Saturday, November 17, 2012

Let's Make A Deal

For the first time in American history we have a Commander In Chief who still remains a mystery to us.  

In the past, we selected solid, principled men (sorry ladies... that's just how it was back then) who loved America and pledged to protect and uphold what she stood for.  So, who is BHO, and who does he stand for?  

First of all, we are not sure who HE is!  His past has been cleverly shrouded in ambiguity.  For a time we didn't know who his real parents were, didn't know where he was born (still don't), don't know where he was raised. We didn't even know what his real name was!  Is it Barry Sorrento, or is it Barack Hussain Obama?  Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Felix The Cat have more honest credentials than BHO.  

The Untied States Secret Service is in charge of vetting all potential candidates for Presidents, if they told Arnold "The Terminator" Schwarztinegger he could not be POTUS because he was not a "natural born citizen, how did BHO get by?  Who was asleep at the wheel or switch?  Who's palms were greased to ignore this fact?  The question still remains, who is he BHO?  If his loyalties are not for America, who are they for?  

Like that old 60's game show, Let's Make A Deal, Obama has three curtains. 

Curtain Number One:  BHO originally portrayed that he was a Christian.  He had a 20 plus year history of going to Trinity United Church of Christ which was pastored by the controversial Jeremiah Wright.

Be it far from me to judge Reverend Wrights calling, but after listening to a couple of his sermons (filled with blatant radicalizam), I beg to differ.

In the words of a beloved man of God I knew (who's long gone home to his reward):  “If you're not preachin' Jesus, you're not preachin'!”  Sounding brass and tinkling cymbals.......

BHO used to brag about the amount of years he was a member of said church like it was a badge of honor.  This included meeting his wife, and the children were raised up under (ehem..... indoctrinated) under Reverend Wright.  You can't tell me that BHO's values and viewpoints were not shaped and solidified by Reverend Wright's words.

Then there is “that other thing.”  You'll have to click on the link and read it for yourself.

Obama's Church Shocker

Another important point.  As Christians we are admonished to love the Jews and The Nation of Israel.  Why?  Because Jesus Christ was a Jew (read His genealogy in Mathew chapter 1) and through His death came the first Christians (the book of Acts) our forefathers.  Also because God told Abraham (the father of the nation of Israel) “I will BLESS them who BLESS you, and CURSE those who CURSE you.”  God was talking about Israel, His wife.  We, Christians are Christ's wife.  

Be it far from me to judge BHO's claims that he is a Christian, however as believers we are admonished to “judge a tree by it's fruit”.  If you say you are an apple tree yet you have grapefruit hanging down...... There's something drastically wrong with that picture

I'm also addressing his allegiance to Israel.  BHO is the first president who has not only flip flopped on our allegiance with Israel, but openly disrespected her Prime Minister.  On the other hand, he is constantly bending over backwards, kowtowing, and kissing the flaming toenails of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Why?

The Bible also says:  “Man can not have two masters.  He will love one and hate the other.” (my paraphrase).  So despite the political Rope A Dope, BHO is not for Israel.  Just look at WHOM he surrounds himself with.  Birds of a feather, certainly do flock together.

Folks called Michelle Bachman crazy because she was up in arms about the “Brotherhood infiltrating the White House.  Yes, Why do so many members of the Muslim Brotherhood have such free access to the White House, Sir?

Curtain Number Two. POTUS is supposed to love his country and the people who elected him.  I see no evidence of that with the current resident of the White House.

He's signed numerous executive orders (which overstepped Congress and The Constitution).  They   were specifically designed to hinder not help America get back on it's economic feet.  He's also refused  to sign the KeystoneXL oil drilling contract so his “Muslim peeps” can maintain their cash flow. After all, if we really started drilling here in America, they wouldn't be able to keep overcharging us for their oil and using the money to buy guns, ammo, and bombs to kill us with.   

He also threw away millions of hard earned tax-payer money on Solyndra and General Motors.  Quantitative Easing One, and Two turned out to be flops, driving the American economy into an even deeper pit of debt.  Surprise, surprise (in a Gomer Pile voice) he's gonna pass Quantitative Easing Three.......

Obama Care is a complete boondoggle.  It turns out that just because it's under the banner of Free Health Care, it doesn't mean it's free.  Millions of individuals and businesses will be effected.  One horrible result is the fact that businesses will be fined if they don't implement it and will have to pay extra fees if they maintain staffs over 50 people or if they work over a certain amount of hours.  As a result, the day after BHO was reelected, many well-known businesses started laying off people by the hundreds and thousands.  

This so called free healthcare will be a nemesis to our beloved America. Only a select few will receive care leaving many to suffer and die.  In my scathing opinion, if this is enacted:  “Don't get sick, don't be disabled, don't be elderly, don't be very young, or the unborn.”   I believe this is Obama's form of population control.  After all, there are too many of us using up all of the resources, leaving none for him and his “elite”.

Who will this affect the most?  Minorities.  We are the ones who are obese, potential heart attack and stroke victims, have diabetes, and take 100 different medications to start the day.  Ya think Obama care is gonna support that?  

I would write more but my heart hurts.  

As for Curtain Number Three, we have yet to see what's behind that one.  Woe betide us when we do.  

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