Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Only Obama Cares

I saw the above slogan on a button, a Black, male, teen had pinned to his knapsack.  I thought that slogan was very ironic because there used to be an old mission church on West 41st Street and 8th Avenue New York City.  This church had a flashing neon sign that said “Only Jesus Cares” in bold, pink neon.  Seeing and remembering that sign was very comforting to me.

Hence, I found it both insulting and sick that folks would go so far as to equate BHO with Christ.  Then again, I shouldn't be.

Does Obama really care?  

Well, America...... certain citizens of this great land of ours have done the unthinkable.  Y'all have reelected Barack Hussein Obama as President.  This is despite the fact that the man has done nothing but systematically destroy America for the past four years.  

Apparently many of you were not listening when he promised to: “Fundamentally change America....”  My first question would've been a resounding “Why?”

BHO meant what he said, and said what he meant.  This was about the only true thing he uttered.  

Obviously, BHO had an agenda from day one.  Point being, to PREY on Black voters.  You see, if you were Black and voted for Obama back in 2008, he played you for a fool and compelled you through trickery (Rope A Dope, Shucking and Jiving, plain Bravo Sierra) to do it again in 2012.  Boy, a lot of you fell for it!  It was like watching one of those elaborate stacks of dominoes fall.  Tip one and they all cascade.........

After all, we  Generation X folk grew up listening to Jessie Jackson Sr. say:  “We're gonna make the White House, our house.” for so long we could practically taste it.  We were so souped and hyped up and ready to vote a Black man, we voted any Black man in, regardless of the shady principles.  As long as you had a Black man in The White House........

Have you considered the fact that, Barack Obama has yet to provide a valid birth certificate?  I personally wonder, how is it possible that The President Of The United States got away without providing this essential document, when I had to provide mine in order to get my first ever summer job?  I also needed it in order to register to vote, and get my non-drivers ID card.  But I digress.   

I must ask again, how and why did we reelect BHO?  Many did because he threw open doors of The Free Store!  What is that, you ask.  This is where BHO set up shop and started offering things from the government for free.  Free amnesty, free collage loans, free healthcare, free cellphones, Food Stamps, EBT, home loans, etc.  You name it, you've got it, all bought and paid for by the United States taxpayer.  But, no one even considers that, as long as it's free, it's for me.  

So of course we get all greedy and grabby, not realizing that there is a price for all of that free stuff.  My personal axiom is:  “Anything you get from the government for free, you must give up part of your personal freedom to get and keep it”.  I say this from personal experience in dealing with my late Mom who had to apply for such programs.   Due to her disability I was her go-between during her document re-certifications, and it often was not pretty.......

Does Obama really care?

Sadly so many of my Brothers and Sisters have been fully indoctrinated into the “system”.  Since prayer/religion was removed from public schools in 1965, they (the public schools) have become “indoctrination centers”.  Since there are no religious values and principles being taught, all kinds of so called social experiments were used to fill the gap.  Sex education, group think, socialization, environmental concepts, Marxism, Communism, Islam, etc.  

Yes, Islam is being taught in New York City Public schools and it is COMPULSARY, not elective.......

Back on point.........

All of these so called theories indoctrinated the crumb crunchers into believing that it is wrong/selfish/greedy to be wealthy, have a big house, have a lot of clothing, have a big car, use a lot of fuel, eat a lot of food.  The worst  by far is that people shouldn't have to work, they should depend on the government to care for them from cradle to grave.  

So, now you've got several solidly indoctrinated generations who have been raised to think, they've got it all coming to them. America owes it to them.  They want a piece of the action without any action on their part. The rich are the enemy, big corporations are evil, and they should give it all up so they, the so-called under privileged can while away their time doing.......ugh..... errr........nothing.

Mind you the Bible clearly says:  If a man does not work, he shall not eat.....  Ops, I forgot, no one believes in that book, or that God anymore.........

Isn't it amazing how Gods Word said that?  I've learned in my personal Christian walk that EVERY word God says if for a purpose!  God said this because He knew that not only did man need to work to earn his keep, but he also needed to work to maintain self worth.  Men and women would become absolutely useless louts, sitting and lying around all day.

Believe you me, it is super-duper boring with nothing to do but, sleep, eat, watch TV, play videos, surf the web, all day (in your PJs)  After a while you start thinking, what's the use of getting up in the morning?  There is no purpose or drive to get moving.  However, your president-elect has had many of you in this position for months and even years since he was elected in 2008. 

So you think BHO still cares? 

You don't have to tell me the unemployment rate is up, nor do you have to gin up phony totals to try and appraise me.  All I had to do is look around my neighborhood and see how many teens were unemployed this summer (2012).  Usually there are many jobs available to them, but this year the pickings were slim to none.  Why?  Unemployed adults had grabbed up all of the summer jobs!  Now, you know it's bad when that happens!  

Teens couldn't even get a job at the local Burger King, McDonald's or Popeye's!  Why, adults in their 40s, 50s , 60's, and 70's snapped those up too!  

With nowhere to work, and nothing to do all summer (except go to summer school – which most loath to do), your guess is as good as mine what happened.  They turned to crime, running the streets with gangs, and starting flash mobs, etc.  It was open season in New York City (and other parts of the country I hazard to guess).

Obama cares.  Really?

Consider those who graduated this year.  Many came back home with brand spanking new degrees but no jobs to match.  Forced to move back home and live with parents until they could find something, anything to support themselves.  Perhaps some of them can move into the  White House and camp out on the front lawn...........

Note, I'm only talking about the Black population here.  The ones Obama is supposed to care sooooo much about, because he too is Black.  Now before you label me a self hating Negro, or Oreo, or some other vituperative lets look at the whole picture.  You might wanna stop here because what I will say will hurt your eyes.

If you voted for Obama because you think he cares about you, and you are the following:  Black, White, Asian, Native American, illegal immigrant, LBGT, Women, Men, Christian, Catholic, Jew, Gentile, Atheist, etc.  I can go on forever.  Get this.


You've been had Sister or Brother.  You were only used as a means to get to the next destination then discarded.  

As president Lincoln once said:  “Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.”  How's it feel to be fooled twice?  

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