiming in on this event much sooner.

I found these events very disturbing. Of all our past presidents I've never ever witnessed one blatantly turn his back on Israel like Obama did last week. Israel has been America's faithful alli for years.  Last week in Obama's "Let's Make A Deal" with Iran, he kicked Israel in the butt and tossed her from the train.

This deal not only gave Iran the ability to produce nukes (which I believe they already had hidden behind Curtain Number One), but put a big red target on Israel's back. Effectively leaving Israel alone to defend herself against a multitude of enemies. Which they will do with the help of the Almighty God!

And yes, Israel is a sovereign nation and she does have the right to defend herself! So, POTUS needs to back off when she does. Obama, you caused the mess, let her clean up and take out the trash!

However this Old Testament scripture still stands.

God told Abraham
"I will CURSE those who CURSE you (meaning Israel), and I will BLESS those who BLESS you."

Obama's Muslim, Anti-Christian, Anti-Semetic treatment towards Israel has brought CURSES upon this great nation. I pray God will be merciful to the innocent and those who still love Israel.

By the way, what of Pastor Saeed?  An American Christian Pastor being held in one of Iran's most brutal jails for his faith.
I guess no "Let's Make A Deal" for him....

In His Service

Sharia Alert 1

Please click the link provided and read the following article.

After reading the following article I fail to comprehend two things.

Number one, why did a Catholic university abandon a 128 year tradition of being a "Catholic university" and set up Islamic prayer rooms and foot washing stations?

Number two, how did the Muslim woman spoken to in said article NOT KNOW she was attending a Catholic university?  After all, common sense tells one is you see names like Saint Anthony, Saint Mary, Saint Paul, etc.... Duh! Catholic university! 

You can use the argument that The University of Saint Thomas was forced to do this for health purposes. I know from personal experience what happens if a workplace, school, etc, is NOT Sharia complaint. Observant Muslim workers/customers who are required to wash thier feet before praying five times a day, WILL use bathroom sinks in order to do this. Yes, it is, gross, horribly filthy and unsanitary!  And they call us, pigs.....

The woman interviewed claimed  ignorance because she was a Saudi scholarship program student. She was as usual, totally ignorant of and probably didn't give a hoot about American culture and it's religion(s). In other words, she like hundreds of her compatriots are not only attending The University of Saint Thomas to study, but to claim even more territory in the name of Islam. The Caliphte.

To me the university is as fault for rolling over and giving up and reducing its once lofty standards. I wonder what is next on the horizon The University of Saint Thomas?  Muslim studies perhaps?

For His Glory

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Who Is Barack Obama?

Who is President Obama?

I know the majority of Americans voted him into office based upon his black skin, and his promises to give them a chicken in every pot. But WHO IS HE?

Isn't it amazing that no one knows where he came from? All of his documents have been hidden, sealed, destroyed or never existed. He marches to the tune of a different drummer, despite the iron clad edicts set forth by our Founding Fathers and the United States Constitution. Who is this man no one can raise a hand against, or stop?

I may be taking a giant leap here, but the Bible calls him The Beast or the Anti- Christ! The man of predition who has given power by SATAN to decive MANY with his tongue using, slick talk and shiny television champaigns. He can lie like fifty-five rugs and people will still believe him and follow him to their death if need be!

The Bible says he speak such convincing lies which will seem true EVEN TO BELIEVERS IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AS THEIR PERSONAL SAVIOR!  And will fool even the ELECT had not God shortened the days!

I pray that ALL believers will heed this message and do not fall into that trap. Stop looking at the man and the color of his skin! That is only an outward shell that carries the essence of the real man within. The part Jesus Christ died on the cross to save from eternal hell and damnation!  The part of the Christian Jesus Christ will return to rapture (seize out) very soon.

Non-belivers have scoffed and mocked saying "Jesus said he was coming years ago and has not yet come......." But, all signs point to His soon return (read Mathew 24 - the entire chapter)! All of the prophesies have been fulfilled, and the world waits to see what tiny Israel will do.

Yes Israel, the very one POTUS has blatently turned his back on and placed in a predicament where she MUST defend herself! Israel is God's time piece and His wife! Just because she is blind and has gone astray does not mean God has given her a bill of divorce....

If Israel goes to war against any of her Arab/Muslim neighbors, time is up.

The Bible admonishes believers to be OCCUPIED and PRAY for you KNOW NOT WHEN your house holder/ master (Jesus Christ) will return!  Blessed is he whom "I" find WATCHFUL when "I" return.

May we be found worthy.....

In His Service

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Black Group Think

My late pastor used to say that God made Black people to be a very emotional people. He backed that statement up by using "The Ten Commandments" movie as an example.

When all of the various nations came to present themselves to Pharaoh they came in quietly. However when the Africans entered they came forth with drumming, dance, and loud colors.... 

Hey, that's us...

Emotions and passions are wonderful when used constructively and creatively. Unfortunately emotions and passions incapable of making proper desicions or reasoning. Therefore, they can be whipped up and used for bad things. Like flash mobs, wilding, riots. No one THINKS until people are dead, property is destroyed, or both.

I guarantee that many of you don't know about this nasty bit of business Al Sharpton whipped up. It was quietly swept under the rug...

I often marvel at how people like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Screwy Louie Farrakhan,  and the Grand Pooh Bah of them all, Barrak Obama manage to pull the wool over so many of Black peoples eyes. I've come to the conclusion that:

1. A great many of my people enjoy being victims. They love to cry police brutality or racism, that they have no food, no clothes, no money, etc.These folks spend their entire lives in pampers screaming for pablum filled bottles like spolied petulant brats.

2.  We are always looking for a Black man to be our deliverer and or leader. Instead of looking to The Almighty God to provide our daily bread, and needs,  we look to corrupt and sinful men and the government WHO LACK MORAL TURPITUDE in His place.

As a side note, I have nothing against Black leaders, per se.  But why not chose  Allen West,  Herman Cain, Doctor Ben Carson, Mia Love, etc?  Why must we always choose brigands, highwaymen and thugs? 

Oh, gasp!  I completely forgot Black men and women who aspouse Conservative, Christian, moral, and Patriotic values are considered TRAITORS to the Black race! With the majority of my people stuck in this hive mind mentality it is no wonder the train is ready to jump the tracks.....

3.  We like to be lied to and promised free things. Ever since slavery was abolished the freed slaves were promised fifty acres and a mule as compensation for damages done to them. Would you believe a certain segment of my race are still looking for these REPARATIONS? 

Back then former slaves wanted this because they were hard working people. They'd planned to plow, seed, farm the land to support themselves and their families. Now my generation looks to the goverment for freebies and handouts because as they say "Da gov'ment owes it ta me...." In reality they are too lazy to get off their butts to work...

Let's get somthing straight, this countru owes you NOTHING!  You are (hopefully) a citizen a free counrty where you can work hard to get what you want or make what you want to of yourself. Unfortunately because of successive generations of layabouts, trough sucking has become the norm. Ever consider that the public teat might run dry?

That's why we study history. So we won't make the same mistake twice. Some of my people really need to quit following the herd and get educated.

Take Greece for example. Two years ago they suffered total economic collapse. Why? For the same reasons our great country is teetering on the precipice.  Too many teat suckers and not enough teats. The result was millons tossed off welfare. Riots in the streets. People fighting over a piece of bread and a bowl of soup at soup kitchens. Folks fighting over garbage from the dumpsters Utter and complete chaos. They had to call out their equivalent of the national guard to quell the violence. .....

I guess some people want that to happen here. When it does I guarantee you will rue the day....  I repeat, YOU WILL RUE THE DAY.


Monday, October 28, 2013

Shopping While Black

I'm sorry folks but y'all really have your homework cut out for you. Before I proceed with my usual scathing opinion I would like you to click on the following links and read these two New York Daily News Articles.

I should've entitled this post "The Masses Are Jackasses".  Why? Because this whole issue about Black shoppers being profiled to me is a none issue. I shake my head when I see how easily my people are whipped up and sucked into things like this.

I warned y'all last week this issue was going to take off a Scud Missile. Well, it did and with the help of none other than....... wait for it .... Al Sharpton ..... and ...... drum roll please. ... The National Action Network, Al Shapton's so called "activist" aka shake down and extortionist group.

