Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Free Store

Years ago I coined the phrase: The Free Store. Actually I had stolen it from a friend who'd mentioned it in jest. She has no clue those very words would be so famous or infamous.

According to her “The Free Store” was a literal store where one could go pick up stuff for free without being arrested. In short, it would be a shoplifters paradise, only they wouldn't have to shoplift. The so called customers would either be given what they wanted, or could take what they wanted, all for free.

In reality, a store like this would never exist for very long. People open stores in order to turn a profit, not to suffer a loss, and wind up in tremendous debt! Part of said profit must go towards paying rent/leases, utilities, vendors, employees and taxes. So it will be futile to even consider embarking on an adventure like this. Who in their right mind would......

The United States government is doing this right now!

Under the Obama administration, the amount of people receiving entitlements has ballooned dramatically and out of control. Millions of people who lost their jobs, became members of the Long Term Unemployed, lost their unemployment benefits and transitioned to what used to be called “Welfare” back in the day..... You get my drift?

Additionally our President has seen fit to increase or inflate the entitlement rolls by recruiting illegal aliens, advertising on television, and even recruiting in Mexico. Yes, I agree with what Mitt Romney said.  To wit: Obama gave away “gifts” in order to get votes.

Is it any wonder Mexico's president is seriously considering changing his countries name to reflect that he considers Mexico as still part of Texas. I wonder what will it be? Obama-ville? Perhaps he is shilling for Mexico to become the 51st state instead of Puerto Rico.

Back on target, Sista......

As mentioned before, an enterprise like this cannot continue to operate indefinitely. Any well run charity organization will attest to the fact that if they don't have donors, and regular contributors, they cannot continue their work. Likewise with “The Free Store” that Obama has opened.

Entitlements are funded with taxpayer money. With the burgeoning unemployment rate, you have less and less taxpayers paying into the till, so eventually the aforementioned will run completely dry. This will happen despite the so called "confiscatory" higher taxes on the “rich”.

Folks, when the public teat runs dry, and millions get tossed off, and we will have riots in the streets like Greece. Remember those?

My fellow patriots, I don't want to see my beloved America come to that, but it is on the horizon. Why? Because many have replaced dependence upon God for our daily bread, with dependence on man and government for “a pittance and crumbs”.

The bible teaches time and time again, that dependence on man and government both enslaves us and give both ample opportunities to take advantage of/use us. I pray more of us learn this and wake up before it is too late.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Did You Know?

Important Facts About America and Her Government

I originally downloaded an American Citizenship app (application) to my tablet because I was curious. Like that show, “Are You Smarter Than a 10 Year Old?”, I was amazed at how much I had forgotten. For some this may be a primer, others a reminder, some may not know, but, I just wanted to share this with my fellow patriots.

This was too long for a one shot post, so I will publish the rest in as a series.

What is the supreme law of the land?
The Constitution

What does the Constitution do?
Sets up and defines the government.
Protects the basic rights of Americans.

The idea of self government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are those three words?
We The People.

What is an amendment?
A change to or addition to the Constitution

What do we call the first 10 amendments of the Constitution?
The Bill of Rights.

What are the rights and freedoms in the First Amendment?
Petition the government

How many Amendments does the Constitution have?
Twenty Seven.

What did the Declaration of Independence do?
Announced and declared our independence from Great Britian.

What are the rights in the Declaration of Independence?
Pursuit of Happiness

What is the freedom of religion?
You can practice any religion or not practice any religion.

What is the economic system in the United States?
Capitalist economy
Market economy

What is the “rule of law”?
Everyone must follow the law, including leaders and government, because no one is above the law.

Name the branches or parts of the government
The Courts

What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful?
Checks and balances
Separation of power

Who is in charge of the executive branch?
The President

Who makes federal laws?
The Senate and House of Respresntaives
U.S. Legislature

What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress?
The Senate
The House of Representatives

How many U.S. Senators are there?
One hundred

How many years are U.S. Senators are elected for?
Six years

How many members does The House of Representatives have?
Four hundred and thirty five.

How many years do we elect a U.S. Representative for?

Whom do U.S. Senators represent?
All of the people of their state.

Why do some states have more Representatives than others?
Because they are elected according to their states population ratio. States who have larger populations, have more.

How many years do We elect a President for?
Four years

In what month do we vote for a President?

