Tuesday, December 25, 2012

You Get What You Paid For

Don't get stuck on stupid.” Lt. General Russel Honore said once said.

Sadly, some people are the epitome of the above statement.

Case in point. Daisy my co-worker and I had been discussing politics for nearly five years now. When we first started talking she was a die hard Liberal. She was good friends with a retired cop, who knew people in high places, who knew things. He would discus conservative politics with her, and she would come running back to me to find out what they meant. I would patiently explain them.

She would wonder where did I learn so much, after all, you'd never get that type of information from the main stream media. I explained that I had officially quit watching television back in 2009 when they went to all digital broadcasting. So my main source of political news was conservative talk radio. Hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Laura Ingrahm, Denis Prager, to name a few.

I'd actually been listening to Rush since 1990 so I was well schooled in Conservative Politics, American history and some Constitutional Law by the time I met Daisy.

The one thing Daisy's friend kept stressing to her was a warning not to vote for Obama. He said his friends were very suspicious of his background. Like how such a relatively unknown senator for Chicago got into the highest office in America. However, the dyed in the wool Liberal in Daisy made her pull the lever for Obama, despite the warnings. Yep, the Devil made her do it.......

Four the next four years she harped and griped about how terrible Obama was, that he wasn't doing this and he wasn't doing that, and blah, blah, blah. All the while I took the opportunity to educate her on the major subjects at stake. Obama Care, SOPA, NDAA, Adjenda 21, and I thought I had made progress.

I thought for sure she was going to vote for Romney this time around.

However after November 6, 2012 she was very quiet around the office. When she did make a statement, it was “I can't believe those people voted that man back into office.” Yes, that left me scratching my noggin too.

Finally about two weeks ago she confessed to me that she didn't vote this time around.  Why? She did not like any of the candidates.....

I was both floored and pissed off! It was not so much that I had spent so much time telling her who the right candidate was. It was more of an insult to men like Malcolm X and Martian Luther King, who gave their lives so Black people can be treated equally AND HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE!

Words could not express how I felt. Black people lived through Jim Crow laws, blood was spilled, people were beaten with batons, had water cannon turned them, had police dogs set upon them, and were jailed unjustly.

Folks went through all of this so that Daisy, a Black woman, could just casually abstain from voting! Obviously, she does not know, or care that freedom is never free. There is always a price, it's always paid with blood and lives. The least one can do to honor that supreme sacrifice is get off one's lazy butt and VOTE!

Now, Daisy's complaints ring mighty hollow to me. After all, she never took part in the election process, so her non-vote meant a yes vote for Obama. So to me, she no longer has the right to complain. Just take what you got and live with it, Lady. You got exactly what you paid for.....

As for me, I'm loudly demanding a refund by continuing to fight for my nations freedom! It's either roll with me or get run over!   

Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Fie Upon Twitter

Please forgive me if this post is not quite as polished and refined as my previous ones. Why? Because I am outraged!

I've been on Twitter since 2010 and never had any problems except for some spam. That I tackled easily by blocking them. You know, the crazies will always be around. I just chose not to keep them hanging out in my timeline.

However, as of yesterday 12/22/2012 I was officially suspended from Twitter! Reason? Numerous unsolicited and unwanted tweets to followers. Funny, the majority of my followers are either Conservatives, Republicans, the Military and Christians. Often a mixture of all three. As you know, I'm a Black Christian Conservative, so what would've tweeted that was offensive to people who are of my same beliefs?

Ah, here is the hitch. Last week I joined a group on Twitter named #RedNationRising, which are a group of digital Conservative Revolutionaries. We were doing fine until we started being spammed by a bunch of of Liberal “Dung Beetles” (Google it when you have time, I think the name is most appropo).

Seeing my beloved group was under attack I sallied forth to do battle. Not knowing they had laid a clever trap for me. It's called the “reply trap”. Reply to Liberal Dung Beetle snark and vitriol gets you landed in Twitter Gulag for Unsolicited Replies. In essence, they pick a fight with you, then run to the teacher to tattle when you fight back.

Needless to say, I've learned my lesson. Apparently the only way to deal with them is to first block them and report them for spam.

Which begs a question. In a free society as ours (what's left of it) don't I under The Bill of Rights entitled to Freedom of Expression? How is it that these Dung Beetles on Twitter are allowed to lock down a Conservatives account, yet have a free hand to express and even bully other freedom loving Patriots with vituperation?