Isn't it amazing that last week there was only one victim of racist profiling while shopping.  Now there are four. Instead of one store, its now two. Macys has joined the hit list along with Barneys. Lord knows how many high end stores will join this list by months end. Forget about the hordes of pretend victims.

And what will Al Sharpton and his so called "activist group" call for next? A boycott? A strike? A march and or picket line against these stores? With the Christmas shopping season right around the corner, this could become very nasty indeed.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I seriously question the timing of this. After all, look who is residing at 1600 Pensilvannia Avenue.......and Sharpton happens to be one his best supporters and best buds...

It looks like the Quasi King ordered his Minion to whip up the unwashed, to me..........

I remain

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Expensive Bag Caper

Remember earlier this year there was this whole big stink about Oprah and an expensive bag?

Apparently she went shopping in Sweden and took a liking to a very expensive bag and wanted to buy it. But the Swedish saleswoman looked at Oprah (and quite possibly didn't recognize her), assumed she was looking at an average, ordinary Black woman,  who for all intents and purposes might be trying to steal said item.....

Well, above mentioned saleswoman told Oprah that she couldn't afford the bag,  and probably put it back on the shelf or rack.

Instead of Oprah quietly identifying herself and buying said item (and none  would've been the wiser), she chose to blow the whole thing out of proportion and call the encounter "racist". Of course the news media took up her cry and ran with it for weeks. What was clearly a case of mistaken identity turned into a monster.

Just when I thought I've cleansed my mind of that unfortunate episode.  Here comes another!

Believe it or not this is masthead of the New York Daily News! 

With our economy and government in tatters with Obamacare looming to deal this nation the death blow, this is front page news?  I seriously question the timing of this release. After all this supposed incident happened back in February! So, why are we hearing about it NOW?

In my personal and scathing opinion, it is to further fan the flames of racial hatred and to further separate American citizens! All this when it is crucial that we ALL  work together to achieve a common goal! Whether Black, White, Asian, Indian, etc must work together to restore our freedoms and country. Period.

This is merely a warning to watch how the Obama "boot kissing" media is going to trump this story up. Count on numerous apearences from Jessie JERKson (Jackson) and Al "Not So Sharp" Sharton as professional race baitors to throw gasoline on the fire. While the majority of the LOW information and NO information bleat and stampeed like heedless sheep, the pResident will be signing executive orders to strip us of more of our rights.

It's a simple concept really. All con artists know this as the "Bait And Switch". The Bible calls it: "Not letting your right hand know what your left hand is doing." And if anything the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is an expert at doing this.

We The People need to WAKE UP and stop being fooled by his tactics. Above all, watch and pray......


Update: as of 10/24/2013 at 3:07pm Al Sharton's National Action Network is bringing suit against the store on the behalf of two Bkack female complainants who claimed they were unjustly racially profiled.  Here we go again.....

SNAP For Sale

Please click the following link and read the article contained within. Its guaranteed to cheese you off. I promise.

You poor foolish hard working taxpayer. You thought the taxes which were confiscated from your weekly, biweekly or, monthly paycheck were being out to good use. After all the United States government wouldn't dear waste your hard earned money.....  Oh yeah? Look at Amtrack. Look at the United States Post Office.

Just as we thought it was safe to dive deeply into the waters of government trust, facts like this pop up like this.

I mean, what could be more legit than families who are hungry and have hungry kids?  Enter the  US Government and the level of corruption is simply astounding. The average taxpayer is left to feel like scat and used worse than a rented mule.  Why? Because the multi billion dollar SNAP is not being used to provide food for the hungry as orginally planned. Period.

We all know that while the hard working citizens work or sleep, the skells are busy plotting and scheming.  How to get over. How to work the system, so they can take advantage and get as much free stuff as they can without getting caught. Granted a few get caught here and there. But most know the government is so big and so lax there are just too many vermin to catch at one time.

Thus, you have folks selling their benifit cards in Craigslist.  Why? Let's put it this way, if they were truly hungry they would be out buying food. The mere fact that they are selling the cards means they want cash. For what you might ask. To buy anything BUT food. Perhaps contraband substances (prescription and illicit drugs), alcoholic beverages, expensive clothing, electronics, gambling money, sneakers, bling, etc.

You see, SNAP is earmarked only for food, so you can't use it to buy a wide screen television.  You have to get someone to buy the card from you for its cash value. Then you take the money and buy the wide screen tv, the I-phone, or marijuna.....

I'm not saying everyone does this, as there are truly people on these programs who honestly need them. I don't mind paying my hard earned taxes for them. I just wish there was a way to cull all of the scammers from these programs. Then there would be more for those who are truly in need.

But we all know that will never happen.  However we can strike back at the middle man. Craigslist has been implicated numerous times in the past for shady activities.  Everything from prostitution,  selling drugs and several murders (due to people meeting through ads placed on their "personal" forums). This latest outrage should be brought to their attention and reported to the SNAP program. I don't think they'd want the likes of the IRS sniffing around them right now.......

An indirect attack is better than none at all....


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Straw That Breaks America's Back

We are nearly six years into President Obama's regime, yes, I said regime, and I still say nothing good will come of this.

The man who told us he would "Fundamentally transform America..." has done so. We are no longer United States. We have been forced into states of confusion, panic and racial tension.

We used to be a nation which prided itself in hard work, ingenuity,  creativity, and capitalism.  These were the underpinnings of the American way. God, country and family. Now we have no God (because He has been legislated out of  schools, workplaces and the government), no country (because it has been over run with illegal aliens who couldn't give a rats patoot about the USA and anti American teachings in public schools) and no family (due to the propagation of free sex without responsibility, abortion and homosexuality).

Our so called Commander In Chief who pledged to be the protector of the United States Constitution espouses and has activelly promoted and legislated these things right from his office at 1600 Pensilvannia Avenue aka The White House.

The worse of the worse is Obama care. Not only will healthcare not be free but it will become much more difficult to obtain. Why? Because the government will control and will approve who will literally live or die.

Even worse is the fact that Obamacare has not even been implimented yet and we are feeling the affects of the storm.  Typically before a hurricane the wind dramatically picks up, the sky becomes dark, the tide goes up and the waves crash against the shore. 

Behold the ripple affects of The Affordable Care Act are tremendous job loss. Companies firing employees and cutting employee hours to comply with Obamacare standards. Insurance companies dumping people by the millions to fend for themselves, and doctors quitting in droves.....

Though the above situations I described are horrible, the worst one is yet to come.

Which brings me to the story of Joseph in the bible. I will not rehash the entire story but he wound up being Pharaoh's right hand man. Just in time to save the nation of Egypt from a terrible seven year famine. In years of plenty he filled Egypt's store houses with grain to sell during years of famine.

When the famine came people bought grain until they ran out of money.  The people then willing used their livestock in exchange for food.  When they ran out if livestock they sold their houses and land. When they'd sold all they had they SOLD THEMSELVES to get grain for food.

This biblical story is a picture of Gods hand working to first put the nation of Israel into Egyptian slavery, then send a man named Moses to be their deliverer.

However in Obama's case this is more insidious.  He is litterally forcing this once great nation into third world status. With skyrocketing debt, standstill economic development, astronomical unemployment, and now Obamacare. A program which will FORCE every American citizen into the cattle chute of poverty and abject dependence upon government.

Once that happens, guess what? You are no longer the individual God has created and meant you to be. You have become a member of The Collective, a minion, a tool, and a slave. Right where this current pResident wants us.

This may be the straw that finally breaks America's back. If so, welkome to Amerika, Comrades.....


Thursday, October 17, 2013

One Nation Under ______

Please click on the following link before reading my rant.

Note they thought this lady was crazy and if course they trussed her up with cuffs and dragged her out posthaste. And instead of being taken to jail she was hauled off to be evaluated by a shrink. Ergo they think she's nuts.

But is she really? Consider some of the things she said. Like "We are no longer a nation under God."  I see nothing wrong with that statement because as a nation WE ARE NOT.

As a nation we've allowed our government to legislate God out of our schools, homes, workplaces, the judicial system, the government,  the military and some churches. Notice, I said SOME churches...  According to the Bible, God will always have a remnant.  After all, Jesus only had 12. 

