Who is President Obama?
I know the majority of Americans voted him into office based upon his black skin, and his promises to give them a chicken in every pot. But WHO IS HE?
Isn't it amazing that no one knows where he came from? All of his documents have been hidden, sealed, destroyed or never existed. He marches to the tune of a different drummer, despite the iron clad edicts set forth by our Founding Fathers and the United States Constitution. Who is this man no one can raise a hand against, or stop?
I may be taking a giant leap here, but the Bible calls him The Beast or the Anti- Christ! The man of predition who has given power by SATAN to decive MANY with his tongue using, slick talk and shiny television champaigns. He can lie like fifty-five rugs and people will still believe him and follow him to their death if need be!
The Bible says he speak such convincing lies which will seem true EVEN TO BELIEVERS IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AS THEIR PERSONAL SAVIOR! And will fool even the ELECT had not God shortened the days!
I pray that ALL believers will heed this message and do not fall into that trap. Stop looking at the man and the color of his skin! That is only an outward shell that carries the essence of the real man within. The part Jesus Christ died on the cross to save from eternal hell and damnation! The part of the Christian Jesus Christ will return to rapture (seize out) very soon.
Non-belivers have scoffed and mocked saying "Jesus said he was coming years ago and has not yet come......." But, all signs point to His soon return (read Mathew 24 - the entire chapter)! All of the prophesies have been fulfilled, and the world waits to see what tiny Israel will do.
Yes Israel, the very one POTUS has blatently turned his back on and placed in a predicament where she MUST defend herself! Israel is God's time piece and His wife! Just because she is blind and has gone astray does not mean God has given her a bill of divorce....
If Israel goes to war against any of her Arab/Muslim neighbors, time is up.
The Bible admonishes believers to be OCCUPIED and PRAY for you KNOW NOT WHEN your house holder/ master (Jesus Christ) will return! Blessed is he whom "I" find WATCHFUL when "I" return.
May we be found worthy.....
In His Service