Monday, February 4, 2013

A Quiet Little War

I've been predicting ever since last year that there will be war on American soil. This was based on several theories. Number one being Barrak Hussain Obama our current President is constantly instigating unrest, and chaos, which he hopes to start a war.

He has been and is instigating strife between races, classes, illegal immigrants, male, female, homosexuals, and straight, private businesses, unions, to name a few. There isn't a group Obama has not fanned the flames under. Like an arsonist, he starts a fire, then stands back to enjoy the show.

Obama latest firestorm resulted due to his attacks against the 2nd Amendment. Our Constitutional right to bare arms. Firearms to be precise.

If it were possible, Obama would rip United States Constitution to shreds and make up his own. He cannot do that overtly, so he is doing it incrementally. Bit by bit he is removing the rights and privileges given to us by our Founding Fathers.

Nowhere is this more evident than the 2nd Amendment battle that is currently raging. Obama has pulled out all stops and is going full tilt against those who stand for their right to bare arms. From blatantly taking advantage of and using the Sandy Hook school shooting as a banner and rallying cry, to using ex-Senator and shooting victim Gabby Giffords as a poster child.

Personally, I find it disgusting Mark Kelly, Gabby's husband, has stooped so low, and is dragging his poor wife across the country putting her on display like a circus monkey. But, I believe Obama promised him an administrative spot somewhere as a reward. Wait for it.

I digress.......
Combine the face or faces of victims with constant Lame Stream Media hammering/coverage (lies and obfuscations), public outcry, and panic. Obama seems to be getting his way.

But wait, all things are not well in Obamaland. There is a resistance movement afoot! Namely legal, registered gun owners, dealers, and concerned American citizens! I don't think Obama expected this, so he's gone on the offensive.

How so?

By “taking out” the opposition. With the recent death of Chris Kyle I've (and not only I) seen a pattern. Within one months time, three gun owners, dealers, shooters and proponents of the 2nd Amendment had been targeted and killed.

John Noveski died in a mysterious car crash one week after he asked on his Facebook page: “What medication was Adam Lanza on?” You can't tell me he wasn't “taken out”. Keith Ratliff was found dead in his office with a bullet to the back of the head. Keith was a gun manufacturer and many of his guns were present on the scene. None had been fired and none of them had been stolen. This was clearly another take down. Last but not least, Christ Kyle was gunned down at a shooting lodge by none other than a troubled ex-soldier he was trying to help. I call this assassination by EDP (emotionally disturbed person).

The question remains, would the Obama administration, directed by the Cigarette Smoking Man (my personal nickname for BHO which hails from The X-Files) stoop to such brutish tactics? Yes, they would! Anything in order for BHO to achieve his goal of turning America into a Muslim Caliphate (which means “captured territory” in the name of Allah), which would be just as bad as or worse than Communism!

I can only issue a warning to all gun dealers, ex-military and the like, because apparently you have become personal targets of the Obama administration. Obviously it means nothing to him that his hands are already covered with blood. The man is utterly heartless.

Whether you know it or not, fellow Patriots, the war has begun. Tool up!  

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Political Correctness Be Damned!

Political correctness is making us stupid and illiterate people!

What a nation of wusses we have become! Why? Because it seems like everything anyone says is offensive. It's as if the entire nation is nothing but one giant open sore, and everyone has a salt shaker or a rake.

I was listening to Mark Styn sitting in for Rush Limbaugh a while ago. He mentioned a case where the ACLU helped the Atheists sue to remove the standard letter “T” from all print media. Yes, that's right, the letter “T”! Why? Because the old fashioned standard letter “T” looked too much like (gasp!) a cross ( that Jesus died on – representative of Christianity) and is thereby offensive to the aforementioned party (the atheists). So now all letter “t's” must have the little “tail” or “hook” on the end of it so as to NOT look like THE CROSS OF CHRIST!

I can just imagine how labor intensive this case was. The preparation it must have taken, hours, days, weeks, months, who knows how long, or how much money was spent. As my West Indian Mom used to say in her thick accent: “Day don' 'ave a day job.” She was right, and they were probably doing it all on government grant money.

There are a bevy of things one cannot say or you will be labeled a racist, homophobic, massagenist, etc. For fear of offending someone, you literally can't speak or write certain things.

You can't call someone “nuts” or a “retard” anymore, for fear of being called insensitive to the “mentally challenged.” I thought that being mentally challenged was someone who was working through the New York Times crossword puzzle......

You can't call a gay man a “faggot” anymore for fear of being called “homophobic”. You must now refer to them as “homosexuals” or “gay”. In the Bible God refers to these people as “abominations and Sodomites”. I guess the Libs would or already have called God a homophobe too. By the way, I thought the word “gay” was supposed to mean “happy”.....

Back in the day my Dad used to call them “fairies”...... Ops! Ya can't say that either........

And you can't call female gay women what we used to call them back in my day. The words “bulldagger” and “dyke” were very popular, and were not meant as compliments because back then (late 60's early 70's) gay females looked like real rough necks. Brutish and mean looking.

But today they are called Lesbians, some are even Lipstick Lesbians. They are the ones who are ultra feminine.

There are certain colors one dare not wear for fear of being affiliated with the gay lobby. I happen to love rainbow colors. However, I wouldn't dare wear anything rainbow colored or I'd be approached by someone of the same sex. It's like flying a red flag before a bull.

For guys it's the color purple. Whether you know it or not, the color purple is the coat of arms color representing the gay male community. Whenever you see a guy who makes it a point to wear purple all the time, you know where he is coming from.

There is a whole list of things you cannot say anymore.
Police officers cannot call people EDP (emotionally disturbed people) anymore. Even though the person they are dealing with is obviously 2 French Fries short of a Happy Meal, they can't call them that. It's degrading. Question: If the person has gone nutter, what do they care whether they are degraded or not?

The person could've just gunned down seventy people without any type of remorse, and he (or she) should be afforded the dignity of being called a human being. Uh, NOT!

In New York City there are multi-level housing dwellings for the poor and middle class. They were formally known as “Housing Projects” or just “Projects” for short. However, due to the bad stereotypes which came from these names (high crime, drugs, teen pregnancies, shootings, public assistance, etc), some wise acre got it into their mind that the word “projects” was an insult to the people who lived there.

Approximately 14 years ago, a statement was issued to all New York City agencies (including the NYPD) which designated that housing projects must called “developments” forthwith. As if renaming said buildings made their environment any better...... To this day many of these so-called “developments” remain drug and crime ridden hovels.

I've noticed Political Correctness has gotten so bad it's affected Rush Limbaugh. Shock of all shocks, on Thursday 01/31/2013 he verbally redacted the word “retard” from his statement, apologized profusely and used another word. o_O

I've also noticed the use of the words “low information” as a substitute for the word “stupid”. To me, if a person is stupid, they should be called stupid, period. Then again, I'm from the old school where we call a spade a spade. 

To not do so is accelerate our society into idiocy. You are no longer speaking the English language, you are speaking Pig Latin or some sort of other gibberish. No wonder we are a confused and discombobulated people! When you limit what people can say or write, people can no longer effectively express themselves. Perhaps we will become a society of “mimes” ........

I could go on with this diatribe, but I believe I got my point across. I tried to make it entertaining enough so that you would at least chuckle instead of bonking your head on the computer keyboard.

I hope I was successful........ :=)