With God sanitized out of practically every area of our society, how can we honestly say we are still a nation under God?

The second statement she made was: "Man cannot serve two masters. You cannot serve both God and mammon (money)."  

This is Matthew 6:24 on which Jesus himself said:  "No man can serve two masters: for he hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."

While the first statement was directed at our nation, the second statement was clearly directed at our elected officials who were all present and accounted for at thst time. We the citizens of the United States of America used our sovereign constitutional right to elect them. They in turn were to represent our interests and values as Senators or Congress men or women.

However, upon arriving they did the very opposite.  They ignored the voters and bowed to the establishment.  The big companies, banks, and lobbyists who have substantial financial stakes in what government decides. No doubt many get kickbacks and insider trading deals to throw us "the great unwashed" to the wolves. 

What it all boils down to is vast and rampant corruption. To the point where there are people in the background who have a personal stake in us losing our freedom and completely destroying our nation. And because we as a nation have put God out, the way you put the cat out for the night, GOD IS ALLOWING THIS TO HAPPEN.

God will not allow a nation to prosper who does not worship Him. Why? Because they will worship the prosperity, not  GOD, The One who blessed us with it.

No. That lady was not crazy at all. She may have issued a prophetic warning to those in that room. Sadly, just like in the bible people always thought the prophets were nuts..... until it was too late.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Indoctrination Central

Please click the following link and read the attached article before reading the following rant......

Those of you who know me (and not) I am a staunch Bible believing, Jesus loving, patriotic Black woman. You also may already know of my personal disatisfaction and disgust with the current so called American Public School System.

This derision did not come to fruition during my adult years, but when I was growing up. I went to school during the cusp if what was then called an educational revolution. As a child I really enjoyed when we had prayers in class, sang hymns in assembly, and saw religious films when Christmas and Easter rolled around.

However, in the early 1960s everything changed. We could no longer have religious activities in school. We had to go outside if we wanted to that. Back then parents had the option to sign up for and send their children to "Religious Instruction". That meant every Wednesday children left school in the afternoon and went to church where they were under the tutelage of nuns or laypeople for all things Godly. My parents immediately signed me up, for which I am eternally grateful.

What I didn't know back then was removing prayer (and all religious activity) from school was the result of one athiest woman by the name of Madeline O'Hara. She was offended by the prayer that her son was saying in school every day, and sued the school to have it stopped.

The case went to the Supreme Court under the title Separation of Church and State (which by the way are NOT written in the United States Constitution but in the Federalist Papers). The Supreme Court ruled in her favor and in my scathing opinion, the resulting public school decline started.

After all, since prayer, bible reading, religious teaching was removed from school they needed something to replace it with. So conveniently here came sex education, multicultural studies, political correctness doctrines, radical environmentalist pap, collectivism, and communist teachings.

Effectively discouraging our vulnerable young generation from becoming God loving, hard working, and responsible American citizens, and turning them into what we see today. A bunch of amoral freeloaders, haters of our country, haters of good and lovers of evil.

The eventual goal is what you have read in the article listed above.

Why would a public school want to know the answers to those questions? Because these are baby steps towards Communism and a full blown Dictatorship. Hitler did the same thing during his regin. He used the children to RAT OUT THEIR PARENTS!   Parents who did not toe the party line were taken out! 

The parents mentioned in aforementioned article have every right to be fearful. Likewise every parent who has children in public school aka Public Indoctrination Centers should be on alert for questions like this and teach your kids not to answer them! Why? Because the Common Core program which is approved and distibuted by the GOVERNMENT, is keeping a GOVERMENT data base of  your child's supposedly innocent answers! It be a matter of time when the government will round people up accordingly......

My ultimate solution is to remove your children from public schools. Either homeschool them or place them in a private school which DOES NOT use the Common Core curriculum.

As Patriotic Americans we have a charge. We know what happened in Hitler's time, compare it with now, and spread the warning.

As the Bible says: "...Red sky at dawn, storm today.... "  I declare the sky is deep red, and the storm IS COMING!


Thursday, October 10, 2013

They Should've Known

Please read the following link:

Back in the day, when I was in grade school there was a thing bullies used to do to the boys. They would run up to a boy they didn't like, and yank his pants down to around his ankles. Usually this sent said victim running, screaming and crying from the room in complete and utter embarrassment.

This is exactly what Obama did to John Boehner and the Republicans yesterday. What I described above was a childrens prank back then, but BHO meant this to be a statement of humiliation to the GOP. He literally told them "£#$& you!  Get &€£¥ out my office and stay out untill you are ready to give me what I want!"

They should've known that Obama was not going to accept the deal. No matter what the Republicans bring to the negotiation table he has no intention of making a deal with them or anyone for that matter.

As I see it BHO just blatantly told the Republicans that he doesn't need them to make his final decisions. He and only he will do what he please, and to hell with the United States Constitution,  the Supreme Court, Congress, the Senate, and lastly The United States Citizens. 

You see, BHO intends to cause total and complete financial collapse of the United States of America. Whether the debt ceiling is raised or not, the eventual result is still the same. America goes "toes up". We can either die quickly or die slow, but we are still gonna die, as long BHO still holds power.  And he has no intention of going anywhere no time soon.

Once total financial collapse occurres, society will decend into chaos. Riots, and rampant crime will abound (remember Greece?). Thus giving Obama just cause to declare Martial Law, call out the National Guard (foreign troops and the various Three Letter Agencies who have been stockpiling weapons, ammo and tanks) to quell widespread national unrest. Then Obama will declare himself the ultimate ruler aka DICTATOR of Amerika. That my fellow patriots will be the end of the country and freedom we all know and love.

My advise to you my Brothers and Sisters, is to get your spiritual house in order, and prepare to meet our One and True Lord as He returns for His Bride.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son that whosoever believes on Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

Obama's True Colors

I almost want to pity those who voted Obama into office.

Back in the day, before people voted they did their research on prospective candidates. They did comparisons and the candidates which fit the criterion of their religious, moral and political beliefs they stood behind and voted for them.

However, this was before the influx of technology and billion dollar campaigns and massive voter fraud. This is also before the massive dumbing down of America's GenX and sucessive generations.

It started with removing God from the public schools, the workplace, government and the home. After God was removed He was replaced with political correctness, multiculturalisam and revisionist history. Children were no longer taught rhetoric, how to think for themselves and make their own decisions. They were now being force fed Godless, communist,  revisionist pap.

So our children are longer taught to love our Creator, our Country and none of the values our forefathers valued. No longer do they want to work hard to make a living or start a business. The American Dream has become how to get on and stay on The Government Dole.

Because of the predominant group think of Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, along comes a candidate who promises to Give to all the Gimmies.  The fooled, the misinformed, and the down right ignorant,  wanted the freebies, they voted and they got.

While they were rejoicing the fact that they'd voted in the nation's First Black President, HE had a very different plan for them. He planned to use government freebies as crumbs to draw them into his cleaverly devised trap. Whereas the low information crowd thought he had their back. After all, Obama is a Black man so he's going to look out for his peeps, right.....

After nearly five years of this administration I personally don't see hie Obama's blackness is working for any of his so-called peeps. Unemployment amoung blacks has skyrocketed since he's been in office.  Especially amongst young adults. Crime has skyrocketed among the black and minority youth. More blacks are living in poverty then ever. And thanks to Obama's bumbling intervention during the Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case, race relations is been knocked back nearly into the 1950s.

Please tell me again how Obama is for black people.

In my personal and scathing opinion when I look at BHO I don't see a Black man. I see a power mad bully, a Communist, and a potential Dictator. 

What, you don't think a Black man can be a dictator?  Put down that liberal pap and read Haitian history. It wasn't white men who did that to that beautiful island.....

I Rest My Case
Lady Noir

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Who is The First Love in The Black Churches

Please click on read the following link first.

I am ashamed of the Black Churches. According to the Bible THE CHURCH recieved the charge of going into the hedges, highways, byways, and all the world, and tell the unsaved the gosple of Jesus Christ and Him crucified.  They have also been given the charge of preaching the gosple in season and out of season. For the word of God is good for instruction and reproof for the perfection of the saints. This charge was given to ALL CHURCHES, period!

