Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Cold Hard Facts - #1

It makes me kind of wonder, why did BHO want to be reelected so badly? What possessed him to resort to practically and figuratively "selling his soul" to have another chance at The White House? The cold, hard fact is, if he was willing to stoop to such nefarious deeds to be reelected, because he has equally nefarious plans in place for America come 2013.

Plans to completely nullify the United States Constitutionalism and strip us (American citizens) of our freedom.

First on his agenda is the First Amendment. The right to free speech, the right to assemble, the right to worship (Christians, Jews, Catholics, pay particular attention to this).

The First Amendment was penned into the Constitution because our original founders (the Pilgrims) fled England because they were not allowed to worship freely unless they worshiped in "state mandated churches".

To this very day, all churches (edifices) in England are owned by The Church of England. If you are a Protestant Christian church you must rent a hall, theater or other type of building in order to gather, have services and other church based events. Why? Because The Church of England does not allow "unsanctioned" churches to own property.

Unfortunately this is coming to America, folks. And you can thank BHO for that.

Freedom of speech also applies to the news media, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, speaking engagements, public forums and yes, the internet.

As you can see from the past champagne and election  the mass media had totally sold out and became BHO's official mouthpiece. Everything he said or did was gospel, according to them and they repeatedly bleated the lies no matter how outrageous and egregious . Reminds me of what happened in Hitlers day. His speeches memorized millions.........

So it remains today.

Since most of the Media is owned by BHO folks took to the internet to voice their concerns and protests. This included Conservatives, Republicans, and so called Right Wing Nut Jobs such as, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, to name a few. Add to that millions of independent bloggers and authors.

Despite this underground Full Court Press on the internet, BHO still won. However, he remembers what we independent Americans did because of our First Amendment right. As a consequence he has a bill on his desk all ready to sign to tax the internet. That's right, TAX THE INTERNET! This is President Elect Obama's payback, and will be the death knell for the internet and everyone's freedom of speech in this medium. This will apply to you, whether you are a LibTard or Conservative.

If you are a Lib, this means you will no longer have a place to whine. You can thank “your man” BHO for that.

I have much more to tell you, but I wanted to keep this short. I will continue to post this as a series as I type up more information.

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