Please click the link and read the following article before proceeding rant.
Oh what a sad, sad society we live in when our so-called children rebel in such a manner when they don't get what they want!
My late old school West Indian Mother and Father taught me to appreciate EVERYTHING I got. Why? Because they were a blessing from God. And even though we considered ourselves to be poor we had a lot more than some.
I found that to be especially true when I took my first mission trip to Haiti. We landed in Porta Prince which is the capital and you saw a mixture of the very wealthy and abject poverty side by side. However when we took a trip up into the mountains (by riding donkeys) we visited families who had NOTHING!
One family in particular only had the dirt hut they lived in and the clothes on their back. They didn't even possess furniture to sit or lay down on. Everything was done on the dirt floor!
Now, imagine giving this family an I-phone. It would be utterly useless to them! They would much rather have food, a few goude (Haitian currency), clothing, cookware, and some furniture. These are simple needs in comparison to our what greedy and overindulgent society wants.
As for the young man in the article, there was a time when if a kid or young adult wanted something really badly they EARNED money for it. They either had a paper route, shoveled snow, washed dishes, raked leaves, baby sat, etc. When they had earned enough they went out and bought the item.
I've even heard a talk show host mention his first car was a beat up hulk he restored to usefulness.
Sadly today kids have no such compunction. They expect parents to pay for EVERYTHING not realizing that their parents already bought and paid for every crumb they ever ate and every stitch they ever wore, the home they live in, doctor's bills..... I guess that doesn't count when it comes to the latest electronic gizmo.
I have a friend who is a probation officer, and you know what he says about young adults like this? Once he or she had disrespected their parents to that point, they need to be put out of the home. Why? Because they will do it again and again until some gets hurt or killed. He said that because he's witnessed it many times.
I totally agree. If you are big enough to pull a knife on me you are big enough to get out on your own and find your own way. The school of hardknocks has a way of shaping up no-loads like this.
It's too bad courts don't (or can't) do what they used to back in the day. They used to put miscreants like this in the military. When and if they came back they flew straight as an arrow. Perhaps we need to return to that method.
In His Service
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