If the President can no longer serve, who takes his/her place?
The Vice President

If the President and the Vice President can no longer serve, who becomes President?
The Speaker of the House

Who is the Commander in Chief of the military?
The President

Who signs bills in order for them to become laws?
The President

Who vetoes bills?
The President

What does the President's Cabinet do?
They advise the President

What are the Cabinet level positions?
Secretary of Agriculture
Secretary of Commerce
Secretary of Defense
Secretary of Education
Secretary of Energy
Secretary of Health and Human Services
Secretary of Homeland Security
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Secretary of the Interior
Secretary of State
Secretary of Transportation
Secretary of the Treasury
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Attorney General
Vice President

What does the judicial branch do?
Reviews and explains laws. Resolves disputes. Decides if a law goes against the Constistution.

What is the highest court in the United States?
The Supreme Court

How many justices are on the Supreme Court?

How long is a justices term on the Supreme Court?
Once selected and approved, it is a lifetime position.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Christmas Dilemma

Here we go again. Every year around this time the same debate arises. Not what one should buy or where one the best sales, or that elusive toy your child absolutely must have. It's about Christmas and Christmas displays.

"To display or not to display", that is the question.

When I was a child, there was no question whether or not to put up a nativity scene, a cross, or Menorah. It was no question about playing hymns as Christmas music. It was also no question of showing films about the real Christmas in school. But most of these things are gone, and out of sight out of mind.

Today, the question arises whether certain towns, districts, cities, office buildings, government buildings, stores, etc, should continue to display nativity scenes, the Menorah and or signs wishing all “Merry Christmas”. Why?

The Atheists have gone on the defense by going to court and suing to remove as many such displays as possible. They are doing so according to the First Amendment which gives them the right to exercise their free speech and non-religion, or non-belief.  

In other words, Atheists do not believe in the Triune God and they don't want to see any reference to God in the public forum, or society, period.

They have made and are making tremendous inroads. Often having displays removed from locations which have had them for decades. Why?

Here's where I'm about to lose friends, followers, readers, etc. Well so be it.

The Atheists have made inroads because Christians have been asleep! Had we not been so wishy-washy in our faith, the enemy would have never crept in and taken over in so many places! As believers we are  supposed to be responsible, alert, and involved in our civic duty. I'm not saying we will win all of the battles, but the Atheists would know that they have serious opposition when they conduct their next incursion.

In other words, the enemy is not supposed to come in like a flood if there are alert Christians on guard duty and ready to do battle.

Clearly satan has endued people with power for the sole purpose of removing any reference from God and Christ from the public forum. After all, he is the prince and the power of the air and has power over this perishing world. Yes, even to the point where we cannot speak about God and Christ on jobs, etc. 
But he cannot remove my faith from my heart, and should not for yours either.

In reality, satan is systematically removing the convicting power of these visual displays, to the unbelieving public. Therefore “we” who believe in Christ must be “a light” and a “shining city on a hill” for them. We after all, carry “treasure in these earthen vessels” and this is our purpose for being on this earth. To draw all men to Christ.

As for the holidays, it is “Merry Christmas”, for me.  Thank you very much. 

After all it is Christ's Birthday.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Obama is Jesus?

I've previously posted a rant last week lamenting the fact that I saw an Obama champagne button with the slogan: “Only Obama Cares”. I thought that it was an insulting and offensive take off of “Only Jesus Cares”. After all, who are these Obama Zombies to equate Obama with my Lord and Savior? I stupidly thought this was a random incident. Well, I've got bad news!

Get ready to be offended some more.

Please refer to the link provided.

::shakes head::

I've seen some wild cases in the past but this one really takes the cake. When I heard the short radio interview with Professor Thompson, I thought it was sad, sick and prophetic.

Sad, because that title “professor” carries with it a certain amount of credibility and believability. “After all she IS a professor and that means she's supposedly an expert on the subject...” I beg to differ in this respect. Sick, because she sounded like a first class Looney Toon and her arguments were feckless. Prophetic, because Jesus Christ warned about this very thing in Matthew 13:23-28, when he spoke of The Last Days.

New King James Version

23.  “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it.  24. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.  25. See, I have told you beforehand.  26. “Therefore if they say to you, ‘Look, He is in the desert!’ do not go out;or ‘Look, He is in the inner rooms!’ do not believe it.  27. For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 28.  For wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together.