What does this mean? It means the church's mission on the earth is to first preach the gosple of salvation to the unsaved.  As my late pastor used to say: "Catch the fish." The second mission of the church is teaching and preaching to the saints.  As my late pastor would say, again: "Clean the fish." Why? Because Christians must be TAUGHT how to be Christians. No one is automatically a Christian. One must be BORN AGAIN and like all babies, the new born Christian must be taught how to walk, talk, eat, etc.

The old nature that man was born into the world with is deeply flawed. The Bible says, man is born in sin and shaped in iniquity. As long as Christians are on this earth that old sin nature WILL war against the Spirit of God.

That's called Spiritual Warfare and just like earthly soliders are taught the tactics of the enemy and how to defeat him, Christians must be taught about the Wicked One and how to defeat him, his supernatural host, and earthly minions.

Why do I say all of this? If this is the only reason the church is on the earth, then why in heavens name is the Black church agreeing and advocating the Trayonists? By the term "Trayvonists" I mean those who claim they want justice for Trayvon Martin, didn't agree with George Zimmerman's aquital for shooting the aforementioned that fated night. And unfortunately made it a race issue. A white man needlessly shooting and killing another male Black teen.

They never or refused to take onto consideration the fact that Trayvon punched Zimmerman in the nose, knocking him to the ground, then pounced on, straddled him and commenced to pound George's head against the pavement. George Zimmerman thought his life was in danger amd shot Trayvon in self defense. Period. I'm pretty sure that if a white teen was pounding George's head on the pavement in the same manner Zimmerman would've shot him just the same.

Yet the Black community and the Black churches called Zimmerman's actions racist. If anything the churches should've have the barrier against the tide of insanity instead of throwing gasoline on and fanning the flames. They should've thrown water on the flames with the Word of God and the conviction of the Holy Spirit would've snuffed it out.

How did the Black church fan the flames? By pastors allowing the likes of Al Sharpton and or Jessie Jackson to speak from their pulpits to foment and stir the embers of hate. Or, speaking it from the pulpits themselves.

The pulpit is an extremely sacred area, given to the pastor to preach and teach the word of God. Its not to be used lightly or handed over to just anyone blab foolishness and garbage to God's flock. Yes, the congregation are God's sheep and He called the pastor to be the Under Shepard for His sheep. Why? Because He needs an Earthly vessel to shepard His flock on this mortal plane. This is a high, lofty, and tremendous responsibility, and charge and, I repeat, not to be taken lightly. Why? Because every single pastor WILL give an account to God for every single sheep (member of the congregation) God has given him to shepherd or pastor. 

That's why I was shocked and disappointed to see that Black pastors nation wide had delared July 21, 2013 to be "Hoodie Sunday". They had taken to their pulpits wearing "Hoodies" which identified with Trayvon and spoke nothing to do with that great God given commision and charge.

Is it any wonder Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple? Because they had turned his house into a den of thieves! That was not God's purpose for the temple being on Earth. The presence of the money changers were violating God's sacred territory, making it impure and unfit for His use. After all, look what the heathens were doing in their so-called temples back on that time.... No wonder Jesus made a wip and flogged them outta there!

I say the same needs to be done with the Black Churches. Y'all want to foment, speak unrest, civil disobedience and communist politics? It should NOT be done in the churches nor from the pulpit! You have commumity centers, schools, and rental halls to do this in. Let the interior of the church and the pulpit remain sacred so that people who are in desparate need of refuge will have a sacred and clean place to flee, and a safe haven from the storms of life.

I will never be a judge of the men and women God has elected to pastor His Black flocks. But, He does warn, "Woe unto him who scatters my flock". In my biblical opinion, the Black churches seriously need to return to their First Love, Jesus Christ.

In His Service....

Black American Eagle

Monday, July 15, 2013

Justice For Trayvon - Divided We Fall

I've been silent too long on this issue. I'm speaking up now because as a Black American Woman, I am thoroughly sick to death of how this so-called case was handled.

First of all, this so-called case should've never went to court. The police chief was correct in not arresting George Zimmerman. He was in fear for his life and he used his weapon to kill his attacker, Trayvon Martin. Heedless of the fact that Trayvon was labled a child he possessed enough strength to punch Zimmerman in the nose, knocking him to tbe ground, straddle and pound the back of his head on the pavement until he nearly passed out. What man our woman in their right mind would not fight back if they had the means to do do?

As mentioned previously this case never should've made it to court. At the most it should've went to grand jury for indictments.  That's where 30 jurors decide whether or not a case possesses enough evidence to go to trial. In New York City the Zimmerman case would've been tossed out in... dare I say it?  A New York Minute!

However, our President got involved by saying "If I had a son, he'd be like Trayvon Martin." Oh really, Mister President? You'd want a hoodie wearing, dope smoking, gun toting, thug for a son?  There are plenty of them running the city streets of Chicago, pick one and adopt one. I dear you.

One of my personal mottos is: "If you love it so much, take it home with you." But, I guess there are already enough thugs in the White House....

I digress......

From here on it was lies, lies, and more lies. The slight of hand, shady deals, and the political fan dancing abounded.  The media (the house organ of Sith Lord Obama) depicted George Zimmerman as racist white hunter with a gun with nothing better to than to track down and kill Trayvon Martin, the poor little innocent lambie pie boo.

Here's where I must confess that I am personally ashamed of my race. Why? Because as a whole they believed the blatant lies the media shoveled out. Adding insult to injury here came the professional race baiters and shake down artists Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, The NAACP, and the New Black Panther Party.

Anyone who has half a brain, intelligence, and not part of the hive mind mentality, knows these individuals and groups have sorted pasts and blood on their hands. So why have they become so credible now?

I tell you why, because my people want to believe the lies! They want to be prejudiced, angry and ultimately, destroy, riot, loot and sack like the radical Jihadists over in the Middle East. Don't belive me? Look at some of the photos from some of the so-called peaceful "Justice For Trayvon" demonstrations. The ones where the participants were burning the American flag, and some have their faces covered with scarfs and hoods like...... Mursi supporters, and the Taliban.

Instead of Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton calling for the Department of Justice to investgate an innocent and aquitted man, how about addressing the Black youth? How about teaching the young men and women NOT to be thugs? Teach them to respect themselves, each other, their parents and authority. Teach them how to dress properly so the cops won't have "probable cause" to stop, question and frisk them. Teach them to carry identification and answer the police politely, follow their instructions and not give the cops lip, attitude, fight them, or flee.

Alas, this would be take too much work. Its much easier to stir up hate and foment. There is no money and fame in peace.

Allow me to interject a personal experience. Many years ago I went out to Indiana to visit a penpal. While there my friend along with some other young ladies decided to go to this one ladies house to hang out. However when we arrived, her father met us at the door and told me. "I don't allow niggers in my house." Yes, he said the "N" word because there was no such thing as political correctness back then.

Previously I'd never traveled outside of New York City and therefore had never been subjected to such blatant prejudice.  What did I do? I turned around and left. After all, that was his home and he thus had the right to allow who he wanted to into it. My friends and I simply found somewhere else to hang out. 

When he uttered those words I had a choice, to curse him out and or attempt to bully my way into his home, threaten to kill him and his family or burn his house down. However my parents taught me to respect others and their boundary lines. That's why I turned away and left. It's all about the upbringing and who you have as role models.

Unfortunately within the Black community there is a deeply rooted culture of thuggishness. Young men and women look up to rappers, gangbangers, thugs, dope dealers and criminals. When a kid minds his or her business, goes to school, graduates and moves out of the "hood" they are considered a "cornball niggger" aka a traitor to the race.

If a guy doesn't have at least ten baby mamas, and not slapping half of the bitches up, hasn't been to jail at least three times, he's not a man. If a woman doesn't have at least three baby daddies for her five kids and is a Welfare Queen on EBT, WIC, Section 8, etc. Well, she is just weird. These people are often called Oreos. Though Black outside they are White or have White ways inside.

Sadly nearly 95% of those in jail are not only Black but recidivists. So is it any wonder other races and law enforcement are suspicous of our children? Parents are not raising responsible American citizens,  they are raising leeches and monsters! I say we (the Black race) still have a heck of a lot of work to do, and it is NOT perpetuating the racial divide.

I rest my case......

