Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I'm sick to death of retreads in our government! Before I tell you what I call a retread is, I'll tell what they are not supposed to be.

When our Founding Fathers first established our Republic, they never intended for men to remain in office for the rest of their lives. Back then, elected officials (who were all men – sorry ladies....) served their terms and went back home to their families, farms and businesses.  I gather it was probably not as profitable back then to be a congressman, senator, or even, The President.

I believe you see where I'm about to go with this.....

In my scathing opinion, the longer today's elected official(s) stay in office, the more corrupt they become. They become deeply entrenched, and spend most of their time glad-handing, hitting up lobbyists, and campaigning so they barely have time for their so call constituents. The very people who voted them into office get the shaft.

No way should being an elected official be a money making business. You have been elected by whatever state, city, county, and what you are paid (via hard earned taxpayer money) should be enough. You may be the President Of The United States, etc, but you are still a public servant  You are there at the behest of the people to do their bidding. Not the other way around.

When I speak of retreads, I mean people like:

Harry Reid

Nancy Pelosi
Charlie Rangle
John Kerry

To list a few.......

Charlie Rangle is a New York City congressman who was reelected on 11/06/2012. To my horror I discovered that he'd been in office since 1971! OMG! This man has been in office since the Vietnam War! He's been embroiled in numerous scandals, indited, and censored yet the trained seals in New York City voted for him again!

Our Founding Fathers never intended for this to happen. Elected officials were not supposed to make a lifetime career out of it. But they do. That's because We The People don't 1)  Demand term limits for these offices. 2) Keep an eagle eye on our elected officials and their record in office. 3) Refuse to vote for them if they stink.

Hey, just like if you buy an article of clothing, you go home and find a hole in it...... You'd be right back in the store demanding a refund or replacement, instead of complaining about the hole. We must do the same thing with our elected officials!

Want to cut down on government spending?  Get rid of  the retreads in office.

Enough said.

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