It looks an awful lot like Twitter is censoring its users. If you talk about the Bible, God, Conservative Principles, Morality, Government Takeovers, etc too much, you are harassed and locked out if you respond the harassment. Yeah, that looks an awful lot like censorship by way of “strong arming” to me. I never thought I'd see the day in my beloved America.
Perhaps it's time for America's Patriots to take our business else were. 

Here's an excellent social networking site just for CONSERVATIVES!  I found just in the nick of time too!

Yes, I was a good little girlie and submitted my ticket to Twitter and asked return to the fold. But it will never be the same, as my whole history was wiped. That means no more friends and followers.

Yes, I am both broken hearted and cheesed off. I wonder if it's even worth the effort to go back if I no longer have the freedom of expression my forefathers fought and died for. But I will return to let my friends and followers know, I'm seceding from the blue state to the red state. 

If the Libs want Twitter all to themselves, they can have it. After all, there's more than enough DUNG to go around. That's why God made Dung Beetles...........

It's A SIN Issue

School Shooting Caused by Sinful Soul, Not Imbalanced Brain

NEWTOWN, Conn., Dec. 18, 2012/Christian Newswire/ -- 

"I'm sick and tired of the media's attempt to make excuses for Adam Lanza's mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School. In the face of all the politically correct mumbo jumbo from pundits and religious leaders alike, it's time that someone took a stand and told the truth. The culprit is not an imbalance of chemical enzymes in Lanza's brain; the culprit is Lanza's sin nature! Man is wicked beyond belief," declared Dr. Marshall Foster, Christian historian, founder of the World History Institute and author of the introduction to the newly republished 1599Geneva Bible.

"For years the schools have been teaching the children that evil does not reside in their souls. Therefore, evil is now, by default, circumstantial. According to this misguided worldview, there must have been something circumstantially that caused Adam Lanza to shoot innocent school children. His parents were divorced. He had access to guns that should have been limited. He had Asperger's Syndrome, an autistic disorder. Man is always looking for an excuse outside himself until he faces the demons in his own soul," said Dr. Foster. 

"If Lanza's mass murder of innocents is given a pass, what about Adolph Hitler and the thousands of Nazis who killed six million Jews, making lamp shades out of their skin? Did all of them have autism too? Or is the Holocaust not prima facie evidence of the very existence of evil?" asked Dr. Foster. 

"Rev. Thomas Hooker (1586-1647), the Puritan colonial leader who founded the Colony of Connecticut to the glory of God, was inspired by the 1599 Geneva Bible. He has been called the Father of American democracy. He based much of the 1638 Connecticut Constitution on the absolute precepts set forth in Deuteronomy 28. Americans once held the common view that there is a God in Heaven who will hold His creation accountable. Hooker understood that we enjoy the blessings of God when we obey His commands and suffer His curses when we disobey. That's why the 10 Commandments were put into the Connecticut civil code. Moral precepts of right and wrong come from a true understanding of who God is, what His character is like. Murder is wrong because God is Life. Lying is wrong because God is Truth. Adultery is wrong because God is Faithful. And, as much as 'Reverend' Barry Lynn doesn't like it, America's Constitution was based on Connecticut's Constitution," said Dr. Foster. 

"Sadly, public school teachers, including the ones at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, no longer teach a classical education of right and wrong. Increasingly, classic books like the plays of William Shakespeare are being systematically eliminated from the curriculum in favor of politically correct women's studies, black studies, and gay studies. 

"Alexis DeToqueville, author of the 1835 book Democracy in America, wrote that there was no need for a police force in most American communities because of their Christian character as opposed to pagan France where guards were on every street corner. The issue is not singularly the elimination of God's name from American public schools; it's about the American elimination of 2000 years of biblical morality as taught through a classical Christian education coupled with the intentional study of the Bible led by the father at home. 

"Connecticut and the other 49 states have rejected the original vision for education which was to develop the moral character of the students in favor of the fiction that everything is morally gray. That kind of education emboldens mass murderers like Adam Lanza," said Dr. Foster. 

"In my study of civilizations worldwide, I can document that God's covenant keepers win and those who break God's covenant lose. Because we are breaking the very commandments of God, we have brought this tragedy on ourselves. The solution is to turn back to God," said Dr. Foster. 