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Christian Protection

God's Gift of Intuition: Expert Cites 7 Ways Our 'Sixth Sense' Can Help Detect and Deter Danger

Christian safety expert available for interviews and byline editorials on practical ways to intuitively manage your 'Threatscape'
CHARLOTTE, N.C., June 27, 2013 /Christian Newswire/

-- With modern society rife with personal security issues seemingly at every turn, it's imperative to gain a strategic advantage at every opportunity. This according to Christian safety and security authority Phrantceena Halres, founder and CEO of Total Protection Services, who is available for interviews and editorials on all security and safety topics, including the following that is available for reprint (with art):

God's Gift of Intuition:
7 Ways to Develop Your 'Sixth Sense' to Detect and Deter Danger

By Phrantceena Halres

"Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober." -- I Thessalonians 5:6

God has blessed all of us with innate intuition, with the ability to sense when something is amiss and possibly dangerous. In Mark, 5:27-5:32, is recounted a story of Jesus when he was walking in a crowd. Although he was in a throng of people, something felt amiss when a single person brushed up against his clothes. He asked his disciples "who touched my clothes?" and they replied "You see the crowd pressing around you and yet you ask 'who touched me?'" But Jesus followed his instincts to find and confront the woman. As Christians, we ought not to be afraid of using our intuition in the same manner that Jesus did. It's not just a hunch, it's a real gift that God has given us his children and to not use it is to squander it.

An estimated 1 out of 5 Americans are victims of crime, which occur in our homes, communities, school campuses and churches. Proverbs 21:31 reads "The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD." That is taken to mean that there are two layers of personal security: Preparedness and safety. It is your responsibility to be prepared but true safety can come only from God. The Lord has given us a "sixth sense," the ability to instinctively perceive possible threats or danger. It's been said that humans are the only living beings who sense danger and walk right into it, such as politely entering an elevator with a person who triggered your fear instinct for some reason. While everyone has a sixth sense, it's like an underdeveloped muscle that needs to be exercised from time to time in order to maximize its ability to keep you safe. One of the best ways to cultivate this sixth sense ability is to become safety and security minded in a more concerted, proactive way. This includes a constant analysis of your "threatscape" -- the sum of every potential threat in your various environments. This means assessing anything and everything in your day to day experiences that could pose a threat. Is the line of bushes at the back of the parking lot a potential hiding place for criminals? Is the overly-kind gentleman offering to carry your groceries overly persistent and too close within your personal space? Perceiving your threatscape involves relying on your instincts for protection. Much like Spiderman's famed "spidey sense," it is an innate perception of prospective danger that is a very real and effective way to keep yourself safe in any circumstance.

Now is the time to become joyful! Once developed, your sixth sense will be a new-found freedom, allowing you to never show fear in a dangerous situation. Start cultivating your sixth sense today by following these tips:

Utilize mobile safety technology: Program an in-case-of-emergency (ICE) number into your phone and consider using a tracking app with your closest friend or loved one. A number of apps, such as Real Time GPS Tracker and GPS Tracking Pro allow your loved ones to always know where you are. Of course, you can enable and disable the tracking capability based on your preferences, but it's handy in certain situations like when you are traveling about with a new friend no one else knows. Go one step further and take a photograph of the license plate with your smart phone and text it to a friend, family member, or even yourself so there's a traceable record.

Don't become distracted or "zone out": First Thessalonians 5:6 says "Let us not sleep, as do others but let us watch and be sober." God has instructed his children to always be watchful and mindful of danger, to be "sober" both in the modern sense of the word (not under the influence of drugs and alcohol) and also in the more ancient sense of being "alert." Today, modern technology can distract and "intoxicate" us far more than alcohol. Someone walking down the street after a few glasses of wine still has their senses about them but someone walking around texting or listening to their iPod on full volume is totally off in their own world. Such behaviors undermine our ability to stay alert and greatly increase your risk.

Make basic home security improvements: Purchasing even a few basic, inexpensive security devices for your home or apartment can go a long way. A door stop (under $6) will prevent your door from being opened from the outside, and window and screen-door locks (under $1 each) will stop your panels from being jimmied or disassembled. If you are renting and/or don't wish to invest in a house alarm, consider buying a personal, portable alarm for under $25 that will go off when you press it, potentially frightening an intruder. More expensive models with motions sensors are also available.

Project confidence and social connections when interacting with strangers: Criminals primarily prey on people that are meek, have limited social connections, and generally won't make a fuss. By presenting yourself as someone who won't be an easy target, you'll ensure a criminal passes you over in search of an easier victim. Looking strangers directly in the eye, telling people that you have a lot of friends or family in the area, and even hanging photos with friends and family in the house are all things that will decrease your chances of being a victim.

Be unpredictable: In the Book of Judges there is the story of Gideon, who led the Israelites against the Midianites: Gideon fielded a large army of 10,000 men near the Midianite encampment. God spoke to Gideon and had him ask all of his men to drink from the river. Predictably, 9,700 men all got on their knees and stuck their head in the river to lap the water. Only 300 men did something different and used their hands as a ladle to drink the water. Most of the men were totally oblivious of their surroundings as they were drinking and God asked Gideon to send them home. God then instructed Gideon to keep the more discerning and unpredictable men to be used in the battle. Just like the Midianites, modern criminals often "case" or scope out their enemies prior to striking. Routines such as leaving and returning home at the exact same time each day, jogging at the same time, or regularly leaving your back window open while you cook dinner all amount to essentially "having your head in the water." Consider mixing things up so that your routines can't be predicted and used against you.

Don't assume things are as they seem: Criminals often rely on deception to catch you unaware. Posing as a deliveryman, contractor, or an unassuming person needing directions or help are all common techniques to get into your personal space. This deception is most likely to take place next to some kind of cover, which commonly includes bushes, trees or vegetation, a car (either the victim's or the perpetrator's) or a house or other unoccupied dwelling. If you are approached under any kind of pretext next to cover, your sixth sense should be activated immediately. Especially if you are in a dark area or if there aren't many people around. If you never assume things are as they seem, then it will cause your enemies to rise and stand out like a sore thumb. Fear will no longer have crippling power over your mind.

Never tell strangers or acquaintances more than they need to know: Telling the neighbors you are on vacation, your classmates the time you come home after work every day, or letting someone you've been dating only a short while know where you live are all common precursors to being a victim of crime. Your policy should always be trust but verify. Only tell people what they need to know. No more, no less.

Ecclesiastes says 9:10 says "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead there is neither working or planning nor knowledge nor wisdom."
Can we teach people to make the transition from potential victim to a criminal's worst nightmare? The answer is a resounding "yes." We must. National security begins with you! Each of us play a role in making our community and country safer from threats and criminal activity. For the conceivable future, America will remain a country plagued by crime. Once put into practice, these 7 simple tips will greatly improve your personal safety and help hone your instincts. Soon, your sixth sense will automatically engage in the presence of danger, and identifying and responding to threats will become second nature to you. Thank you, and God Bless.

About the Expert
As founder, chairman and CEO of Total Protection Services Global, Phrantceena Halres leads the nation's only certified security services company focused exclusively on high threat/close proximity safety and security services for the protection of critical infrastructure assets in the corporate, government, nuclear, energy and personal protection sectors. Through her philanthropic, community, corporate, speaking and media efforts, Halres is a lauded security and safety advocate who tirelessly works to enlighten the public on the many ways security improves our lives. She may be reached online at

Contact: Merilee Kern, 858-577-0206,

Hat Tip: Christian Newswire

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Days of Imfamy

Never in all my life have I ever thought it would come to this. We the citizens of the United States being blatantly spied upon by our own government!

It's bad enough that our government which has been occupied and taken over by The Cigarette Smoking Man aka President Obama, and his cronies. Now he is boldly and blatantly using the Three Letter Agencies (IRS, DOJ, EPA, DHS, etc) to spy on, harass

Mind you I'm not talking terrorists here. I'm talking about hard working red blooded Americans who love God, their country, the US Constitution, and yes, their guns.

The original Homeland Security Bill or Act which was signed by then President Bush (in 2002) and was intended to protect Americans from and against further 9/11 type terrorist attacks, and those who perpetrated them. In other words, to monitor the internet traffic of suspected American based terrorist cells or lone wolves who communicated with their home bases in Lybia, Syria, Afghanistan, etc.

