Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Indoctrination Central

Please click the following link and read the attached article before reading the following rant......

Those of you who know me (and not) I am a staunch Bible believing, Jesus loving, patriotic Black woman. You also may already know of my personal disatisfaction and disgust with the current so called American Public School System.

This derision did not come to fruition during my adult years, but when I was growing up. I went to school during the cusp if what was then called an educational revolution. As a child I really enjoyed when we had prayers in class, sang hymns in assembly, and saw religious films when Christmas and Easter rolled around.

However, in the early 1960s everything changed. We could no longer have religious activities in school. We had to go outside if we wanted to that. Back then parents had the option to sign up for and send their children to "Religious Instruction". That meant every Wednesday children left school in the afternoon and went to church where they were under the tutelage of nuns or laypeople for all things Godly. My parents immediately signed me up, for which I am eternally grateful.

What I didn't know back then was removing prayer (and all religious activity) from school was the result of one athiest woman by the name of Madeline O'Hara. She was offended by the prayer that her son was saying in school every day, and sued the school to have it stopped.

The case went to the Supreme Court under the title Separation of Church and State (which by the way are NOT written in the United States Constitution but in the Federalist Papers). The Supreme Court ruled in her favor and in my scathing opinion, the resulting public school decline started.

After all, since prayer, bible reading, religious teaching was removed from school they needed something to replace it with. So conveniently here came sex education, multicultural studies, political correctness doctrines, radical environmentalist pap, collectivism, and communist teachings.

Effectively discouraging our vulnerable young generation from becoming God loving, hard working, and responsible American citizens, and turning them into what we see today. A bunch of amoral freeloaders, haters of our country, haters of good and lovers of evil.

The eventual goal is what you have read in the article listed above.

Why would a public school want to know the answers to those questions? Because these are baby steps towards Communism and a full blown Dictatorship. Hitler did the same thing during his regin. He used the children to RAT OUT THEIR PARENTS!   Parents who did not toe the party line were taken out! 

The parents mentioned in aforementioned article have every right to be fearful. Likewise every parent who has children in public school aka Public Indoctrination Centers should be on alert for questions like this and teach your kids not to answer them! Why? Because the Common Core program which is approved and distibuted by the GOVERNMENT, is keeping a GOVERMENT data base of  your child's supposedly innocent answers! It be a matter of time when the government will round people up accordingly......

My ultimate solution is to remove your children from public schools. Either homeschool them or place them in a private school which DOES NOT use the Common Core curriculum.

As Patriotic Americans we have a charge. We know what happened in Hitler's time, compare it with now, and spread the warning.

As the Bible says: "...Red sky at dawn, storm today.... "  I declare the sky is deep red, and the storm IS COMING!


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