This statement is a direct warning to Christians against getting caught up and fooled by “the hype”, or charisma like the world system. We should not be hood winked by people who are able to lay it on thick, and make the masses feel like they will be taken care of. Those who speak honeyed words and can mesmerize people should not have any affect on us. After all, we Christians are “sheep” and we KNOW OUR MASTERS VOICE!

Notice these so-called prophets always manage say exactly what people want to hear (promises of a chicken in every pot, free health care, free phones..... blink....). On the other hand, when Jesus spoke, he always managed to rile up people (That which is born of flesh is flesh, that which is born of spirit, Verily, verily I say unto you, ye must be born again). Why did Jesus cheese so many people off? Because he spoke the truth. His anointed servants will do the same.

It's also sad that Professor Barbara A.Thompson has published a 200 plus page book on this very subject. Yes, it's on the market for anyone with two peas rattling 'round their empty, plastic doll, heads to purchase and read. Yes, the like minded Obama Zombies.

OMG! She's teaching this offal to people's children? Unfortunately, yes. After all, she IS a collage professor. Need I say more?

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Let's Make A Deal

For the first time in American history we have a Commander In Chief who still remains a mystery to us.  

In the past, we selected solid, principled men (sorry ladies... that's just how it was back then) who loved America and pledged to protect and uphold what she stood for.  So, who is BHO, and who does he stand for?  

First of all, we are not sure who HE is!  His past has been cleverly shrouded in ambiguity.  For a time we didn't know who his real parents were, didn't know where he was born (still don't), don't know where he was raised. We didn't even know what his real name was!  Is it Barry Sorrento, or is it Barack Hussain Obama?  Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Felix The Cat have more honest credentials than BHO.  

The Untied States Secret Service is in charge of vetting all potential candidates for Presidents, if they told Arnold "The Terminator" Schwarztinegger he could not be POTUS because he was not a "natural born citizen, how did BHO get by?  Who was asleep at the wheel or switch?  Who's palms were greased to ignore this fact?  The question still remains, who is he BHO?  If his loyalties are not for America, who are they for?  

Like that old 60's game show, Let's Make A Deal, Obama has three curtains. 

Curtain Number One:  BHO originally portrayed that he was a Christian.  He had a 20 plus year history of going to Trinity United Church of Christ which was pastored by the controversial Jeremiah Wright.

Be it far from me to judge Reverend Wrights calling, but after listening to a couple of his sermons (filled with blatant radicalizam), I beg to differ.

In the words of a beloved man of God I knew (who's long gone home to his reward):  “If you're not preachin' Jesus, you're not preachin'!”  Sounding brass and tinkling cymbals.......

BHO used to brag about the amount of years he was a member of said church like it was a badge of honor.  This included meeting his wife, and the children were raised up under (ehem..... indoctrinated) under Reverend Wright.  You can't tell me that BHO's values and viewpoints were not shaped and solidified by Reverend Wright's words.

Then there is “that other thing.”  You'll have to click on the link and read it for yourself.

Obama's Church Shocker

Another important point.  As Christians we are admonished to love the Jews and The Nation of Israel.  Why?  Because Jesus Christ was a Jew (read His genealogy in Mathew chapter 1) and through His death came the first Christians (the book of Acts) our forefathers.  Also because God told Abraham (the father of the nation of Israel) “I will BLESS them who BLESS you, and CURSE those who CURSE you.”  God was talking about Israel, His wife.  We, Christians are Christ's wife.  

Be it far from me to judge BHO's claims that he is a Christian, however as believers we are admonished to “judge a tree by it's fruit”.  If you say you are an apple tree yet you have grapefruit hanging down...... There's something drastically wrong with that picture

I'm also addressing his allegiance to Israel.  BHO is the first president who has not only flip flopped on our allegiance with Israel, but openly disrespected her Prime Minister.  On the other hand, he is constantly bending over backwards, kowtowing, and kissing the flaming toenails of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Why?

The Bible also says:  “Man can not have two masters.  He will love one and hate the other.” (my paraphrase).  So despite the political Rope A Dope, BHO is not for Israel.  Just look at WHOM he surrounds himself with.  Birds of a feather, certainly do flock together.