This also included Imams who took their messages of hate, destruction and terror to Facebook, You Tube, etc. For example, Osama Bin Ladden was infamous for releasing "cave videos" untill he was finally dispatched to his final resting place by one of our Seal Teams.

The Homeland Secuirty Act was also supposed to monitor and stop and confiscate transfers of monatary donations sent from the United States by groups/individuals sympathetic to terrorists overseas. 

In short The Homeland Secuity Bill or Acts was enacted  to:

A.  To prevent terrorist attacks within the United States
B.  To reduce the vulnerability of the United States to terrorism,  and
C.  To minimize the damage, and assist in the recovery, from terrorist attacks that occur within the United States.


It's as plain as the nose on my face that The Cigarette Smoking Man has taken this act, distorted it, and is using it AGAINST American citizens instead of PROTECTING them. And a particular type of American citizen. The ones who oppose and disagree with Obama..........

For example, say the Homeland Secuity Bill is a 9mm hand gun. And instead of it being used to protect the owner from criminal acts, the perpetrator has wrested it from the owner's hands and put to the owner's head. Not a pretty picture but you catch my drift.

So in this communist, marxist regime that the Cigarette Smoking Man and his cronies has instituted, the patriotic,  God fearing citizens have become the enemies of the state, and the terrorists have become the protected species.

Is it any wonder the Boston Marathon Bombers, got as far as they did with out prior detection? These are indeed days of imfamy. May the Most High God in heaven have mercy on us all.

Friday, May 31, 2013

A Complete Turnaround

With all of the gloom and doom floating around, we all need to focus on The Most High and Holy God of the Universe. Enjoy.

May 31, 2013

“We have heard how the LORD dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to Sihon and Og, the two kings of the Amorites east of the Jordan, whom you completely destroyed. When we heard of it, our hearts melted in fear and everyone’s courage failed because of you, for the LORD your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below.”—Joshua 2:10–11

The Torah portion for this week is Shelach, from Numbers 13:1–15:41, and the Haftorah from Joshua 2:1–24.

Mosab Hassan Yousef is the oldest son of Sheik Hassan Yousef, founding leader of Hamas, a terrorist organization responsible for countless suicide bombings and other deadly attacks against Israel. Mosab was raised in Hamas, and by the time he was a young adult, he was an integral part of the organization. Yet, today, Mosab is a devout Christian living in America. After asking some serious questions and studying the Bible, Mosab did a complete turnaround and became a spy for Israel. He changed his faith, his values, and his entire life.

Stories like Mosab’s grip us because it is unusual for a person to change so drastically. It’s difficult for people to change even when the truth is staring them in the eye. Yet as difficult as it may be to change our ways, history has proven time and again that the consequences of not changing are far worse.

In this week’s Torah reading we read about the spies that Moses sent to scout out the land of Israel. In the Haftorah, we read about the spies that Joshua sent to do the same. When these two men enter Jericho, we are told that they stay in the house of a prostitute name Rahab. We aren’t told much about Rahab other than her profession and her role of saving the spies by hiding them from the King of Jericho. However, Jewish tradition teaches that Rahab ultimately married Joshua. The lowly prostitute became the wife of the leader of Israel.

What caused Rahab, or anyone for that matter, to make such a drastic change?

Rahab herself shared the answer. She told the spies: “We have heard how the LORD dried up the water of the Red Sea …” Rahab explained that the people of Canaan had heard all about the children of Israel and the great things that God did for them. She explained that everyone was afraid of Israel because they knew that “the LORD your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below.” This is why Rahab wanted to join the children of Israel. She recognized that their God was the only true God.

So now the question really is: Why didn’t everyone else do the same?

The answer is because knowing something and doing something are two very different things. Rahab acted on her beliefs, even though it meant risking her life while saving the spies. But because she took action, she saved herself, her family, and generations to come.

It is imperative that we translate our beliefs into actions. Doing so can be challenging, but can ultimately make the difference between life and death – both in this world and in the next.

With prayers for shalom, peace,

HAT TIP: Holyland Moments

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Obamacare is NOT Healthcare - Part 2

I've already writen a scathing post on this subject but I feel the need to reiterate this fact that our government is not telling you.

Obamacare is not about healthcare even though it has been given the ambiguous title of "The Affordable Care Act". That is merely a title to fool the low information crowd, the ignorant, and what I call "The Free Store"  Customers.  People who love getting free stuff from the government. Well, this is one thing nobody is gonna want....

Let's get back to the title. The mass majority believe they are going to get free health care, in reality they are not.

The origins of Obamacare came from millionaires like George Soros and Bill Gates. Both men are big proponents of population control. Why?  Because like Margaret Sanger, they believe the population needs to culled of the human weeds. The handicapped,  the chronically ill, the mentally retarded, the insane, and minorties.

Unfortunately Margaret Sanger's dream became Planned Parenthood.  We all know this hideous organization has absolutely nothing to with parenthood, but everything to do with slaughtering the unborn by the millions.

Likewise Obamacare will do the same to those who already living. Those who abortion didn't catch in it's muderous grip. How will Obamacare do this?  By denying care to those who are chronically ill, elderly, handicapped, mentally ill, etc. All under the guise of care for the aforementioned is too expensive for the government to pay for.

For instance, if one has breast or testicular cancer, the Obamacare Death Panels, (Yes, there will be those) will decide that it is too expensive for the unfortunate cancer patient to have life saving surgery or continue receiving chemotherapy. In other words, go home and die.

The same will go for parents of children who have handicaps or illnesses which require thousands of dollars of medical care to stay alive. The Death Panels will shake their heads and say no, too expensive. Go home and die.

How will this affect my Black brothers and sisters? I was recently told by a friend that she has friends and family who are deliberately morbidly obese so they can stay on the government dole. Why is that, you ask. Apparently obesity is considered a disability,  that's right, you heard me! A disability!

So they continue to jam fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and all manner of fattening, artery clogging foods into their pieholes just to get a government check. Meanwhile they rack up on the consequences. High blood pressure, diabetes,  stroke, heart attacks, asthma, gout,  kidney failure, arthritis, etc. In addition to being obese, they are on tons of medication (which are paid for by the government) to keep them alive. According to the bleak picture I painted previously, what do you think Obamacare is going to do to them? 

If you've guessed that Obamacare's Death Panels will tell them they are too expensive to maintain, they will be denied care and told to go home and die.

If an elderly man or woman breaks a hip, no longer will they be able to get hip surgery to replace the hip. Too expensive, go home and die.

Nursing homes will become a thing of the past. Why? Because it's too expensive to keep those pesky old people alive.

Are you getting the picture yet? I told you, Obamacare has nothing to do with healthcare. It's about culling the population. Like Margaret Sanger (who was a Klu Klux Clanist by the the way...) said, paraphrased "We need to eliminate the weeds and undesirables in society...."

So who will get healthcare, you ask. You need only look to the world's communist and tyranical regimes. Only the elite get the best of care, while the great unwashed lay dying in the gutters. Do you really want this for our beloved nation?

In conclusion, I say. May God have mercy on America if we don't take serious steps to defund and abolish this genocidal monster as soon as possible.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

IRS Clearly Trageted Christian Groups

As per the following press release, it is all too clear to me that our current administration is persecuting Christian groups.

IRS Subjects Dr. James Dobson and Family Talk Action to Viewpoint Discrimination

COLORADO SPRINGS, May 15, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ --

Family Talk Action Corporation is a Christian ministry that was formed for the purpose of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ; of providing Christ-oriented advice and education to parents and children; and of speaking to cultural issues that affect the family. Well known psychologist, author, and family advocate, James C. Dobson, Ph.D., serves as Family Talk Action's President and CEO.

On September 2, 2011, Family Talk Action filed a Form 1024 with the Internal Revenue Service requesting § 501(c)(4) status. The attorney completing this form had submitted scores of similar applications over his 26 year career with none being rejected.

In January and February 2013, Family Talk Action's counsel called the IRS reviewing agent, R. Medley (ID no. 52402), to inquire regarding when there would be a determination of the application. Her voice mail box was full on each of these calls so no message could be left. On March 6, he called Ms. Medley again and got routed to her voice mail again. This time, he was able to leave a voice mail message and requested a return call.