To schedule an interview with Dr. Marshall Foster, email Adam McManus atInventivePromo@gmail.com or call 210.373.7499. Please include your mailing address to receive a FREE Geneva Bible.
Hat Tip:  Christian Newswire

I subscribe to and receive several of these newswires per day.  I had been looking for the right way to express my horror and outrage and I couldn't seem to put it into words.  When I read this, I just had to share.  Thank You Dr. Marshall Foster.

Monday, December 10, 2012

To Your Health

This post is especially directed towards the nitwits moonbats, the pinheads, trained seals and sheeple who voted for The Sith Lord because you wanted freebies. Especially free health care.

My fellow Patriots already know whats coming, and it aint pretty, even though it's free.

News flash, folks: ObamaCare is NOT about health care!

First. When have you known the government to give anything away for free without strings attached? Second. When have you known the government to run anything without botching it up?

The Post Office, FEMA, and Amtrak come to mind..... Sorry for picking on those three, but, the nail that sticks up gets hammered first, and the hardest in my camp.

As I said previously. Obama care is NOT about health care. Why? Both Barrack and Michelle Obama believe that we Americans are greedy people. America is too powerful (militarily). We have too many martial goods, we eat too much food, use too much fossil fuel, have too much money, our homes are too big, etc. It's not fair that we have all of this stuff and there are other poor nations out there that have none.......

In short, we are a bunch of greedy, fat toads and we need our pond to be drained.

Since there are too many of us (American citizens) hogging the planet, gunking up and using up all the resources. In order to save the environment and planet (and the best resources for the elite – by the way) culling the population is the answer.

Remember, two of Obama's biggest financial cronies are none other than Bill Gates, Cass Sunstien and George Soros.  All three men are firm believers in population control.

In essence, ObamaCare will only be good for the young and healthy.  For those who need care, there is going to be a big problem. Why? Because Obama Care will have Death Panels who will decide who gets care and who doesn't. They will make their decision according to actuarial tables determining who is the most useful to society. Those who are young, strong and healthy people who can work and contribute to society, will get the most free care.

Adults and children who are disabled are definitely not going to get care. The same holds true for the elderly. Forget little innocent infants, who won't even the light of day thanks to Obama signing the Born Alive Abortion bill......... 

Another important query to ask about ObamaCare is, since it is free how are the doctors going to be paid? This presents another horror no one foresaw, or if they did, they didn't care. Doctors will either be paid a pittance or not at all. So what do you think is going to happen?

I digress for a bit......

I recently heard Sean Hannity take a call from a doctor who was distressed about ObamaCare. He explained he'd been in business for 30 years but he was closing down his practice come this December 31,2012. Why? ObamaCare that's why! He explained since the government is going to take over the health care industry, his physician's pay scale is going to be reduced to approximately 40% of his current earnings. Even worse than what medicare currently pays them. After all, you will no longer have paying customers, sooooo....

This begs a question, why would a man or woman spend 12 to 15 years of their life in school to become a doctor (and incur a kings ransom of debt), have to support a family, run a practice, and accept mere pennies on the dollar for their hard earned expertize. Yep, I'd do the same thing too, quit!

I am willing to wager that this doctor is not the only one closing up shop around the country. With all of the experienced doctors fleeing the medical field, guess what we are going to be left with? Substandard and incompetent quacks, or what they used to called 'em back in the Wild West, Butchers and Saw Bones. Guess who will suffer the most  because of this? That's right, us. Does Obama care? Not in the least. Being the Sith Lord he will get the very best of care.

I foresee many nursing homes closing down with the inseption of ObamaCare. After all why keep all of those pesky old people alive? They are too old and too sick and will be a financial  drain on the medical system.

I also foresee the closing of many hospitals, especially private and Catholic ones who've devoted themselves to giving excellent care. You don't have to ask why because I believe you know.

Hey moonbats, are you happy yet?

The last word.

A co-worker told me yesterday that she received a letter from Calvary Hospice where her mother was cared for and died 2 years ago.

The letter was pleading for donations because it was losing all government subsidies due to ObamaCare. Without this money they would have to turn away patients and or send patients home to be cared for by their families until they died.

Unfortunately this is only the tip of the iceberg.  As stated before ObamaCare is not about health care. It's government legislated and mandated population control. 

