Thursday, October 24, 2013

SNAP For Sale

Please click the following link and read the article contained within. Its guaranteed to cheese you off. I promise.

You poor foolish hard working taxpayer. You thought the taxes which were confiscated from your weekly, biweekly or, monthly paycheck were being out to good use. After all the United States government wouldn't dear waste your hard earned money.....  Oh yeah? Look at Amtrack. Look at the United States Post Office.

Just as we thought it was safe to dive deeply into the waters of government trust, facts like this pop up like this.

I mean, what could be more legit than families who are hungry and have hungry kids?  Enter the  US Government and the level of corruption is simply astounding. The average taxpayer is left to feel like scat and used worse than a rented mule.  Why? Because the multi billion dollar SNAP is not being used to provide food for the hungry as orginally planned. Period.

We all know that while the hard working citizens work or sleep, the skells are busy plotting and scheming.  How to get over. How to work the system, so they can take advantage and get as much free stuff as they can without getting caught. Granted a few get caught here and there. But most know the government is so big and so lax there are just too many vermin to catch at one time.

Thus, you have folks selling their benifit cards in Craigslist.  Why? Let's put it this way, if they were truly hungry they would be out buying food. The mere fact that they are selling the cards means they want cash. For what you might ask. To buy anything BUT food. Perhaps contraband substances (prescription and illicit drugs), alcoholic beverages, expensive clothing, electronics, gambling money, sneakers, bling, etc.

You see, SNAP is earmarked only for food, so you can't use it to buy a wide screen television.  You have to get someone to buy the card from you for its cash value. Then you take the money and buy the wide screen tv, the I-phone, or marijuna.....

I'm not saying everyone does this, as there are truly people on these programs who honestly need them. I don't mind paying my hard earned taxes for them. I just wish there was a way to cull all of the scammers from these programs. Then there would be more for those who are truly in need.

But we all know that will never happen.  However we can strike back at the middle man. Craigslist has been implicated numerous times in the past for shady activities.  Everything from prostitution,  selling drugs and several murders (due to people meeting through ads placed on their "personal" forums). This latest outrage should be brought to their attention and reported to the SNAP program. I don't think they'd want the likes of the IRS sniffing around them right now.......

An indirect attack is better than none at all....


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