Monday, December 2, 2013

Obama Turns His Back on Israel

Please refer to the following link before reading my rant.....

Forgive me for not chiming in on this event much sooner.

I found these events very disturbing. Of all our past presidents I've never ever witnessed one blatantly turn his back on Israel like Obama did last week. Israel has been America's faithful alli for years.  Last week in Obama's "Let's Make A Deal" with Iran, he kicked Israel in the butt and tossed her from the train.

This deal not only gave Iran the ability to produce nukes (which I believe they already had hidden behind Curtain Number One), but put a big red target on Israel's back. Effectively leaving Israel alone to defend herself against a multitude of enemies. Which they will do with the help of the Almighty God!

And yes, Israel is a sovereign nation and she does have the right to defend herself! So, POTUS needs to back off when she does. Obama, you caused the mess, let her clean up and take out the trash!

However this Old Testament scripture still stands.

God told Abraham
"I will CURSE those who CURSE you (meaning Israel), and I will BLESS those who BLESS you."

Obama's Muslim, Anti-Christian, Anti-Semetic treatment towards Israel has brought CURSES upon this great nation. I pray God will be merciful to the innocent and those who still love Israel.

By the way, what of Pastor Saeed?  An American Christian Pastor being held in one of Iran's most brutal jails for his faith.
I guess no "Let's Make A Deal" for him....

In His Service

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