 And to think they executed Dr. Jack Kevorkian for doing this.     

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Government Subsidized Drug Abuse

As the Fiscal Cliff draws nearer, many conservative talk show hosts have asked their listeners to call in with suggestions on how to cull government debt. I have one that is a real humdinger. In fact, if you cut this particular program you will cut three or more also. Killing three birds with one stone so to speak.

What are you talking about, Sister?

I'm talking about a program that has fallen completely off the radar. It's called The Methadone Treatment Program. Remember that one?

I don't know about how the program is run in other cities, but here in New York City it is run thus.

Early in the morning, six days a week, people gather in front of discreet storefronts (another case of NIMBY – no one wants these places in their neighborhoods) and line up to get their fix. They are each given a small bottle of Methadone, which contains a pre-measured dose, which is to help wean them off of heroine addiction.

They must consume said dose in front of the personnel giving it to them. This procedure is repeated every weekday except for Saturdays where the “Methadonians” are given two doses. One for Saturday and an extra for Sunday when the treatment center is not open.

"Surprise, surprise!", as Gomer Pyle would say.  This is all bought and paid for with your hard earned taxpayer money, folks!

About five years ago, I listened to a late night conservative talk show host interview a doctor concerning this very subject. I don't recall the doctors name, nor the hosts, but I do recall the doctor emphatically stating that The Methadone Treatment Program is one of the biggest government ripoffs there ever was.

Why? The host questioned.

It turns our that people in the Methadone Treatment program are only supposed to be in the program for about six weeks tops. Your doses are supposed to be gradually reduced until you reach the six week terminus (depending on the person it may be less or a little more). By then you should be free and clear of both heroine and methadone.

But the government became more accommodating to the “Methadonians” and gave them food stamps, welfare, medicaid, subsidized housing, and disability. After all, if you are nodding off from your daily fix of methadone you can't be expected to hold down a proper job can you?

The doctor further stated, since the “methadonians” get so many perks, there is no incentive to get off the methadone, or the “government subsidized drug addiction”, as I call it. So people who are supposed to be clean and clear of heroine stay hooked on methadone for 10, 20, 30 years! The bottom line? They get to nurse off the government teat, at tax payers expense “til death doeth them part”. Don't ya just love it?

My proposal is to hunt down everyone of these “freeloaders” and give them all six weeks to get clean or else! Once they are clean, put them to work! If they want money, let them work for it with their own hands. No more public assistance for you! Like the Bible says: “If a man doesn't work, he shall not eat.” Enough of living off the public teat! Save those spots for people who really do need it and can't get it.

One last thing.

About eleven years ago a new lady named Lisa joined our church. We were well aware that she was an ex-drug addict, however, we did not know she was on Methadone.

Lisa didn't feel right continuing to take Methadone after she had committed her life to Christ. So she asked several ladies at the church to sit with, take care of, and pray with her as she went through total withdrawal. After five days she emerged weak, a little sick but victorious in Christ, free from both methadone and cigarettes!

It was a good thing she did this, because she found out she had terminal lung cancer a couple of months later. About two years later she went home to be with the Lord.

Before Lisa died she confided in me that the most disappointing thing was not finding out she had terminal cancer, but the fact that they gave her a tremendously hard time at the Methadone Treatment Center. People (officials and fellow methadonians) kept telling her that she was nuts for getting off, and as a result she would be giving up her freebies.

So this is what it has come to for some people. You are nobody or nothing if your not getting freebies from the government. But, Lisa proved them all wrong!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Tale of Two Unions

I'd like to tell you a tale of two Unions. The first one has ceased to exist. The reason? It did too little too late.

In New York City we used to have an agency called “OTB” or Off Track Betting. It's employees were members of AFSME (Local DC37) which is a huge clerical/administrative, and public service union. Technically OTB was a chain of city and state government run, horse race betting parlors. It was originally started to take the illegal revenue out of the hands of the MOB/Mafia and legitimize it.

Like lotto tickets. Instead of going to your favorite number spot or “number hole”, or bookie, as we call them in New York City, you'd go to your local deli, grocery store and by a Pick Six Lotto ticket, or what ever. No more middle man or woman to skim off the profits.

