Thursday, March 21, 2013

The GAY Scouts?

Please click the following link and read the article.

It seems like the Gay Lobby is never satisfied.  Its like the plague of locusts which decended upon ancient Egypt. By the time Moses prayed to God for them to leave, the insects had stripped the land completely bare.

The gay lobby seeks to do the same thing to organizations with long established Judao-Christian and American principles. Not satisfied with just gay marriage, they set out to infiltrate  every area of society. And if they are not allowed in, like the plague of locusts,  they will destroy. Destruction by boycotts, litigation, and lawsuits.

Case in point, The Boy Scouts. Gays are really determined to take apart this long established Christian institution at the seams. Its a case of "If we can't have it, neither can you." Reason? The gays want equal rights to be scout leaders and have their own troops dedicated to gay male, female and trans gender......

The problem is, The Boy and Girl Scouts are a private organization and thus have a right to include or exclude who they want. In this case, according to the Scouts original Christian conviction, gays are not allowed. Why?  Because God said so! 

By attempting to force their way in the Gay Lobby are in violation of the First Amendment of the US Constitution. The aforementioned doesn't give gays the right to crowbar, jackhammer and depth charge their way in!

The solution is very plain. If gay folks want to have gay scouts, why dont they start their own gay scout organization? Instead of completely destroying the infrastructure of an already established organization.  Did not the path of least resistance ever occur to them? I guess not......

The way I see it, the Gay Lobby already have more than enough politcal, financial support and talent to start their own. Of course they wont be able to call them Scouts because that name is already taken. Rangers perhaps?

Whatever! Just leave our Boy and Girl Scouts alone!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Right to Riot

Please read the following article:

Last Saturday (03/09/13) a 16 year old black male  identified as "Kimani Gray", was fatally shot by NYPD. The story is he fled from undercover cops when they rolled up for a "Stop and Frisk". When ordered to stop, he turned, pulled out a 38 caliber pistol, and pointed it at the police.......

The response and turn out from the neighborhood  (East Flatbush - Brooklyn, NYC) was overwhelming. A predominantly Black neighborhood,  the residents were up in arms over another (supposedly innocent) young Black man being shot down. Said residents did not  believe NYPD was doing its job. They believed and falsely accused the cops of using Gray for target practice.

So, what started out as a prayer vigil for Kimani, turned into a melee.  It escalated into a full scale riot where they completly trashed a Rite Aid drug store and beat down a pastor. Yes a pastor!  Mind you, this is same store they may need to buy Pampers, milk, or get their prescrptions filled in the morning.

I completely understand the anger and outrage.  However, I don't understand this need to always riot. To loot, sack, destroy, and burn stuff reminds me of ...... pardon me........ those crazy Muslim extremists.

As I have mentioned in the past,  I am a Black woman. Because I am a Traditional American,  I constantly gaze in askance at my people. It seems that in situations like this, my people never think first before acting.

Consider these facts. Kimani Gray was 16 years old and already a hard core gang member (Crips or Bloods - they are not saying which). He was  hanging out with fellow gang members, not to serve soup to the hungry in soup kitchens, but to commit crime. He was equipped to perform said nefarious acts with a gun. Tell me, what the heck is a 16 year old doing packin' a 38.?  Why did he run? Oh, I forget he had a gun.....

The final and most poignant question. Would it have been better if a, or several cops lost their lives instead?

Amazing,  no one asks these questions,  they just go completely nutter.

In my opinion, when Black people act like this it is no wonder some people hate us. My people seriously need to wake up, and fast!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The People's House

The White House was built by the people who are citizens of the United States of America.

From the day it was built, citizens have never been denied access to it. However, due to that nasty and distastful word Sequester, all White House tours have been cancelled until further notice. Regardless of the fact that said tours are mostly self guided with a few Secret Sevice along to make sure tourists don't stray or pilfer. This is the first time in history access to The White House has been denied to American citizens for fraudluant reasons.

What fraudulant reason, you ask? Not enough money. Sequester is Obamas deliborate means of getting back at us (John and Jane Q Citizen) for not allowing him to have more tax hikes. He, like a petulant child, wanted to make us hurt..... So, there isn't enough money to pay for White House tours,  yet there is magically enough for The Obamas to go on separate vacations.......

Has anyone tabulated and told them cost of flying both Air Force One and Air Force Two? Not that they would give a fig......  Let's see, 2 pilots and copilots, crew, secret service details,  encourages, accommodations, etc. I wonder if the taxpayers paid for the Secret Service's prostitues when POTUS went to Venezuela that time.....?  Cough....

And how about those fancy shindigs The Obamas have at the White House? Funny how people like Beyonce and JayZ and Adle are always the Presidential A List and welcomed with open arms, while the poor over worked and overtaxed Americans are not!

If you ask me, this has become a communist regime to me. Our President no longer recognises the fact that he was elected to govern not rule. Since he's overstepped that boundry line, he thinks the people's money (our hard-earned taxpayer dollars) is his to spend how he wants to. As for MOOCHelle, she would say like Marie Antoinette: Let them eat cake, but in her case cake is too unhealthy. So, its more like let them eat dirt.

Solution?  We need to first educate people. I'm talking about those who want to be educated - as there are some who want to remain ignorant - consider them collateral damage and move on. This is war and we don't have time to dither! We must get involved! Local, state and federal and stay on the case, keep the fire lite under your local officials. Let them know that we employ them (not the other way around) and if they mess up shop, out they go!

Last but not least we need to make The White House the People's House again. Where it is governed by the people and for the people. Period!

New York City's Large Sugary Drink Ban: Up In Smoke!

As the title said New York City Mayor "MinieMe" Bloombergs ban on large sugary drink went down in flames. A New York State Supreme Court judge claimed the so called law was "frivolous and filled with loopholes", and put the kabosh on the so-called ban.

The esteemed judge also said the ban was practically unenforceable. After all how was Mayor "MiniMe" Bloomberg planning to enforce said law?  Have the poor, over worked New York City Police hand out tickets to people for drinking 32 ounce slurpies?

The message is loud and clear. We the New York City residents are sick and tired of Mayor Nanny MinieMe Bloomberg sticking his nose into our personal business! We are tired of your smoking bans,  bans on salt and saturated fatty food,  your triple damned bike lanes, taking free formula samples away from mothers with newborns,  and those stupid express buses!

Remember Michael Bloomberg you were elected to be New York City's MAYOR,  not her MOTHER!  Capiceh?