Monday, October 28, 2013

Shopping While Black

I'm sorry folks but y'all really have your homework cut out for you. Before I proceed with my usual scathing opinion I would like you to click on the following links and read these two New York Daily News Articles.

I should've entitled this post "The Masses Are Jackasses".  Why? Because this whole issue about Black shoppers being profiled to me is a none issue. I shake my head when I see how easily my people are whipped up and sucked into things like this.

I warned y'all last week this issue was going to take off a Scud Missile. Well, it did and with the help of none other than....... wait for it .... Al Sharpton ..... and ...... drum roll please. ... The National Action Network, Al Shapton's so called "activist" aka shake down and extortionist group.

Isn't it amazing that last week there was only one victim of racist profiling while shopping.  Now there are four. Instead of one store, its now two. Macys has joined the hit list along with Barneys. Lord knows how many high end stores will join this list by months end. Forget about the hordes of pretend victims.

And what will Al Sharpton and his so called "activist group" call for next? A boycott? A strike? A march and or picket line against these stores? With the Christmas shopping season right around the corner, this could become very nasty indeed.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I seriously question the timing of this. After all, look who is residing at 1600 Pensilvannia Avenue.......and Sharpton happens to be one his best supporters and best buds...

It looks like the Quasi King ordered his Minion to whip up the unwashed, to me..........

I remain

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Expensive Bag Caper

Remember earlier this year there was this whole big stink about Oprah and an expensive bag?

Apparently she went shopping in Sweden and took a liking to a very expensive bag and wanted to buy it. But the Swedish saleswoman looked at Oprah (and quite possibly didn't recognize her), assumed she was looking at an average, ordinary Black woman,  who for all intents and purposes might be trying to steal said item.....

Well, above mentioned saleswoman told Oprah that she couldn't afford the bag,  and probably put it back on the shelf or rack.

Instead of Oprah quietly identifying herself and buying said item (and none  would've been the wiser), she chose to blow the whole thing out of proportion and call the encounter "racist". Of course the news media took up her cry and ran with it for weeks. What was clearly a case of mistaken identity turned into a monster.

Just when I thought I've cleansed my mind of that unfortunate episode.  Here comes another!

Believe it or not this is masthead of the New York Daily News! 

With our economy and government in tatters with Obamacare looming to deal this nation the death blow, this is front page news?  I seriously question the timing of this release. After all this supposed incident happened back in February! So, why are we hearing about it NOW?

In my personal and scathing opinion, it is to further fan the flames of racial hatred and to further separate American citizens! All this when it is crucial that we ALL  work together to achieve a common goal! Whether Black, White, Asian, Indian, etc must work together to restore our freedoms and country. Period.

This is merely a warning to watch how the Obama "boot kissing" media is going to trump this story up. Count on numerous apearences from Jessie JERKson (Jackson) and Al "Not So Sharp" Sharton as professional race baitors to throw gasoline on the fire. While the majority of the LOW information and NO information bleat and stampeed like heedless sheep, the pResident will be signing executive orders to strip us of more of our rights.

It's a simple concept really. All con artists know this as the "Bait And Switch". The Bible calls it: "Not letting your right hand know what your left hand is doing." And if anything the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is an expert at doing this.

We The People need to WAKE UP and stop being fooled by his tactics. Above all, watch and pray......


Update: as of 10/24/2013 at 3:07pm Al Sharton's National Action Network is bringing suit against the store on the behalf of two Bkack female complainants who claimed they were unjustly racially profiled.  Here we go again.....

SNAP For Sale

Please click the following link and read the article contained within. Its guaranteed to cheese you off. I promise.

You poor foolish hard working taxpayer. You thought the taxes which were confiscated from your weekly, biweekly or, monthly paycheck were being out to good use. After all the United States government wouldn't dear waste your hard earned money.....  Oh yeah? Look at Amtrack. Look at the United States Post Office.

Just as we thought it was safe to dive deeply into the waters of government trust, facts like this pop up like this.

I mean, what could be more legit than families who are hungry and have hungry kids?  Enter the  US Government and the level of corruption is simply astounding. The average taxpayer is left to feel like scat and used worse than a rented mule.  Why? Because the multi billion dollar SNAP is not being used to provide food for the hungry as orginally planned. Period.

