Monday, December 10, 2012

To Your Health

This post is especially directed towards the nitwits moonbats, the pinheads, trained seals and sheeple who voted for The Sith Lord because you wanted freebies. Especially free health care.

My fellow Patriots already know whats coming, and it aint pretty, even though it's free.

News flash, folks: ObamaCare is NOT about health care!

First. When have you known the government to give anything away for free without strings attached? Second. When have you known the government to run anything without botching it up?

The Post Office, FEMA, and Amtrak come to mind..... Sorry for picking on those three, but, the nail that sticks up gets hammered first, and the hardest in my camp.

As I said previously. Obama care is NOT about health care. Why? Both Barrack and Michelle Obama believe that we Americans are greedy people. America is too powerful (militarily). We have too many martial goods, we eat too much food, use too much fossil fuel, have too much money, our homes are too big, etc. It's not fair that we have all of this stuff and there are other poor nations out there that have none.......

In short, we are a bunch of greedy, fat toads and we need our pond to be drained.

Since there are too many of us (American citizens) hogging the planet, gunking up and using up all the resources. In order to save the environment and planet (and the best resources for the elite – by the way) culling the population is the answer.

Remember, two of Obama's biggest financial cronies are none other than Bill Gates, Cass Sunstien and George Soros.  All three men are firm believers in population control.

In essence, ObamaCare will only be good for the young and healthy.  For those who need care, there is going to be a big problem. Why? Because Obama Care will have Death Panels who will decide who gets care and who doesn't. They will make their decision according to actuarial tables determining who is the most useful to society. Those who are young, strong and healthy people who can work and contribute to society, will get the most free care.

Adults and children who are disabled are definitely not going to get care. The same holds true for the elderly. Forget little innocent infants, who won't even the light of day thanks to Obama signing the Born Alive Abortion bill......... 

Another important query to ask about ObamaCare is, since it is free how are the doctors going to be paid? This presents another horror no one foresaw, or if they did, they didn't care. Doctors will either be paid a pittance or not at all. So what do you think is going to happen?

I digress for a bit......

I recently heard Sean Hannity take a call from a doctor who was distressed about ObamaCare. He explained he'd been in business for 30 years but he was closing down his practice come this December 31,2012. Why? ObamaCare that's why! He explained since the government is going to take over the health care industry, his physician's pay scale is going to be reduced to approximately 40% of his current earnings. Even worse than what medicare currently pays them. After all, you will no longer have paying customers, sooooo....

This begs a question, why would a man or woman spend 12 to 15 years of their life in school to become a doctor (and incur a kings ransom of debt), have to support a family, run a practice, and accept mere pennies on the dollar for their hard earned expertize. Yep, I'd do the same thing too, quit!

I am willing to wager that this doctor is not the only one closing up shop around the country. With all of the experienced doctors fleeing the medical field, guess what we are going to be left with? Substandard and incompetent quacks, or what they used to called 'em back in the Wild West, Butchers and Saw Bones. Guess who will suffer the most  because of this? That's right, us. Does Obama care? Not in the least. Being the Sith Lord he will get the very best of care.

I foresee many nursing homes closing down with the inseption of ObamaCare. After all why keep all of those pesky old people alive? They are too old and too sick and will be a financial  drain on the medical system.

I also foresee the closing of many hospitals, especially private and Catholic ones who've devoted themselves to giving excellent care. You don't have to ask why because I believe you know.

Hey moonbats, are you happy yet?

The last word.

A co-worker told me yesterday that she received a letter from Calvary Hospice where her mother was cared for and died 2 years ago.

The letter was pleading for donations because it was losing all government subsidies due to ObamaCare. Without this money they would have to turn away patients and or send patients home to be cared for by their families until they died.

Unfortunately this is only the tip of the iceberg.  As stated before ObamaCare is not about health care. It's government legislated and mandated population control. 

 And to think they executed Dr. Jack Kevorkian for doing this.     

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