Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Expensive Bag Caper

Remember earlier this year there was this whole big stink about Oprah and an expensive bag?

Apparently she went shopping in Sweden and took a liking to a very expensive bag and wanted to buy it. But the Swedish saleswoman looked at Oprah (and quite possibly didn't recognize her), assumed she was looking at an average, ordinary Black woman,  who for all intents and purposes might be trying to steal said item.....

Well, above mentioned saleswoman told Oprah that she couldn't afford the bag,  and probably put it back on the shelf or rack.

Instead of Oprah quietly identifying herself and buying said item (and none  would've been the wiser), she chose to blow the whole thing out of proportion and call the encounter "racist". Of course the news media took up her cry and ran with it for weeks. What was clearly a case of mistaken identity turned into a monster.

Just when I thought I've cleansed my mind of that unfortunate episode.  Here comes another!

Believe it or not this is masthead of the New York Daily News! 

With our economy and government in tatters with Obamacare looming to deal this nation the death blow, this is front page news?  I seriously question the timing of this release. After all this supposed incident happened back in February! So, why are we hearing about it NOW?

In my personal and scathing opinion, it is to further fan the flames of racial hatred and to further separate American citizens! All this when it is crucial that we ALL  work together to achieve a common goal! Whether Black, White, Asian, Indian, etc must work together to restore our freedoms and country. Period.

This is merely a warning to watch how the Obama "boot kissing" media is going to trump this story up. Count on numerous apearences from Jessie JERKson (Jackson) and Al "Not So Sharp" Sharton as professional race baitors to throw gasoline on the fire. While the majority of the LOW information and NO information bleat and stampeed like heedless sheep, the pResident will be signing executive orders to strip us of more of our rights.

It's a simple concept really. All con artists know this as the "Bait And Switch". The Bible calls it: "Not letting your right hand know what your left hand is doing." And if anything the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is an expert at doing this.

We The People need to WAKE UP and stop being fooled by his tactics. Above all, watch and pray......


Update: as of 10/24/2013 at 3:07pm Al Sharton's National Action Network is bringing suit against the store on the behalf of two Bkack female complainants who claimed they were unjustly racially profiled.  Here we go again.....

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