Ms. Medley did not call back until March 19. Family Talk Action's attorney asked her when the IRS would issue its determination letter. Ms. Medley responded saying, I don't think your Form 1024 (application for exemption) will be granted because Family Talk Action is "not educational" because it does not present all views. She continued, saying that Family Talk Action sounded like a "partisan right-wing group" because, according to Ms. Medley, it only presents conservative viewpoints. She then added, "you're political" because you "criticized President Obama, who was a candidate."

Family Talk Action had submitted a couple of sample radio programs upon request from the IRS. None were aired during an election year. It was the opinion of Family Talk Action's legal counsel that these samples were not only § 501(c)(4) qualified but § 501(c)(3) qualified. Family Talk Action's legal counsel had never heard an IRS agent express biased statements like those he heard during the March 19 call. He also felt that the this agent did not understand the difference between § 501(c)(3) and § 501(c)(4) entities.

Family Talk Action's President, Dr. James Dobson explained his release of this information stating: "The American people deserve better treatment from its government than this. Christian ministries and others supporting the family must not be silenced or intimidated by the IRS or other branches of the government."

Hat tip:  Christian Newswire

German Homeschooling Family Denied Asylum

German Family Denied Asylum, HSLDA Appeals

PURCELLVILLE, Va., May 14, 2013 /Christian Newswire/ --

Today the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the Obama Administration's denial of asylum granted to the Romeike family.

The Romeikes fled Germany in 2008 when they were subjected to criminal prosecution for homeschooling. They were granted asylum in 2010 by Immigration Judge Lawrence O. Burman, but that grant was overturned by the Board of Immigration Appeals in 2012. A three-judge panel of the Sixth Circuit heard the Romeikes' appeal on April 23 in Cincinnati, and issued today's unanimous decision against the family.

"We believe the Sixth Circuit is wrong and we will appeal their decision," said Michael Farris, HSLDA Founder and Chairman. "America has room for this family and we will do everything we can to help them."

The court said that the Romeikes had not made a sufficient case and that the United States has not opened its doors to every victim of unfair treatment. Although the court acknowledged that the U.S. Constitution recognizes the rights of parents to direct the education and upbringing of their children, it refused to concede that the harsh treatment of religiously and philosophically motivated homeschoolers in Germany amounts to persecution within our laws on asylum.

"Germany continues to persecute homeschoolers," said Mike Donnelly, HSLDA Director of International Affairs. "The court ignored mountains of evidence that homeschoolers are harshly fined and that custody of their children is gravely threatened -- something most people would call persecution. This is what the Romeikes will suffer if they are sent back to Germany.

HSLDA will appeal the Sixth Circuit's ruling.

Home School Legal Defense Association is a nonprofit advocacy organization established to defend and advance the constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their children and to protect family freedoms. Visit us online at

Hat Tip:  Christian Newswire

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The GAY Scouts?

Please click the following link and read the article.

It seems like the Gay Lobby is never satisfied.  Its like the plague of locusts which decended upon ancient Egypt. By the time Moses prayed to God for them to leave, the insects had stripped the land completely bare.

The gay lobby seeks to do the same thing to organizations with long established Judao-Christian and American principles. Not satisfied with just gay marriage, they set out to infiltrate  every area of society. And if they are not allowed in, like the plague of locusts,  they will destroy. Destruction by boycotts, litigation, and lawsuits.

Case in point, The Boy Scouts. Gays are really determined to take apart this long established Christian institution at the seams. Its a case of "If we can't have it, neither can you." Reason? The gays want equal rights to be scout leaders and have their own troops dedicated to gay male, female and trans gender......

The problem is, The Boy and Girl Scouts are a private organization and thus have a right to include or exclude who they want. In this case, according to the Scouts original Christian conviction, gays are not allowed. Why?  Because God said so! 

By attempting to force their way in the Gay Lobby are in violation of the First Amendment of the US Constitution. The aforementioned doesn't give gays the right to crowbar, jackhammer and depth charge their way in!

The solution is very plain. If gay folks want to have gay scouts, why dont they start their own gay scout organization? Instead of completely destroying the infrastructure of an already established organization.  Did not the path of least resistance ever occur to them? I guess not......

The way I see it, the Gay Lobby already have more than enough politcal, financial support and talent to start their own. Of course they wont be able to call them Scouts because that name is already taken. Rangers perhaps?

Whatever! Just leave our Boy and Girl Scouts alone!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Right to Riot

Please read the following article:

Last Saturday (03/09/13) a 16 year old black male  identified as "Kimani Gray", was fatally shot by NYPD. The story is he fled from undercover cops when they rolled up for a "Stop and Frisk". When ordered to stop, he turned, pulled out a 38 caliber pistol, and pointed it at the police.......

The response and turn out from the neighborhood  (East Flatbush - Brooklyn, NYC) was overwhelming. A predominantly Black neighborhood,  the residents were up in arms over another (supposedly innocent) young Black man being shot down. Said residents did not  believe NYPD was doing its job. They believed and falsely accused the cops of using Gray for target practice.

So, what started out as a prayer vigil for Kimani, turned into a melee.  It escalated into a full scale riot where they completly trashed a Rite Aid drug store and beat down a pastor. Yes a pastor!  Mind you, this is same store they may need to buy Pampers, milk, or get their prescrptions filled in the morning.

I completely understand the anger and outrage.  However, I don't understand this need to always riot. To loot, sack, destroy, and burn stuff reminds me of ...... pardon me........ those crazy Muslim extremists.

As I have mentioned in the past,  I am a Black woman. Because I am a Traditional American,  I constantly gaze in askance at my people. It seems that in situations like this, my people never think first before acting.

Consider these facts. Kimani Gray was 16 years old and already a hard core gang member (Crips or Bloods - they are not saying which). He was  hanging out with fellow gang members, not to serve soup to the hungry in soup kitchens, but to commit crime. He was equipped to perform said nefarious acts with a gun. Tell me, what the heck is a 16 year old doing packin' a 38.?  Why did he run? Oh, I forget he had a gun.....

The final and most poignant question. Would it have been better if a, or several cops lost their lives instead?

Amazing,  no one asks these questions,  they just go completely nutter.

In my opinion, when Black people act like this it is no wonder some people hate us. My people seriously need to wake up, and fast!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The People's House

The White House was built by the people who are citizens of the United States of America.

From the day it was built, citizens have never been denied access to it. However, due to that nasty and distastful word Sequester, all White House tours have been cancelled until further notice. Regardless of the fact that said tours are mostly self guided with a few Secret Sevice along to make sure tourists don't stray or pilfer. This is the first time in history access to The White House has been denied to American citizens for fraudluant reasons.

What fraudulant reason, you ask? Not enough money. Sequester is Obamas deliborate means of getting back at us (John and Jane Q Citizen) for not allowing him to have more tax hikes. He, like a petulant child, wanted to make us hurt..... So, there isn't enough money to pay for White House tours,  yet there is magically enough for The Obamas to go on separate vacations.......

Has anyone tabulated and told them cost of flying both Air Force One and Air Force Two? Not that they would give a fig......  Let's see, 2 pilots and copilots, crew, secret service details,  encourages, accommodations, etc. I wonder if the taxpayers paid for the Secret Service's prostitues when POTUS went to Venezuela that time.....?  Cough....

And how about those fancy shindigs The Obamas have at the White House? Funny how people like Beyonce and JayZ and Adle are always the Presidential A List and welcomed with open arms, while the poor over worked and overtaxed Americans are not!

If you ask me, this has become a communist regime to me. Our President no longer recognises the fact that he was elected to govern not rule. Since he's overstepped that boundry line, he thinks the people's money (our hard-earned taxpayer dollars) is his to spend how he wants to. As for MOOCHelle, she would say like Marie Antoinette: Let them eat cake, but in her case cake is too unhealthy. So, its more like let them eat dirt.

Solution?  We need to first educate people. I'm talking about those who want to be educated - as there are some who want to remain ignorant - consider them collateral damage and move on. This is war and we don't have time to dither! We must get involved! Local, state and federal and stay on the case, keep the fire lite under your local officials. Let them know that we employ them (not the other way around) and if they mess up shop, out they go!

Last but not least we need to make The White House the People's House again. Where it is governed by the people and for the people. Period!