Folks called Michelle Bachman crazy because she was up in arms about the “Brotherhood infiltrating the White House.  Yes, Why do so many members of the Muslim Brotherhood have such free access to the White House, Sir?

Curtain Number Two. POTUS is supposed to love his country and the people who elected him.  I see no evidence of that with the current resident of the White House.

He's signed numerous executive orders (which overstepped Congress and The Constitution).  They   were specifically designed to hinder not help America get back on it's economic feet.  He's also refused  to sign the KeystoneXL oil drilling contract so his “Muslim peeps” can maintain their cash flow. After all, if we really started drilling here in America, they wouldn't be able to keep overcharging us for their oil and using the money to buy guns, ammo, and bombs to kill us with.   

He also threw away millions of hard earned tax-payer money on Solyndra and General Motors.  Quantitative Easing One, and Two turned out to be flops, driving the American economy into an even deeper pit of debt.  Surprise, surprise (in a Gomer Pile voice) he's gonna pass Quantitative Easing Three.......

Obama Care is a complete boondoggle.  It turns out that just because it's under the banner of Free Health Care, it doesn't mean it's free.  Millions of individuals and businesses will be effected.  One horrible result is the fact that businesses will be fined if they don't implement it and will have to pay extra fees if they maintain staffs over 50 people or if they work over a certain amount of hours.  As a result, the day after BHO was reelected, many well-known businesses started laying off people by the hundreds and thousands.  

This so called free healthcare will be a nemesis to our beloved America. Only a select few will receive care leaving many to suffer and die.  In my scathing opinion, if this is enacted:  “Don't get sick, don't be disabled, don't be elderly, don't be very young, or the unborn.”   I believe this is Obama's form of population control.  After all, there are too many of us using up all of the resources, leaving none for him and his “elite”.

Who will this affect the most?  Minorities.  We are the ones who are obese, potential heart attack and stroke victims, have diabetes, and take 100 different medications to start the day.  Ya think Obama care is gonna support that?  

I would write more but my heart hurts.  

As for Curtain Number Three, we have yet to see what's behind that one.  Woe betide us when we do.  

Thursday, November 15, 2012

BENGHAZI vs Distractions

Before I start my rant, if you are not familiar with the events of 09/11/2012 which happened in Benghazi, Libya please click on the following link to refresh your memory.

What it all boils down to is four men were murdered because they were Americans. One American Ambassador and three brave soldiers who gave their lives to defend him.

Most egregious was when under fire they had asked for help, assistance was ready to be deployed, but it was ordered to “stand down”, or not deploy. As a result US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, Information Management Officer Sean Smith, U.S. Embassy Security Officers Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods died.

I've also read that there was evidence of abuse and perhaps torture to the Ambassador's body. After the Black Hawk Down incident in Mogadishu (remember that?), and knowing who we are dealing with (radical terrorists who's sole mission in life is to purge Americans from the Earth) I am not surprised at this revelation. My heart breaks for their families and loved ones.

I'm disturbed that more than a month later, no one really has a believable explanation as to why this happened. I've never seen more elected officials run for cover in my life.  It was like flicking on the kitchen light at night and watching the roaches or mice scurry for the cracks. Even POTUS clammed up. . . . . .

The so-called American media (which has been bought and paid for by the Obama administration) didn't even report on it. Only what's laughingly called Right Wing Nut Job radio and TV stations, commentators, Twitter, Facebook, Conservative bloggers, etc, kept the news in the public eye.

Along came the election, and El Presidente was too busy campaigning and running "The Free Store" (promising freebies to all who'd vote for him) to answer questions about Benghazi. Oh yeah I forgot, he threw Mama From the Train: Hillary Clinton.

Along came Hurricane Sandy which slammed into to the Northeast coast and did major damage to New Jersey, New York City and state and Connecticut. El Presidente Elect was too busy getting photo ops with Governor “Crispy Cream” Christi of New Jersey to deal with Benghazi.

Now, along comes this Petreaus scandal. Now the news is filled with wall to wall coverage of who, what, where, when, and why it happened. In my scathing opinion, the FBI did more investigations on Petreaus than they did with Benghazi. How is that so? Because this is merely a distraction, that's all.

Whether or not the four star general was messing around was is not my concern. I, like millions of fellow Americans demand to know the following:

What happened in Benghazi?

