We are nearly six years into President Obama's regime, yes, I said regime, and I still say nothing good will come of this.
The man who told us he would "Fundamentally transform America..." has done so. We are no longer United States. We have been forced into states of confusion, panic and racial tension.
We used to be a nation which prided itself in hard work, ingenuity, creativity, and capitalism. These were the underpinnings of the American way. God, country and family. Now we have no God (because He has been legislated out of schools, workplaces and the government), no country (because it has been over run with illegal aliens who couldn't give a rats patoot about the USA and anti American teachings in public schools) and no family (due to the propagation of free sex without responsibility, abortion and homosexuality).
Our so called Commander In Chief who pledged to be the protector of the United States Constitution espouses and has activelly promoted and legislated these things right from his office at 1600 Pensilvannia Avenue aka The White House.
The worse of the worse is Obama care. Not only will healthcare not be free but it will become much more difficult to obtain. Why? Because the government will control and will approve who will literally live or die.
Even worse is the fact that Obamacare has not even been implimented yet and we are feeling the affects of the storm. Typically before a hurricane the wind dramatically picks up, the sky becomes dark, the tide goes up and the waves crash against the shore.
Behold the ripple affects of The Affordable Care Act are tremendous job loss. Companies firing employees and cutting employee hours to comply with Obamacare standards. Insurance companies dumping people by the millions to fend for themselves, and doctors quitting in droves.....
Though the above situations I described are horrible, the worst one is yet to come.
Which brings me to the story of Joseph in the bible. I will not rehash the entire story but he wound up being Pharaoh's right hand man. Just in time to save the nation of Egypt from a terrible seven year famine. In years of plenty he filled Egypt's store houses with grain to sell during years of famine.
When the famine came people bought grain until they ran out of money. The people then willing used their livestock in exchange for food. When they ran out if livestock they sold their houses and land. When they'd sold all they had they SOLD THEMSELVES to get grain for food.
This biblical story is a picture of Gods hand working to first put the nation of Israel into Egyptian slavery, then send a man named Moses to be their deliverer.
However in Obama's case this is more insidious. He is litterally forcing this once great nation into third world status. With skyrocketing debt, standstill economic development, astronomical unemployment, and now Obamacare. A program which will FORCE every American citizen into the cattle chute of poverty and abject dependence upon government.
Once that happens, guess what? You are no longer the individual God has created and meant you to be. You have become a member of The Collective, a minion, a tool, and a slave. Right where this current pResident wants us.
This may be the straw that finally breaks America's back. If so, welkome to Amerika, Comrades.....