New York City's Large Sugary Drink Ban: Up In Smoke!

As the title said New York City Mayor "MinieMe" Bloombergs ban on large sugary drink went down in flames. A New York State Supreme Court judge claimed the so called law was "frivolous and filled with loopholes", and put the kabosh on the so-called ban.

The esteemed judge also said the ban was practically unenforceable. After all how was Mayor "MiniMe" Bloomberg planning to enforce said law?  Have the poor, over worked New York City Police hand out tickets to people for drinking 32 ounce slurpies?

The message is loud and clear. We the New York City residents are sick and tired of Mayor Nanny MinieMe Bloomberg sticking his nose into our personal business! We are tired of your smoking bans,  bans on salt and saturated fatty food,  your triple damned bike lanes, taking free formula samples away from mothers with newborns,  and those stupid express buses!

Remember Michael Bloomberg you were elected to be New York City's MAYOR,  not her MOTHER!  Capiceh?

Monday, February 4, 2013

A Quiet Little War

I've been predicting ever since last year that there will be war on American soil. This was based on several theories. Number one being Barrak Hussain Obama our current President is constantly instigating unrest, and chaos, which he hopes to start a war.

He has been and is instigating strife between races, classes, illegal immigrants, male, female, homosexuals, and straight, private businesses, unions, to name a few. There isn't a group Obama has not fanned the flames under. Like an arsonist, he starts a fire, then stands back to enjoy the show.

Obama latest firestorm resulted due to his attacks against the 2nd Amendment. Our Constitutional right to bare arms. Firearms to be precise.

If it were possible, Obama would rip United States Constitution to shreds and make up his own. He cannot do that overtly, so he is doing it incrementally. Bit by bit he is removing the rights and privileges given to us by our Founding Fathers.

Nowhere is this more evident than the 2nd Amendment battle that is currently raging. Obama has pulled out all stops and is going full tilt against those who stand for their right to bare arms. From blatantly taking advantage of and using the Sandy Hook school shooting as a banner and rallying cry, to using ex-Senator and shooting victim Gabby Giffords as a poster child.

Personally, I find it disgusting Mark Kelly, Gabby's husband, has stooped so low, and is dragging his poor wife across the country putting her on display like a circus monkey. But, I believe Obama promised him an administrative spot somewhere as a reward. Wait for it.

I digress.......
Combine the face or faces of victims with constant Lame Stream Media hammering/coverage (lies and obfuscations), public outcry, and panic. Obama seems to be getting his way.

But wait, all things are not well in Obamaland. There is a resistance movement afoot! Namely legal, registered gun owners, dealers, and concerned American citizens! I don't think Obama expected this, so he's gone on the offensive.

How so?

By “taking out” the opposition. With the recent death of Chris Kyle I've (and not only I) seen a pattern. Within one months time, three gun owners, dealers, shooters and proponents of the 2nd Amendment had been targeted and killed.

John Noveski died in a mysterious car crash one week after he asked on his Facebook page: “What medication was Adam Lanza on?” You can't tell me he wasn't “taken out”. Keith Ratliff was found dead in his office with a bullet to the back of the head. Keith was a gun manufacturer and many of his guns were present on the scene. None had been fired and none of them had been stolen. This was clearly another take down. Last but not least, Christ Kyle was gunned down at a shooting lodge by none other than a troubled ex-soldier he was trying to help. I call this assassination by EDP (emotionally disturbed person).

The question remains, would the Obama administration, directed by the Cigarette Smoking Man (my personal nickname for BHO which hails from The X-Files) stoop to such brutish tactics? Yes, they would! Anything in order for BHO to achieve his goal of turning America into a Muslim Caliphate (which means “captured territory” in the name of Allah), which would be just as bad as or worse than Communism!

I can only issue a warning to all gun dealers, ex-military and the like, because apparently you have become personal targets of the Obama administration. Obviously it means nothing to him that his hands are already covered with blood. The man is utterly heartless.

Whether you know it or not, fellow Patriots, the war has begun. Tool up!  

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Political Correctness Be Damned!

Political correctness is making us stupid and illiterate people!

What a nation of wusses we have become! Why? Because it seems like everything anyone says is offensive. It's as if the entire nation is nothing but one giant open sore, and everyone has a salt shaker or a rake.

I was listening to Mark Styn sitting in for Rush Limbaugh a while ago. He mentioned a case where the ACLU helped the Atheists sue to remove the standard letter “T” from all print media. Yes, that's right, the letter “T”! Why? Because the old fashioned standard letter “T” looked too much like (gasp!) a cross ( that Jesus died on – representative of Christianity) and is thereby offensive to the aforementioned party (the atheists). So now all letter “t's” must have the little “tail” or “hook” on the end of it so as to NOT look like THE CROSS OF CHRIST!

I can just imagine how labor intensive this case was. The preparation it must have taken, hours, days, weeks, months, who knows how long, or how much money was spent. As my West Indian Mom used to say in her thick accent: “Day don' 'ave a day job.” She was right, and they were probably doing it all on government grant money.

There are a bevy of things one cannot say or you will be labeled a racist, homophobic, massagenist, etc. For fear of offending someone, you literally can't speak or write certain things.

You can't call someone “nuts” or a “retard” anymore, for fear of being called insensitive to the “mentally challenged.” I thought that being mentally challenged was someone who was working through the New York Times crossword puzzle......

You can't call a gay man a “faggot” anymore for fear of being called “homophobic”. You must now refer to them as “homosexuals” or “gay”. In the Bible God refers to these people as “abominations and Sodomites”. I guess the Libs would or already have called God a homophobe too. By the way, I thought the word “gay” was supposed to mean “happy”.....

Back in the day my Dad used to call them “fairies”...... Ops! Ya can't say that either........

And you can't call female gay women what we used to call them back in my day. The words “bulldagger” and “dyke” were very popular, and were not meant as compliments because back then (late 60's early 70's) gay females looked like real rough necks. Brutish and mean looking.

But today they are called Lesbians, some are even Lipstick Lesbians. They are the ones who are ultra feminine.

There are certain colors one dare not wear for fear of being affiliated with the gay lobby. I happen to love rainbow colors. However, I wouldn't dare wear anything rainbow colored or I'd be approached by someone of the same sex. It's like flying a red flag before a bull.

For guys it's the color purple. Whether you know it or not, the color purple is the coat of arms color representing the gay male community. Whenever you see a guy who makes it a point to wear purple all the time, you know where he is coming from.

There is a whole list of things you cannot say anymore.
Police officers cannot call people EDP (emotionally disturbed people) anymore. Even though the person they are dealing with is obviously 2 French Fries short of a Happy Meal, they can't call them that. It's degrading. Question: If the person has gone nutter, what do they care whether they are degraded or not?

The person could've just gunned down seventy people without any type of remorse, and he (or she) should be afforded the dignity of being called a human being. Uh, NOT!

In New York City there are multi-level housing dwellings for the poor and middle class. They were formally known as “Housing Projects” or just “Projects” for short. However, due to the bad stereotypes which came from these names (high crime, drugs, teen pregnancies, shootings, public assistance, etc), some wise acre got it into their mind that the word “projects” was an insult to the people who lived there.

Approximately 14 years ago, a statement was issued to all New York City agencies (including the NYPD) which designated that housing projects must called “developments” forthwith. As if renaming said buildings made their environment any better...... To this day many of these so-called “developments” remain drug and crime ridden hovels.

I've noticed Political Correctness has gotten so bad it's affected Rush Limbaugh. Shock of all shocks, on Thursday 01/31/2013 he verbally redacted the word “retard” from his statement, apologized profusely and used another word. o_O

I've also noticed the use of the words “low information” as a substitute for the word “stupid”. To me, if a person is stupid, they should be called stupid, period. Then again, I'm from the old school where we call a spade a spade. 

To not do so is accelerate our society into idiocy. You are no longer speaking the English language, you are speaking Pig Latin or some sort of other gibberish. No wonder we are a confused and discombobulated people! When you limit what people can say or write, people can no longer effectively express themselves. Perhaps we will become a society of “mimes” ........

I could go on with this diatribe, but I believe I got my point across. I tried to make it entertaining enough so that you would at least chuckle instead of bonking your head on the computer keyboard.

I hope I was successful........ :=)