Thursday, October 10, 2013

Obama's True Colors

I almost want to pity those who voted Obama into office.

Back in the day, before people voted they did their research on prospective candidates. They did comparisons and the candidates which fit the criterion of their religious, moral and political beliefs they stood behind and voted for them.

However, this was before the influx of technology and billion dollar campaigns and massive voter fraud. This is also before the massive dumbing down of America's GenX and sucessive generations.

It started with removing God from the public schools, the workplace, government and the home. After God was removed He was replaced with political correctness, multiculturalisam and revisionist history. Children were no longer taught rhetoric, how to think for themselves and make their own decisions. They were now being force fed Godless, communist,  revisionist pap.

So our children are longer taught to love our Creator, our Country and none of the values our forefathers valued. No longer do they want to work hard to make a living or start a business. The American Dream has become how to get on and stay on The Government Dole.

Because of the predominant group think of Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, along comes a candidate who promises to Give to all the Gimmies.  The fooled, the misinformed, and the down right ignorant,  wanted the freebies, they voted and they got.

While they were rejoicing the fact that they'd voted in the nation's First Black President, HE had a very different plan for them. He planned to use government freebies as crumbs to draw them into his cleaverly devised trap. Whereas the low information crowd thought he had their back. After all, Obama is a Black man so he's going to look out for his peeps, right.....

After nearly five years of this administration I personally don't see hie Obama's blackness is working for any of his so-called peeps. Unemployment amoung blacks has skyrocketed since he's been in office.  Especially amongst young adults. Crime has skyrocketed among the black and minority youth. More blacks are living in poverty then ever. And thanks to Obama's bumbling intervention during the Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case, race relations is been knocked back nearly into the 1950s.

Please tell me again how Obama is for black people.

In my personal and scathing opinion when I look at BHO I don't see a Black man. I see a power mad bully, a Communist, and a potential Dictator. 

What, you don't think a Black man can be a dictator?  Put down that liberal pap and read Haitian history. It wasn't white men who did that to that beautiful island.....

I Rest My Case
Lady Noir

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