Monday, January 20, 2014

OBAMA vs Martin Luther King

As usual,  please click on the following link and read the artical before reading my resulting rant.

Just in time for Martin Luther King Day. Now tell me what kind of Black role model is our POTUS?

Imagine, your children,  grandchildren or great grandchildren listening to this rubbish. You've spent most of their lives warning them against using drugs and here comes POTUS suggesting that marijuana is "no more dangerous than smoking or drinking."

"I've done it myself and look at me.... I didn't turn out so badly." I wouldn't brag about that so quickly Captain Crunch Obama.

In case you don't know it doctors have been stating that smoking marijuana is ten times worse than smoking cigarettes. Even Doctor Oz (who I believe is a quack) has come out against it! In short, not only does marijuana destroy your lungs but they also cause lesions on the brain! This is what you call healthy?

This is the last thing the American Black culture needs to incorporate! We already outnumber other races in jail, in obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, broken homes, single parent families, substance abuse, and murders. The last thing we need is our so-called Black President putting his personal stamp on marijuana usage.

If I had my druthers I'd say this is a deliberate and blatant champaign totally sedate the Black race, so we are no longer responsible human beings and citizens. Come on, think! If the pResident says smoking weed is okay, can you imagine the amount of dimwits who will first believe him, and run out buy some and toke up until their brains explode.

Thus making some of us more compliant when its time to drag our butts off to the FEMA Camps....

Oh, sorry, did I just OFFEND someone? Well, get over it! It's time to put on your adult panties and face the facts!

Number one, Obama lies worse then a warehouse full of rugs. Number two, you as a Black man or woman may have voted for Obama not once but twice because he is a Black man and he promised you "shovel ready jobs and a chicken in every pot". But, he doesn't give a rip about you and your welfare inheritance family! In fact he's using your ignorance to sell you down the river! No, Barrack Hussein Obama does NOT resemble Martin Luther King in the least!

But, I guess y'all won't believe me until the guillotine blade is at your neck. Then I pray you know Jesus Christ as your Saviour, cuz no one else can help you. In other words, your stupidity will need divine intervention......

Friday, January 10, 2014

There Are No Jobs!

I keep hearing the same mantra chanted over and over. "There is high unemployment because there are no jobs." This is what the US Government wants you to believe because their trained seals bleat it repeatedly.

They are only half right. Many have lost, been laid off or fired from their places of employment because of  Obama Administration policies and regulations.

Take Obamacare for example. It's mandates have forced employers to either reduce employee hours or jettison employees to save money and avoid fines and jail time. Worse still, businesses have been forced to close entirely. We have yet to experience the full force of this debacle called Obamacare.

Yes, I insist on calling it Obamacare because there is nothing affordable about it. Also, it's Obama's pile of poop and he should totally own it, period.

I digress....

I listen to many conservative talk shows and this week a lady (I'll name her Debbie) called and told the substitute host (sorry I didn't catch the name) that the story "that there are no jobs" was bunk.

When asked to explain Debbie told the host that she and her family owned a large farm in California.  She explained further that she was forced to depend on illegal migrant workers to pick fruit and vegetables,  because Americans refuse to do that type of work for such little wages. Debbie also stated she would gladly hire Americans but, I repeat,  "They won't do that kind of work."

When I look back in history and see what the Forefathers and Founders of this great nation went through. I mean sailing over on three creaky wooden vessels. Farming and tilling the land to grow crops. How the West was won. The Gold Rush, Daniel Boon, Louis and Ckark, Seward's Folly, etc. These were not wimpy people. They were not afraid to do back breaking work and get dirty. They were not afraid of the elements, the possibility they might get ill, killed or injured.

I'm mystified as to how our society turned from hard working people to utterly lazy sloths who expect a check from the government. Despite the fact that there are jobs available they refuse to do them.

I'm very sure Debbie's family is not the only farm family who would rather hire Americans to pick their fruit and vegetables.  It would not only help clear off the long term unemployment rolls, but will drastically cut down on the illegal immigrants which flock to this country to do jobs Americans won't do.

After all if the illegal immigrants are more than willing to leave their homes, sneak into the country to do back breaking work, to earn money to feed their families back home.... what happened to American incentive?  We don't have to climb fences and sneak accross the border, so what's our excuse?

In His Service