Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Meatless Mondays?

Meatless What?????

Before I begin this rant, please read the following article

Now I thought New York City was bad. Our esteemed Mayor Bloomberg is responsible for the following: 

No smoking in public buildings (including bars and restaurants), restaurants keeping their salt and fat content in check (no salt on tables, no fat in food over a certain amount), removing sodas and juices from public schools, bike lanes and pedestrian walkways in Manhattan, halting food donations to homeless until he can asses the salt and fat content (especially heinous during the Hurricane Sandy crisis), and last but not least the banning of large sugary drinks. That means, if you go to a concert, movie, or sporting event, you will NOT be able to buy a Big Gulp.........

Now comes Los Angelos' legislation of Meatless Mondays. Without saying this is a communist and Marxist concept. They say this is being done to preserve the environment, cut down on killing animals, and save the human race from eating too much meat and high cholesterol.

I wonder, do people know that the evil cholesterol is an essential component needed for brain function? Remove too much of it and human beings start suffering the early effects of Alzheimer's disease. This is especially prevalent in people who take Statin drugs.

Alas, I am not a doctor, nurse, nurse practitioner, or physician's assistant, so I will digress.....

My direct concern is this trend towards Nanny State-ism that we seem to be barreling headlong towards.  Where the government dictates what we eat, and not our own God given common sense.

According to this article Meatless Monday is merely a suggestion to residents that they not eat meat on Mondays. I'm just wondering how long will it be until meat will be banned on Mondays?  I'm talking stores NOT selling meat on Mondays.  Restaurants not preparing and serving meat based meals on Mondays. Think I'm crazy? Look what's happened in New York City!

I don't care what they legislate. This is a free country (whats left of it) and I as a responsible citizen have the right to make the decision to eat what I want. If YOU want to eat shoots and leaves like a Koala Bear, YOU eat it! I still love my Quarter Pounders and my grilled spare ribs, and barbecue chicken! Thank You Very Much!

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