Tuesday, December 25, 2012

You Get What You Paid For

Don't get stuck on stupid.” Lt. General Russel Honore said once said.

Sadly, some people are the epitome of the above statement.

Case in point. Daisy my co-worker and I had been discussing politics for nearly five years now. When we first started talking she was a die hard Liberal. She was good friends with a retired cop, who knew people in high places, who knew things. He would discus conservative politics with her, and she would come running back to me to find out what they meant. I would patiently explain them.

She would wonder where did I learn so much, after all, you'd never get that type of information from the main stream media. I explained that I had officially quit watching television back in 2009 when they went to all digital broadcasting. So my main source of political news was conservative talk radio. Hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Laura Ingrahm, Denis Prager, to name a few.

I'd actually been listening to Rush since 1990 so I was well schooled in Conservative Politics, American history and some Constitutional Law by the time I met Daisy.

The one thing Daisy's friend kept stressing to her was a warning not to vote for Obama. He said his friends were very suspicious of his background. Like how such a relatively unknown senator for Chicago got into the highest office in America. However, the dyed in the wool Liberal in Daisy made her pull the lever for Obama, despite the warnings. Yep, the Devil made her do it.......

Four the next four years she harped and griped about how terrible Obama was, that he wasn't doing this and he wasn't doing that, and blah, blah, blah. All the while I took the opportunity to educate her on the major subjects at stake. Obama Care, SOPA, NDAA, Adjenda 21, and I thought I had made progress.

I thought for sure she was going to vote for Romney this time around.

However after November 6, 2012 she was very quiet around the office. When she did make a statement, it was “I can't believe those people voted that man back into office.” Yes, that left me scratching my noggin too.

Finally about two weeks ago she confessed to me that she didn't vote this time around.  Why? She did not like any of the candidates.....

I was both floored and pissed off! It was not so much that I had spent so much time telling her who the right candidate was. It was more of an insult to men like Malcolm X and Martian Luther King, who gave their lives so Black people can be treated equally AND HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE!

Words could not express how I felt. Black people lived through Jim Crow laws, blood was spilled, people were beaten with batons, had water cannon turned them, had police dogs set upon them, and were jailed unjustly.

Folks went through all of this so that Daisy, a Black woman, could just casually abstain from voting! Obviously, she does not know, or care that freedom is never free. There is always a price, it's always paid with blood and lives. The least one can do to honor that supreme sacrifice is get off one's lazy butt and VOTE!

Now, Daisy's complaints ring mighty hollow to me. After all, she never took part in the election process, so her non-vote meant a yes vote for Obama. So to me, she no longer has the right to complain. Just take what you got and live with it, Lady. You got exactly what you paid for.....

As for me, I'm loudly demanding a refund by continuing to fight for my nations freedom! It's either roll with me or get run over!   

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