We all know that while the hard working citizens work or sleep, the skells are busy plotting and scheming.  How to get over. How to work the system, so they can take advantage and get as much free stuff as they can without getting caught. Granted a few get caught here and there. But most know the government is so big and so lax there are just too many vermin to catch at one time.

Thus, you have folks selling their benifit cards in Craigslist.  Why? Let's put it this way, if they were truly hungry they would be out buying food. The mere fact that they are selling the cards means they want cash. For what you might ask. To buy anything BUT food. Perhaps contraband substances (prescription and illicit drugs), alcoholic beverages, expensive clothing, electronics, gambling money, sneakers, bling, etc.

You see, SNAP is earmarked only for food, so you can't use it to buy a wide screen television.  You have to get someone to buy the card from you for its cash value. Then you take the money and buy the wide screen tv, the I-phone, or marijuna.....

I'm not saying everyone does this, as there are truly people on these programs who honestly need them. I don't mind paying my hard earned taxes for them. I just wish there was a way to cull all of the scammers from these programs. Then there would be more for those who are truly in need.

But we all know that will never happen.  However we can strike back at the middle man. Craigslist has been implicated numerous times in the past for shady activities.  Everything from prostitution,  selling drugs and several murders (due to people meeting through ads placed on their "personal" forums). This latest outrage should be brought to their attention and reported to the SNAP program. I don't think they'd want the likes of the IRS sniffing around them right now.......

An indirect attack is better than none at all....


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Straw That Breaks America's Back

We are nearly six years into President Obama's regime, yes, I said regime, and I still say nothing good will come of this.

The man who told us he would "Fundamentally transform America..." has done so. We are no longer United States. We have been forced into states of confusion, panic and racial tension.

We used to be a nation which prided itself in hard work, ingenuity,  creativity, and capitalism.  These were the underpinnings of the American way. God, country and family. Now we have no God (because He has been legislated out of  schools, workplaces and the government), no country (because it has been over run with illegal aliens who couldn't give a rats patoot about the USA and anti American teachings in public schools) and no family (due to the propagation of free sex without responsibility, abortion and homosexuality).

Our so called Commander In Chief who pledged to be the protector of the United States Constitution espouses and has activelly promoted and legislated these things right from his office at 1600 Pensilvannia Avenue aka The White House.

The worse of the worse is Obama care. Not only will healthcare not be free but it will become much more difficult to obtain. Why? Because the government will control and will approve who will literally live or die.

Even worse is the fact that Obamacare has not even been implimented yet and we are feeling the affects of the storm.  Typically before a hurricane the wind dramatically picks up, the sky becomes dark, the tide goes up and the waves crash against the shore. 

Behold the ripple affects of The Affordable Care Act are tremendous job loss. Companies firing employees and cutting employee hours to comply with Obamacare standards. Insurance companies dumping people by the millions to fend for themselves, and doctors quitting in droves.....

Though the above situations I described are horrible, the worst one is yet to come.

Which brings me to the story of Joseph in the bible. I will not rehash the entire story but he wound up being Pharaoh's right hand man. Just in time to save the nation of Egypt from a terrible seven year famine. In years of plenty he filled Egypt's store houses with grain to sell during years of famine.

When the famine came people bought grain until they ran out of money.  The people then willing used their livestock in exchange for food.  When they ran out if livestock they sold their houses and land. When they'd sold all they had they SOLD THEMSELVES to get grain for food.

This biblical story is a picture of Gods hand working to first put the nation of Israel into Egyptian slavery, then send a man named Moses to be their deliverer.

However in Obama's case this is more insidious.  He is litterally forcing this once great nation into third world status. With skyrocketing debt, standstill economic development, astronomical unemployment, and now Obamacare. A program which will FORCE every American citizen into the cattle chute of poverty and abject dependence upon government.

Once that happens, guess what? You are no longer the individual God has created and meant you to be. You have become a member of The Collective, a minion, a tool, and a slave. Right where this current pResident wants us.

This may be the straw that finally breaks America's back. If so, welkome to Amerika, Comrades.....


Thursday, October 17, 2013

One Nation Under ______

Please click on the following link before reading my rant.