Why was Ambassador Stevens stationed in what was deemed to be a dangerous compound without personal security?

Why wasn't there a detachment of soldiers guarding said facility?

Why was help denied?

Was POTUS and his staff watching a real time broadcast (via satellite of the incident) in the Situation Room?

If yes (to the above query) why wasn't help dispatched?

Was this a planned assassination of Ambassador Stevens?

Were three fine soldiers dispensable because they were merely in the wrong place at the wrong time?

No matter what the answers are, I hold POTUS fully responsible, after all, he is The Commander in Chief.  As far as I'm concerned,  he wanted the job, the responsibility comes with it.  It's not all about photo shoots, golf, and hanging out with JayZ and Beyonnce.  

With that said, Obama should not only be impeached, but tried, and imprisoned for treason for Benghazi.  Period. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I'm sick to death of retreads in our government! Before I tell you what I call a retread is, I'll tell what they are not supposed to be.

When our Founding Fathers first established our Republic, they never intended for men to remain in office for the rest of their lives. Back then, elected officials (who were all men – sorry ladies....) served their terms and went back home to their families, farms and businesses.  I gather it was probably not as profitable back then to be a congressman, senator, or even, The President.

I believe you see where I'm about to go with this.....

In my scathing opinion, the longer today's elected official(s) stay in office, the more corrupt they become. They become deeply entrenched, and spend most of their time glad-handing, hitting up lobbyists, and campaigning so they barely have time for their so call constituents. The very people who voted them into office get the shaft.

No way should being an elected official be a money making business. You have been elected by whatever state, city, county, and what you are paid (via hard earned taxpayer money) should be enough. You may be the President Of The United States, etc, but you are still a public servant  You are there at the behest of the people to do their bidding. Not the other way around.

When I speak of retreads, I mean people like:

Harry Reid

Nancy Pelosi
Charlie Rangle
John Kerry

To list a few.......

Charlie Rangle is a New York City congressman who was reelected on 11/06/2012. To my horror I discovered that he'd been in office since 1971! OMG! This man has been in office since the Vietnam War! He's been embroiled in numerous scandals, indited, and censored yet the trained seals in New York City voted for him again!

Our Founding Fathers never intended for this to happen. Elected officials were not supposed to make a lifetime career out of it. But they do. That's because We The People don't 1)  Demand term limits for these offices. 2) Keep an eagle eye on our elected officials and their record in office. 3) Refuse to vote for them if they stink.

Hey, just like if you buy an article of clothing, you go home and find a hole in it...... You'd be right back in the store demanding a refund or replacement, instead of complaining about the hole. We must do the same thing with our elected officials!

Want to cut down on government spending?  Get rid of  the retreads in office.

Enough said.

Star Crossed

Conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham has a saying that I love: “Shut up and sing!” 

Why?  Because it applies to celebrities most of whom are "politically clueless".  But, this doesn't stop them from using their star power to make political statements and recommendations to the public and their followers. Being the “trained seals” that said followers are, they clap and bleat their approval.  Worst of all they go out and VOTE!  Of course, said followers have no idea they are being herded off right  the edge of the cliff.

The question of the day is:  Why should a movie, TV, rap, comedy star have so much influence upon whom I vote for? A)  Is it because they are highly public and always in the lime light?  B)  It because people just don't use their mind to make proper decisions any longer? I believe it's both A and B.

I also believe as people who love America (the way The Founding Fathers intended it to be) should choose and support celebrities who feel the same way as we do. Why? Because LibCelebs will take the very money you spend to see their show(s), concert(s), buy their CD(s), see their movie(s), and buy their books, and donate it to the administration who would see us dead. Period.

I'm not telling you to boycott anyone one specifically. After all, who am I but a regular American citizen who loves her country. But, I'm pleading with you to use common sense and choose properly.

I know the majority of Black teens love Rap music, and who are two of the biggest names in Rap? Beyonnce and JayZ. Who contributed heavily to BHO's reelection champagne? You guessed it. Never mind the fact that the majority of Black teens can't get jobs, and thereby have no finances to buy their albums. All because of the very man they support. I wonder if they ever considered this?  Naaaaahhhhh.

Libs never seem to recognize that in sticking a knife in America's back, there is a knife at their own throat.  Until it's too late........

