Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

Santa Claus? 

Well, it's about that time of year when we think of Christmas. Thanksgiving is nine days away, some stores are already decked out, 'The Tree" has officially been selected, felled, and is now on it's way to Rockefeller Center for the Christmas Tree Lighting....

So, that's about right.

Nope, I'm not talking about the fat jolly guy who wears a red and white suit, a long white beard and hauls around gifts and toys via a sled driven by 12 reindeer. I'm talking about our Commander In Chief.

During the past four years President Obama has been to New York City on numerous occasions. I often wondered why he didn't take a hint from Bill Clinton and set up a satellite office and residence here.

Notice, BHO never came New York City just to make a social call. His visits always reminded me of that Eddie Murphy movie: “Coming To America”. They were all for show, plus he was seeking to line his pockets with donations to fill his champagne coffers.

He was always hosted and sponsored by some rich, and politically clueless, LibTard celebrity (Spike Lee, Sara Jessica Parker to name a few) who were more than willing to flush their money down the toilet. . . . . 

So, why is BHO heading back to New York City? Surely it is not for more champagne money!

Apparently, he is soooooo concerned about victims of Hurricane Sandy and wants to survey the damage. Oh yes, just like he was so concerned two weeks ago when he did a helicopter flyover with New Jersey Governor Christie. 

Like Santa Claus, he promised FEMA help for all. Two weeks later, significant FEMA assistance is yet to be seen, and many people are cursing his name.  As for FEMA, people are using another four letter word for it.

In my scathing opinion, you folks should've known better. The man hasn't produced in the past four years, why should he change now?

The question remains, why is he coming back to New York City? Other than to cause Obama Lock (horrendous gridlock as whole sections of Manhattan are shut down to accommodate his motorcade) Simple, he is returning to do a photo op.

Yes it would look good for BHO to be photographed with the flooded out, hungry, cold wet, and exhausted victims of Hurricane Sandy. It's his personal and distorted version of "The Prince and The Pauper", only there is no mistaken exchange.

Oh, how I wish there was! America would be far better off.  

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