Off Track Betting was also established back in 1971 as a convenient way for people to bet on the ponies without shelping all the way out to the tracks at Belmont or Aqueduct. In addition, a certain portion of the profits were earmarked to help generate money for the race horse industry, and state/city funded projects (ie: public schools).

OTB did well in the 70's, 80's and 90's but towards the late 90's into the 2000's New York State and City auditors found out it was starting to lose a lot of money. Why? With the onset of the internet, naturally people took their business elsewhere. Additionally, interest in horse racing waned because there were so many other options available.

Not to mention there were community complaints from some of the neighborhoods where these betting parlors were established. To wit: they tended to attract seedy/sleazy clientele, thus diminishing the value of of the local real estate. This was a typical case of NIMBY. Not In My Neighborhood.

The real story is the fact that New York State got tired of propping up the OTB boondoggle. Like the Post Office, New York State was pouring millions into a Money Pit and getting no payback.

There had been announcements and threats in the past that OTB would be permanently shuttered and the so-called local the workers were a part of, did nothing for their members. In some cases workers had been working for OTB for twenty plus years. Yes, of course they had been dues paying members in good standing.

You'd think with the cash flow they were ….. er.... confiscating from members paychecks, they would've initiated some kind of program to transition their workers into other city agencies. After all, they did have enough prior warning.

However, in 2010, the plug was officially pulled on OTB, 50 parlors were shuttered and over 1,000 workers lost their jobs. But wait there was more. Not only did the workers lose their jobs, they also lost medical care, and their pensions. Why? Because the OTB cooperation had claimed bankruptcy a year prior and the court had seized members pension monies in order to pay of old company debts.  The union and the members went to court to appeal and lost handily.

The irony is, after existing on member support for approximately thirty years. That particular union local ceased to exist. No tikkie, no shirty. No membership, no union/local. A sad and ignominious end to one union. I would say fitting, but the members suffered needlessly for their incompetence.

Fast forward to 2012.

It was the height of the Election 2012 and my union (the same mentioned above) rallied around Obama to get him elected.

As I've mentioned before, I was not in favor of this. Though I am a member, I do not subscribe to group think.  I should have a right to decline giving a portion of my dues to electoral champagnes, but as a union member I don't.

However, I still have a right to make my own decisions. If I don't like the product, I don't have to buy it. If I don't like the man running for office, while this is still a free country, I have a right to NOT vote for him and likewise cast my vote for who I feel has the proper values and is competent to run this nation. 

Yes, I highly disagreed with my unions choice to take part of my membership dues and arbitrarily hand them over to fill Obama's champagne war chest. 

With that said, I must give you some background about my particular union. It is 90% minorities, and unfortunately, many are as clueless as a box of rocks, and easily persuaded for a few freebies. They bet heavily on Obama to the point of giving him millions of membership money. Every union rag I received during the champagne period bragged about how much money they gave Obama. Yep, sickening and disgusting.

Along comes Hurricane Sandy, and my union's headquarters is situated right smack dab in the middle of Zone A.

Cold Hard Fact: Zone A is an area in New York City which WILL flood if there is a Hurricane or NorEaster. If you live or work in that area, you are strongly admonished to evacuate, period.  

Hurricane Sandy rolled in and flooded Lower Manhattan with a vengeance. It flooded and shut down subway stations, caused a total black out of Lower Manhattan for five days. It destroyed businesses, tore up South Street Seaport's boardwalk, and flooded numerous basements. Landmarks were not excluded.

My union's headquarters was hit very hard. I heard from several friends that the basement was flooded so badly that there were “live fish” swimming around down there! The sad part about this is the fact that it still remains that way today. Very little has been done by way of clean up and rehab.

Why? They are waiting on FEMA money to start the clean up. After all, didn't Obama fly to New York City and promise help and money?  Help is on the way.......  

Huh? You rightfully query. What about all of that money they "confiscated" from millions of members?

I hate to say the obvious, but, “If they hadn't given all of that money to Obama, they would've had an emergency fund to clean and fix their headquarters.”

With stories like these you can see that unions have, in my scathing opinion, outlived their usefulness. 

They are far too large, they strong arm their members into radical activity that many don't want to be a part of, they confiscate far too much money from hard working member's paychecks (in the guise of “dues”), and they spend money and waste resources like drunken sailors. Heaven forbid something should happen to your or your job, you'd better have your own sad trombone. . . . . . .

Sounds a lot like our government, doesn't it?