This is why Laura Ingraham said: “Shut up and sing.”  Beyonnce and JayZ supported Obama so heavily, their fans followed like sheep and voted for Obama too.  I think they should've stuck to singing.  Like Oprah should've stuck to being a talk host.......

Needless to say, you won't catch me dead buying one of their CDs, or watching Oprah's show.......  Wait, is she still on?.

Who do I support? Gary Sinese. He loves America and he supports our Troops! He gets 2 thumbs up from me! Check out the following link.

Meatless Mondays?

Meatless What?????

Before I begin this rant, please read the following article

Now I thought New York City was bad. Our esteemed Mayor Bloomberg is responsible for the following: 

No smoking in public buildings (including bars and restaurants), restaurants keeping their salt and fat content in check (no salt on tables, no fat in food over a certain amount), removing sodas and juices from public schools, bike lanes and pedestrian walkways in Manhattan, halting food donations to homeless until he can asses the salt and fat content (especially heinous during the Hurricane Sandy crisis), and last but not least the banning of large sugary drinks. That means, if you go to a concert, movie, or sporting event, you will NOT be able to buy a Big Gulp.........

Now comes Los Angelos' legislation of Meatless Mondays. Without saying this is a communist and Marxist concept. They say this is being done to preserve the environment, cut down on killing animals, and save the human race from eating too much meat and high cholesterol.

I wonder, do people know that the evil cholesterol is an essential component needed for brain function? Remove too much of it and human beings start suffering the early effects of Alzheimer's disease. This is especially prevalent in people who take Statin drugs.

Alas, I am not a doctor, nurse, nurse practitioner, or physician's assistant, so I will digress.....

My direct concern is this trend towards Nanny State-ism that we seem to be barreling headlong towards.  Where the government dictates what we eat, and not our own God given common sense.

According to this article Meatless Monday is merely a suggestion to residents that they not eat meat on Mondays. I'm just wondering how long will it be until meat will be banned on Mondays?  I'm talking stores NOT selling meat on Mondays.  Restaurants not preparing and serving meat based meals on Mondays. Think I'm crazy? Look what's happened in New York City!

I don't care what they legislate. This is a free country (whats left of it) and I as a responsible citizen have the right to make the decision to eat what I want. If YOU want to eat shoots and leaves like a Koala Bear, YOU eat it! I still love my Quarter Pounders and my grilled spare ribs, and barbecue chicken! Thank You Very Much!

The Cold Hard Facts - #1

It makes me kind of wonder, why did BHO want to be reelected so badly? What possessed him to resort to practically and figuratively "selling his soul" to have another chance at The White House? The cold, hard fact is, if he was willing to stoop to such nefarious deeds to be reelected, because he has equally nefarious plans in place for America come 2013.

Plans to completely nullify the United States Constitutionalism and strip us (American citizens) of our freedom.

First on his agenda is the First Amendment. The right to free speech, the right to assemble, the right to worship (Christians, Jews, Catholics, pay particular attention to this).

The First Amendment was penned into the Constitution because our original founders (the Pilgrims) fled England because they were not allowed to worship freely unless they worshiped in "state mandated churches".

To this very day, all churches (edifices) in England are owned by The Church of England. If you are a Protestant Christian church you must rent a hall, theater or other type of building in order to gather, have services and other church based events. Why? Because The Church of England does not allow "unsanctioned" churches to own property.

Unfortunately this is coming to America, folks. And you can thank BHO for that.

Freedom of speech also applies to the news media, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, speaking engagements, public forums and yes, the internet.

As you can see from the past champagne and election  the mass media had totally sold out and became BHO's official mouthpiece. Everything he said or did was gospel, according to them and they repeatedly bleated the lies no matter how outrageous and egregious . Reminds me of what happened in Hitlers day. His speeches memorized millions.........

So it remains today.

Since most of the Media is owned by BHO folks took to the internet to voice their concerns and protests. This included Conservatives, Republicans, and so called Right Wing Nut Jobs such as, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, to name a few. Add to that millions of independent bloggers and authors.

Despite this underground Full Court Press on the internet, BHO still won. However, he remembers what we independent Americans did because of our First Amendment right. As a consequence he has a bill on his desk all ready to sign to tax the internet. That's right, TAX THE INTERNET! This is President Elect Obama's payback, and will be the death knell for the internet and everyone's freedom of speech in this medium. This will apply to you, whether you are a LibTard or Conservative.