Note they thought this lady was crazy and if course they trussed her up with cuffs and dragged her out posthaste. And instead of being taken to jail she was hauled off to be evaluated by a shrink. Ergo they think she's nuts.

But is she really? Consider some of the things she said. Like "We are no longer a nation under God."  I see nothing wrong with that statement because as a nation WE ARE NOT.

As a nation we've allowed our government to legislate God out of our schools, homes, workplaces, the judicial system, the government,  the military and some churches. Notice, I said SOME churches...  According to the Bible, God will always have a remnant.  After all, Jesus only had 12. 

With God sanitized out of practically every area of our society, how can we honestly say we are still a nation under God?

The second statement she made was: "Man cannot serve two masters. You cannot serve both God and mammon (money)."  

This is Matthew 6:24 on which Jesus himself said:  "No man can serve two masters: for he hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."

While the first statement was directed at our nation, the second statement was clearly directed at our elected officials who were all present and accounted for at thst time. We the citizens of the United States of America used our sovereign constitutional right to elect them. They in turn were to represent our interests and values as Senators or Congress men or women.

However, upon arriving they did the very opposite.  They ignored the voters and bowed to the establishment.  The big companies, banks, and lobbyists who have substantial financial stakes in what government decides. No doubt many get kickbacks and insider trading deals to throw us "the great unwashed" to the wolves. 

What it all boils down to is vast and rampant corruption. To the point where there are people in the background who have a personal stake in us losing our freedom and completely destroying our nation. And because we as a nation have put God out, the way you put the cat out for the night, GOD IS ALLOWING THIS TO HAPPEN.

God will not allow a nation to prosper who does not worship Him. Why? Because they will worship the prosperity, not  GOD, The One who blessed us with it.

No. That lady was not crazy at all. She may have issued a prophetic warning to those in that room. Sadly, just like in the bible people always thought the prophets were nuts..... until it was too late.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Indoctrination Central

Please click the following link and read the attached article before reading the following rant......

Those of you who know me (and not) I am a staunch Bible believing, Jesus loving, patriotic Black woman. You also may already know of my personal disatisfaction and disgust with the current so called American Public School System.

This derision did not come to fruition during my adult years, but when I was growing up. I went to school during the cusp if what was then called an educational revolution. As a child I really enjoyed when we had prayers in class, sang hymns in assembly, and saw religious films when Christmas and Easter rolled around.

However, in the early 1960s everything changed. We could no longer have religious activities in school. We had to go outside if we wanted to that. Back then parents had the option to sign up for and send their children to "Religious Instruction". That meant every Wednesday children left school in the afternoon and went to church where they were under the tutelage of nuns or laypeople for all things Godly. My parents immediately signed me up, for which I am eternally grateful.

What I didn't know back then was removing prayer (and all religious activity) from school was the result of one athiest woman by the name of Madeline O'Hara. She was offended by the prayer that her son was saying in school every day, and sued the school to have it stopped.

The case went to the Supreme Court under the title Separation of Church and State (which by the way are NOT written in the United States Constitution but in the Federalist Papers). The Supreme Court ruled in her favor and in my scathing opinion, the resulting public school decline started.

After all, since prayer, bible reading, religious teaching was removed from school they needed something to replace it with. So conveniently here came sex education, multicultural studies, political correctness doctrines, radical environmentalist pap, collectivism, and communist teachings.

Effectively discouraging our vulnerable young generation from becoming God loving, hard working, and responsible American citizens, and turning them into what we see today. A bunch of amoral freeloaders, haters of our country, haters of good and lovers of evil.

The eventual goal is what you have read in the article listed above.

Why would a public school want to know the answers to those questions? Because these are baby steps towards Communism and a full blown Dictatorship. Hitler did the same thing during his regin. He used the children to RAT OUT THEIR PARENTS!   Parents who did not toe the party line were taken out! 

The parents mentioned in aforementioned article have every right to be fearful. Likewise every parent who has children in public school aka Public Indoctrination Centers should be on alert for questions like this and teach your kids not to answer them! Why? Because the Common Core program which is approved and distibuted by the GOVERNMENT, is keeping a GOVERMENT data base of  your child's supposedly innocent answers! It be a matter of time when the government will round people up accordingly......

