As the title said New York City Mayor "MinieMe" Bloombergs ban on large sugary drink went down in flames. A New York State Supreme Court judge claimed the so called law was "frivolous and filled with loopholes", and put the kabosh on the so-called ban.
The esteemed judge also said the ban was practically unenforceable. After all how was Mayor "MiniMe" Bloomberg planning to enforce said law? Have the poor, over worked New York City Police hand out tickets to people for drinking 32 ounce slurpies?
The message is loud and clear. We the New York City residents are sick and tired of Mayor Nanny MinieMe Bloomberg sticking his nose into our personal business! We are tired of your smoking bans, bans on salt and saturated fatty food, your triple damned bike lanes, taking free formula samples away from mothers with newborns, and those stupid express buses!
Remember Michael Bloomberg you were elected to be New York City's MAYOR, not her MOTHER! Capiceh?
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