If you are a Lib, this means you will no longer have a place to whine. You can thank “your man” BHO for that.

I have much more to tell you, but I wanted to keep this short. I will continue to post this as a series as I type up more information.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

Santa Claus? 

Well, it's about that time of year when we think of Christmas. Thanksgiving is nine days away, some stores are already decked out, 'The Tree" has officially been selected, felled, and is now on it's way to Rockefeller Center for the Christmas Tree Lighting....

So, that's about right.

Nope, I'm not talking about the fat jolly guy who wears a red and white suit, a long white beard and hauls around gifts and toys via a sled driven by 12 reindeer. I'm talking about our Commander In Chief.

During the past four years President Obama has been to New York City on numerous occasions. I often wondered why he didn't take a hint from Bill Clinton and set up a satellite office and residence here.

Notice, BHO never came New York City just to make a social call. His visits always reminded me of that Eddie Murphy movie: “Coming To America”. They were all for show, plus he was seeking to line his pockets with donations to fill his champagne coffers.

He was always hosted and sponsored by some rich, and politically clueless, LibTard celebrity (Spike Lee, Sara Jessica Parker to name a few) who were more than willing to flush their money down the toilet. . . . . 

So, why is BHO heading back to New York City? Surely it is not for more champagne money!

Apparently, he is soooooo concerned about victims of Hurricane Sandy and wants to survey the damage. Oh yes, just like he was so concerned two weeks ago when he did a helicopter flyover with New Jersey Governor Christie. 

Like Santa Claus, he promised FEMA help for all. Two weeks later, significant FEMA assistance is yet to be seen, and many people are cursing his name.  As for FEMA, people are using another four letter word for it.

In my scathing opinion, you folks should've known better. The man hasn't produced in the past four years, why should he change now?

The question remains, why is he coming back to New York City? Other than to cause Obama Lock (horrendous gridlock as whole sections of Manhattan are shut down to accommodate his motorcade) Simple, he is returning to do a photo op.

Yes it would look good for BHO to be photographed with the flooded out, hungry, cold wet, and exhausted victims of Hurricane Sandy. It's his personal and distorted version of "The Prince and The Pauper", only there is no mistaken exchange.

Oh, how I wish there was! America would be far better off.  

Only Obama Cares

I saw the above slogan on a button, a Black, male, teen had pinned to his knapsack.  I thought that slogan was very ironic because there used to be an old mission church on West 41st Street and 8th Avenue New York City.  This church had a flashing neon sign that said “Only Jesus Cares” in bold, pink neon.  Seeing and remembering that sign was very comforting to me.

Hence, I found it both insulting and sick that folks would go so far as to equate BHO with Christ.  Then again, I shouldn't be.

Does Obama really care?  

Well, America...... certain citizens of this great land of ours have done the unthinkable.  Y'all have reelected Barack Hussein Obama as President.  This is despite the fact that the man has done nothing but systematically destroy America for the past four years.  

Apparently many of you were not listening when he promised to: “Fundamentally change America....”  My first question would've been a resounding “Why?”

BHO meant what he said, and said what he meant.  This was about the only true thing he uttered.  

Obviously, BHO had an agenda from day one.  Point being, to PREY on Black voters.  You see, if you were Black and voted for Obama back in 2008, he played you for a fool and compelled you through trickery (Rope A Dope, Shucking and Jiving, plain Bravo Sierra) to do it again in 2012.  Boy, a lot of you fell for it!  It was like watching one of those elaborate stacks of dominoes fall.  Tip one and they all cascade.........

After all, we  Generation X folk grew up listening to Jessie Jackson Sr. say:  “We're gonna make the White House, our house.” for so long we could practically taste it.  We were so souped and hyped up and ready to vote a Black man, we voted any Black man in, regardless of the shady principles.  As long as you had a Black man in The White House........

Have you considered the fact that, Barack Obama has yet to provide a valid birth certificate?  I personally wonder, how is it possible that The President Of The United States got away without providing this essential document, when I had to provide mine in order to get my first ever summer job?  I also needed it in order to register to vote, and get my non-drivers ID card.  But I digress.   

