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I am ashamed of the Black Churches. According to the Bible THE CHURCH recieved the charge of going into the hedges, highways, byways, and all the world, and tell the unsaved the gosple of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. They have also been given the charge of preaching the gosple in season and out of season. For the word of God is good for instruction and reproof for the perfection of the saints. This charge was given to ALL CHURCHES, period!
What does this mean? It means the church's mission on the earth is to first preach the gosple of salvation to the unsaved. As my late pastor used to say: "Catch the fish." The second mission of the church is teaching and preaching to the saints. As my late pastor would say, again: "Clean the fish." Why? Because Christians must be TAUGHT how to be Christians. No one is automatically a Christian. One must be BORN AGAIN and like all babies, the new born Christian must be taught how to walk, talk, eat, etc.
The old nature that man was born into the world with is deeply flawed. The Bible says, man is born in sin and shaped in iniquity. As long as Christians are on this earth that old sin nature WILL war against the Spirit of God.
That's called Spiritual Warfare and just like earthly soliders are taught the tactics of the enemy and how to defeat him, Christians must be taught about the Wicked One and how to defeat him, his supernatural host, and earthly minions.
Why do I say all of this? If this is the only reason the church is on the earth, then why in heavens name is the Black church agreeing and advocating the Trayonists? By the term "Trayvonists" I mean those who claim they want justice for Trayvon Martin, didn't agree with George Zimmerman's aquital for shooting the aforementioned that fated night. And unfortunately made it a race issue. A white man needlessly shooting and killing another male Black teen.
They never or refused to take onto consideration the fact that Trayvon punched Zimmerman in the nose, knocking him to the ground, then pounced on, straddled him and commenced to pound George's head against the pavement. George Zimmerman thought his life was in danger amd shot Trayvon in self defense. Period. I'm pretty sure that if a white teen was pounding George's head on the pavement in the same manner Zimmerman would've shot him just the same.
Yet the Black community and the Black churches called Zimmerman's actions racist. If anything the churches should've have the barrier against the tide of insanity instead of throwing gasoline on and fanning the flames. They should've thrown water on the flames with the Word of God and the conviction of the Holy Spirit would've snuffed it out.
How did the Black church fan the flames? By pastors allowing the likes of Al Sharpton and or Jessie Jackson to speak from their pulpits to foment and stir the embers of hate. Or, speaking it from the pulpits themselves.
The pulpit is an extremely sacred area, given to the pastor to preach and teach the word of God. Its not to be used lightly or handed over to just anyone blab foolishness and garbage to God's flock. Yes, the congregation are God's sheep and He called the pastor to be the Under Shepard for His sheep. Why? Because He needs an Earthly vessel to shepard His flock on this mortal plane. This is a high, lofty, and tremendous responsibility, and charge and, I repeat, not to be taken lightly. Why? Because every single pastor WILL give an account to God for every single sheep (member of the congregation) God has given him to shepherd or pastor.
That's why I was shocked and disappointed to see that Black pastors nation wide had delared July 21, 2013 to be "Hoodie Sunday". They had taken to their pulpits wearing "Hoodies" which identified with Trayvon and spoke nothing to do with that great God given commision and charge.
Is it any wonder Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple? Because they had turned his house into a den of thieves! That was not God's purpose for the temple being on Earth. The presence of the money changers were violating God's sacred territory, making it impure and unfit for His use. After all, look what the heathens were doing in their so-called temples back on that time.... No wonder Jesus made a wip and flogged them outta there!
I say the same needs to be done with the Black Churches. Y'all want to foment, speak unrest, civil disobedience and communist politics? It should NOT be done in the churches nor from the pulpit! You have commumity centers, schools, and rental halls to do this in. Let the interior of the church and the pulpit remain sacred so that people who are in desparate need of refuge will have a sacred and clean place to flee, and a safe haven from the storms of life.
I will never be a judge of the men and women God has elected to pastor His Black flocks. But, He does warn, "Woe unto him who scatters my flock". In my biblical opinion, the Black churches seriously need to return to their First Love, Jesus Christ.
In His Service....
Black American Eagle