My ultimate solution is to remove your children from public schools. Either homeschool them or place them in a private school which DOES NOT use the Common Core curriculum.

As Patriotic Americans we have a charge. We know what happened in Hitler's time, compare it with now, and spread the warning.

As the Bible says: "...Red sky at dawn, storm today.... "  I declare the sky is deep red, and the storm IS COMING!


Thursday, October 10, 2013

They Should've Known

Please read the following link:

Back in the day, when I was in grade school there was a thing bullies used to do to the boys. They would run up to a boy they didn't like, and yank his pants down to around his ankles. Usually this sent said victim running, screaming and crying from the room in complete and utter embarrassment.

This is exactly what Obama did to John Boehner and the Republicans yesterday. What I described above was a childrens prank back then, but BHO meant this to be a statement of humiliation to the GOP. He literally told them "£#$& you!  Get &€£¥ out my office and stay out untill you are ready to give me what I want!"

They should've known that Obama was not going to accept the deal. No matter what the Republicans bring to the negotiation table he has no intention of making a deal with them or anyone for that matter.

As I see it BHO just blatantly told the Republicans that he doesn't need them to make his final decisions. He and only he will do what he please, and to hell with the United States Constitution,  the Supreme Court, Congress, the Senate, and lastly The United States Citizens. 

You see, BHO intends to cause total and complete financial collapse of the United States of America. Whether the debt ceiling is raised or not, the eventual result is still the same. America goes "toes up". We can either die quickly or die slow, but we are still gonna die, as long BHO still holds power.  And he has no intention of going anywhere no time soon.

Once total financial collapse occurres, society will decend into chaos. Riots, and rampant crime will abound (remember Greece?). Thus giving Obama just cause to declare Martial Law, call out the National Guard (foreign troops and the various Three Letter Agencies who have been stockpiling weapons, ammo and tanks) to quell widespread national unrest. Then Obama will declare himself the ultimate ruler aka DICTATOR of Amerika. That my fellow patriots will be the end of the country and freedom we all know and love.

My advise to you my Brothers and Sisters, is to get your spiritual house in order, and prepare to meet our One and True Lord as He returns for His Bride.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son that whosoever believes on Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

Obama's True Colors

I almost want to pity those who voted Obama into office.

Back in the day, before people voted they did their research on prospective candidates. They did comparisons and the candidates which fit the criterion of their religious, moral and political beliefs they stood behind and voted for them.

However, this was before the influx of technology and billion dollar campaigns and massive voter fraud. This is also before the massive dumbing down of America's GenX and sucessive generations.

It started with removing God from the public schools, the workplace, government and the home. After God was removed He was replaced with political correctness, multiculturalisam and revisionist history. Children were no longer taught rhetoric, how to think for themselves and make their own decisions. They were now being force fed Godless, communist,  revisionist pap.

So our children are longer taught to love our Creator, our Country and none of the values our forefathers valued. No longer do they want to work hard to make a living or start a business. The American Dream has become how to get on and stay on The Government Dole.

Because of the predominant group think of Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, along comes a candidate who promises to Give to all the Gimmies.  The fooled, the misinformed, and the down right ignorant,  wanted the freebies, they voted and they got.

While they were rejoicing the fact that they'd voted in the nation's First Black President, HE had a very different plan for them. He planned to use government freebies as crumbs to draw them into his cleaverly devised trap. Whereas the low information crowd thought he had their back. After all, Obama is a Black man so he's going to look out for his peeps, right.....

After nearly five years of this administration I personally don't see hie Obama's blackness is working for any of his so-called peeps. Unemployment amoung blacks has skyrocketed since he's been in office.  Especially amongst young adults. Crime has skyrocketed among the black and minority youth. More blacks are living in poverty then ever. And thanks to Obama's bumbling intervention during the Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case, race relations is been knocked back nearly into the 1950s.

Please tell me again how Obama is for black people.

In my personal and scathing opinion when I look at BHO I don't see a Black man. I see a power mad bully, a Communist, and a potential Dictator. 

What, you don't think a Black man can be a dictator?  Put down that liberal pap and read Haitian history. It wasn't white men who did that to that beautiful island.....

I Rest My Case
Lady Noir