I must ask again, how and why did we reelect BHO?  Many did because he threw open doors of The Free Store!  What is that, you ask.  This is where BHO set up shop and started offering things from the government for free.  Free amnesty, free collage loans, free healthcare, free cellphones, Food Stamps, EBT, home loans, etc.  You name it, you've got it, all bought and paid for by the United States taxpayer.  But, no one even considers that, as long as it's free, it's for me.  

So of course we get all greedy and grabby, not realizing that there is a price for all of that free stuff.  My personal axiom is:  “Anything you get from the government for free, you must give up part of your personal freedom to get and keep it”.  I say this from personal experience in dealing with my late Mom who had to apply for such programs.   Due to her disability I was her go-between during her document re-certifications, and it often was not pretty.......

Does Obama really care?

Sadly so many of my Brothers and Sisters have been fully indoctrinated into the “system”.  Since prayer/religion was removed from public schools in 1965, they (the public schools) have become “indoctrination centers”.  Since there are no religious values and principles being taught, all kinds of so called social experiments were used to fill the gap.  Sex education, group think, socialization, environmental concepts, Marxism, Communism, Islam, etc.  

Yes, Islam is being taught in New York City Public schools and it is COMPULSARY, not elective.......

Back on point.........

All of these so called theories indoctrinated the crumb crunchers into believing that it is wrong/selfish/greedy to be wealthy, have a big house, have a lot of clothing, have a big car, use a lot of fuel, eat a lot of food.  The worst  by far is that people shouldn't have to work, they should depend on the government to care for them from cradle to grave.  

So, now you've got several solidly indoctrinated generations who have been raised to think, they've got it all coming to them. America owes it to them.  They want a piece of the action without any action on their part. The rich are the enemy, big corporations are evil, and they should give it all up so they, the so-called under privileged can while away their time doing.......ugh..... errr........nothing.

Mind you the Bible clearly says:  If a man does not work, he shall not eat.....  Ops, I forgot, no one believes in that book, or that God anymore.........

Isn't it amazing how Gods Word said that?  I've learned in my personal Christian walk that EVERY word God says if for a purpose!  God said this because He knew that not only did man need to work to earn his keep, but he also needed to work to maintain self worth.  Men and women would become absolutely useless louts, sitting and lying around all day.

Believe you me, it is super-duper boring with nothing to do but, sleep, eat, watch TV, play videos, surf the web, all day (in your PJs)  After a while you start thinking, what's the use of getting up in the morning?  There is no purpose or drive to get moving.  However, your president-elect has had many of you in this position for months and even years since he was elected in 2008. 

So you think BHO still cares? 

You don't have to tell me the unemployment rate is up, nor do you have to gin up phony totals to try and appraise me.  All I had to do is look around my neighborhood and see how many teens were unemployed this summer (2012).  Usually there are many jobs available to them, but this year the pickings were slim to none.  Why?  Unemployed adults had grabbed up all of the summer jobs!  Now, you know it's bad when that happens!  

Teens couldn't even get a job at the local Burger King, McDonald's or Popeye's!  Why, adults in their 40s, 50s , 60's, and 70's snapped those up too!  

With nowhere to work, and nothing to do all summer (except go to summer school – which most loath to do), your guess is as good as mine what happened.  They turned to crime, running the streets with gangs, and starting flash mobs, etc.  It was open season in New York City (and other parts of the country I hazard to guess).

Obama cares.  Really?

Consider those who graduated this year.  Many came back home with brand spanking new degrees but no jobs to match.  Forced to move back home and live with parents until they could find something, anything to support themselves.  Perhaps some of them can move into the  White House and camp out on the front lawn...........

Note, I'm only talking about the Black population here.  The ones Obama is supposed to care sooooo much about, because he too is Black.  Now before you label me a self hating Negro, or Oreo, or some other vituperative lets look at the whole picture.  You might wanna stop here because what I will say will hurt your eyes.

If you voted for Obama because you think he cares about you, and you are the following:  Black, White, Asian, Native American, illegal immigrant, LBGT, Women, Men, Christian, Catholic, Jew, Gentile, Atheist, etc.  I can go on forever.  Get this.


You've been had Sister or Brother.  You were only used as a means to get to the next destination then discarded.  

As president Lincoln once said:  “Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.”  How's it feel to be fooled twice?