Please click the following link and read the article.
It seems like the Gay Lobby is never satisfied. Its like the plague of locusts which decended upon ancient Egypt. By the time Moses prayed to God for them to leave, the insects had stripped the land completely bare.
The gay lobby seeks to do the same thing to organizations with long established Judao-Christian and American principles. Not satisfied with just gay marriage, they set out to infiltrate every area of society. And if they are not allowed in, like the plague of locusts, they will destroy. Destruction by boycotts, litigation, and lawsuits.
Case in point, The Boy Scouts. Gays are really determined to take apart this long established Christian institution at the seams. Its a case of "If we can't have it, neither can you." Reason? The gays want equal rights to be scout leaders and have their own troops dedicated to gay male, female and trans gender......
The problem is, The Boy and Girl Scouts are a private organization and thus have a right to include or exclude who they want. In this case, according to the Scouts original Christian conviction, gays are not allowed. Why? Because God said so!
By attempting to force their way in the Gay Lobby are in violation of the First Amendment of the US Constitution. The aforementioned doesn't give gays the right to crowbar, jackhammer and depth charge their way in!
The solution is very plain. If gay folks want to have gay scouts, why dont they start their own gay scout organization? Instead of completely destroying the infrastructure of an already established organization. Did not the path of least resistance ever occur to them? I guess not......
The way I see it, the Gay Lobby already have more than enough politcal, financial support and talent to start their own. Of course they wont be able to call them Scouts because that name is already taken. Rangers perhaps?
Whatever! Just leave our Boy and Girl Scouts alone!
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