Saturday, January 17, 2015

Quiet As a Mouse!

Before reading this post, please click on the following link and read the article.

Why is the Homosexual Lobby or GLAD silent as a mouse on this issue? You'd think they'd be raising a stink about how their compatriots are being treated in Islamic dominated countries. But, nay, not a word.

I'll tell you why. GLAD is silent because they are terrified......

You see, it's much easier for them to harass a Christian bakery into baking a same sex wedding cake, or a Christian wedding parlor to host a same sex wedding. It's so much easier taking Christians to court and having them fined, imprisoned, or forcing them shut their business down.

It's all about bloodless conquest. This is so much easier (and SAFER) to do than to confront folks who'd put a "fatwah" (an Islamic contract to kill you because you have offended Allah...) on you, or slaughter you where you stand.

Like I always say "Bullies are very selective with whom they bully." They wouldn't want to get themselves killed in the process........

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Freed From Gitmo!

Please click and read the following link. Warning, it will make your blood boil.......

Has Obama no shame? Why did he release these prisoners just one week after the  "Charlie Hebdo" attack in Paris? The same reason why he didn't show for the Paris March with 40 world leaders. Because he couldn't give a rip!

You see, these terrorists are Obama's peeps. He wants them to get right back into the thick of things and perhaps cause more incidents like what happened in Paris right here in the United States and possibly in large cities like New York, Dallas, Boston, etc.

This is all part of Obama's plan to cause utter chaos in the Untied States so that he must declare martial law. Remember he's got a number pots brewing.

1. America's continued financial instability on the world market and increased debt.  2. Increased and prolonged joblessness for American citizens (especially Blacks and minorities). 3. High Black on White racial tensions, unrest, protests and crimes. 4. Unpresidented hatred against and assainations of law enforcement officers. 5. Illegals flooding the border and sucking up all of our resources. 6. The Ebola virus raising its ugly head.

Add the release of prisoners from Gitmo and we have the potential for a nationsl nuclear melt down without the nuclear fission.

Sadly, this Gitmo thing could've been solved long ago by military excecution. Then we would no longer have the parasites returning to bite us on our rear......

Why Was Obama Elected, Again???

Obama got into office again because of two things.

One, the majority of my people, the Black race and other minorities were fooled into thinking that since he was Black, he was going to be their Great BLACK Hope.

Like that picture of the poor old horse chasing the carrot that hangs only inches from his nose. All Obama did was dangle the promise of government sponsored freebies before them and they jumped for it, not realizing or in some cases not caring that they being strung along, being used and abused. And of course, Obama has had many a good laugh because Americans are stupid and ignorant. Sadly, a large majority are.....

The second reason Obama was elected was because he is a Manchurian President. He was bought and paid for by none other than multi-billionare George Soros, a former Nazi concentration camp soldier who still claims that working in the concentration camp was the most enjoyable job he ever had.......

Soros' intent? The total and irrevocable destruction of this what was once a great nation. For the life of me I don't understand why this evil incarnate man is not behind bars for past Nazi war crimes, or dead. But, that judgment up to God. Perhaps He is paying out extra rope....

Please read the book of Esther in the bible to understand what I mean. Someone was hung on the gallows they'd built for someone else ......

I didn't mention a third point but this last one was a doozy. There was also a great deal of voter fraud. With email voting and in some places a person no longer needed identification to vote, people voted multiple times, people were paid to vote, dead people mysteriously rose from the dead to vote, felons voted, everyone voted except registered Republicans and Conservatives. If they did, their votes were tampered with or discounted. And the military vote? That was a hot mess....

Now that I look back at it, I see that there is pure wickedness afoot which wants to utterly and completely destroy The United States of America. I have no choice but to throw in my lot and fight to save her.

Though I am Black, it's not a Black thing or a White thing. It's not a Womens Lib thing, its not about being rich or poor. Its about being an American who loves her country the way it used to be, not what she has become.

Bye the way, you can read more about George Soros here: